Clan Leader Emberstar- Black and red tom
Deputy Hightail- Black-and-white tom with long tail and ears
Apprentice- Dawnpaw
Medicine Cat Rosepelt- Rosy-colored she-cat
(Toms and she-cats without kits)
Quickstep- White tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes
Moonleap- Dappled gray-and-white she-cat
Apprentice- Heatherpaw
Blazepelt- Strong tom with a fiery red pelt
Apprentice- Stormpaw
Skyrunner- Long-legged white she-cat
Apprentice- Sunnypaw
Lightstep- Light brown tortoiseshell she-cat
Apprentice- Poppypaw
Leafwing- Mottled brown and black tom
Apprentice- Rainpaw
Lilyflight- White and gray tortoiseshell she-cat
Apprentice- Ashpaw
Silverstripe- Black and silver she-cat
(more than six moon s old, training to become warriors)
Dawnpaw- Orange and very pale blue, with a black blaze and icy blue eyes
Heatherpaw- Tan-brown and white she-cat, with a fluffy tail that resembles a heather plant
Stormpaw- Gray tom with dark blue-gray eyes
Sunnypaw- Sun-colored she-cat with purple eyes
Poppypaw- Black-and-creme tortoiseshell she-cat
Rainpaw- Blue and gray dappled she-cat
Ashpaw- Light gray tom with smoky gray ears and paws
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
Iceflake- White tabby
Petalnose- Brown tortoiseshell, permanent resident of the nursery
(former warriors and queens, now retired)
Goldfeather- Once beautiful she-cat with a vibrant coat and black paws
Shortstep- Black tom with short legs
Clan Leader Darkstar- Very pale gray she-cat with dark blue, almost black, eyes
Deputy Smokepelt- Smoky gray tom
Medicine Cat Whitestreak- Dark gray she-cat with a stripe of white
(Toms and she-cats without kits)
Deepclaw- Dark tabby tom
Owlpelt- Light-colored she-cat
Longfang- White and black tom with abnormally long teeth
Apprentice- Halfpaw
Hawkmoth- Brown and gray tabby tom
Apprentice- Starpaw
Dusktail- Tortoiseshell and white she cat
Apprentice- Frostpaw
Blackcloud- Dark gray she-cat with lighter flecks
Apprentice- Shadepaw
(more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)
Halfpaw- White she-cat with black flecks across her paws, ears, and tail
Starpaw- Pure black tom with white specks like stars running all along his body
Frostpaw- Gray and black tom, was the only kit of his litter to survive the great frost
Shadepaw- Tortoiseshell and gray she-cat
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
Dustcloud- Pale brown tabby she-cat
(former warriors and queens, now retired)
Dim-eyes- Very old tom who is almost blind
Swiftfall- Brown tabby she-cat, very clumsy
Clan Leader Sharpstar- White tabby tom
Deputy Minnowpelt- Gray tom
Medicine Cat Swiftstream- Blue and gray she-cat
(toms and she-cats without kits)
Birchcloud- White she-cat with black stripes on back
Apprentice- Graypaw
Bluestream- Gray-blue tom with blue eyes
Adderfang- Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice- Wavepaw
Sandheart- pale brown tom
Apprentice- Silkpaw
Swiftcreek- White and gray tabby she-cat
Lilypool- White she-cat
Apprentice- Hawkpaw
(more than 6 moons, in training to become warriors)
Graypaw- Light gray tabby she-cat
Wavepaw- Blue-gray and white she-cat
Silkpaw- White she-cat
Hawkpaw- Brown tom with blue eyes
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
Softstream- pretty golden tabby she-cat
(former warriors and queens, now retired)
Coldfoot- Gray tom with white paws
Troutfoot- Brown she-cat with green eyes
Clan Leader Pinestar- Light brown she-cat with deep green eyes
Deputy Softstep- Small-footed tom with yellow eyes
Medicine Cat Grasscloud- Gentle tortoiseshell she-cat
(toms and she-cats without kits)
Hillpelt- Dark brown tabby tom
Apprentice- Smoothpaw
Moorpelt- Yellow-tan she-cat with deep green eyes
Apprentice- Ridgepaw
Gorgeclaw- Powerful brown tom with almost black eyes
Mousetail- Wiry brown tom with a thin tail
Apprentice- Acornpaw
BeetleClaw- Black tom with brown spots
Junipernose- White she-cat
Apprentice- Badgerpaw
Mudtail- Muddy brown she-cat
Apprentice- Mosspaw
(older than six moons, in training to become warriors)
Smoothpaw- Silver she-cat with green eyes
Ridgepaw- Sandy brown she-cat
Acornpaw- Light brown tom with darker brown flecks
Badgerpaw- Black, white, and gray she-cat
Mosspaw- Gray tom
(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
Morningpoppy- Light brown she-cat with darker brown stripes
Palecloud- Calico she-cat
(former warriors and queens, now retired)
Oatclaw- Very pale tom
Swallownose- Tabby she-cat
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