Welcome to Dawn and Dusk, a warriors rp! There are two clans, and the cats that live in these clans have unusual powers and pelt colors, as well as names.
Dawnclan cats usually have pelts the color of peach, yellow, cream, white, lavender, pink, light brown, and light colored pelts. Their powers usually have something to do with the light, fire, and the sun, so keep that in mind when you go to make your cat.
Their territory is on a prairie, with lots of meadows and waving grasses. These cats love to run fast and chase rabbits across the open sky. Their camp is in the shelter of a flower meadow, with gorse bushes sheltering the sides.
Dayclan pelt colors are usually the brightest of colors, such as white, silver, pale yellow, etc. Their powers usually have something to do with snow, ice, light, and dark. Keep that in mind my fellow rpers!
Dayclan lives in the mountains that lay to the left, in the middle of Dawnclan and Duskclan's territories. Their long, fluffy pelts make them adapted to their cold snowy surroundings. Their camp is in an icy cave near the top of one tall peak.
Duskclan cats usually have dark pelts, such as black, dark brown, dark blue, dark purple, red, etc. Their powers have something to do with the night, the stars, the moon, water, and just darkness in general.
Their territory is in a dark forest, with creepy trees looming over them. These cats like to stick to the shadows, and blend in with their surroundings. Their camp is in the middle of a dark hollow in the center of this mysterious forest.
If you're stuck on some powers to do, here is a few examples to take from!
1. Their fur becomes fire when they're angry to burn their enemies.
2. They can control the sun's rays to blind enemies.
3. They can shoot fire and set anything ablaze through their paws.
1. The cat cat turn water into ice at any time
2. When they become angry, they can shoot shards of ice out of their eyes
3. They can make a figure change with light
1. They can make darkness engulf their enemies, trapping them.
2. They can make it rain heavily when they are angry
3. They can heal some cat with water
Again, these are just a few examples, and feel free to come up with your own!
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