Chapter Three
(y/n)'s POV
The day of the audition had come, and I was nearly shaking with nerves. Yes, I'd gone on plenty of auditions and got a part from most of them, but few meant this much to me. Veronica was probably my number one dream role. If I didn't get this part, I was going to beat myself up over it for the rest of my life.
I was pulled from my thoughts as my mom stopped the car in front of the familiar building, and I smiled at her as I grabbed what I'd needed and headed inside. I was smacked in the face with the cool air of the building, and smiled at the familiarity. I'd been here half a million times, I could do this. Mr. James liked me and he thought that picking a song from the show was smart, so I was singing Dead Girl Walking. It's not like I wasn't gonna sing it constantly if I got the role anyway.
I opened the door to the room where the auditioners were waiting, half an hour early as always. Two people were already here, one I recognized well, being Maya after all, and a boy that I didn't know sat far away from her.
I plopped down right next to her and hugged her.
" What're you singing for the audition?" I asked her excitedly. She beamed and pulled out sheet music for "Never Shut Up Again", Heather Duke's solo in the West End version of the show. I nodded. "You?"
"Dead Girl Walking. It'll show off my belting ability and all. Which, man I don't really have but kinda? I don't know, I'm nervous," I ranted, and caught the boy that I didn't know looking over at us with an unreadable expression out of the corner of my eye.
"First, you're one of the best belters I've ever heard so shut it, and second, you've been a supporting character in shows with this company before! Mr. James knows you deserve a lead and this is the perfect one. You'll do great," She assured, taking me by the biceps and aggressively shaking me. I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed her away.
"Hey you, are you new to the company? I've never seen you before," I called out the boy that had been watching us. His eyes widened, and he nodded. He was kinda cute, with neatly styled dark brown hair and pale skin. He wore a pale blue button-up that was cuffed at the sleeves and black jeans. He looked almost as preppy and put together as Carter.
"Oh yeah! I'm David but my friends call me Davey, and you are?" He said awkwardly. I gave him my most welcoming smile I could muster, because this kid obviously needed it.
"I'm (y/n) and this is Maya. Nice to meet ya, Dave," I introduced, and his hands started to fidget with his shirt. He must have been really nervous, and I wondered if I should have talked to him.
"Nice to meet you too. Is this group... nice to new people? I mean, you seem really nice but you could just be the nicer one in the group and I uhh... I'm auditioning for JD, you?" He rambled, wincing at himself a bit. I walked over and plopped next to him, motioning for Maya to come sit at my other side. He seemed shocked, but didn't shrink away.
"I'm going for Veronica. And yeah, they're all super sweet. And if they're not, you can tell me and I'll lecture them. It took me 4 shows to warm up to them and stop being the "shy and awkward new kid" so don't worry if you can't talk to everyone right away," I assured him, looking up at him.
From sitting far away, I didn't realize quite how tall he was, but now being close to him I was aware the he was very tall. As in, his chin was about was high as the top of my forehead. He looked down at me, seemingly warming up to me, but he was still fidgeting with his sleeves.
"How could you be shy and awkward? You're really nice," He said quietly. I gave a little half smile.
"Ya know, the social anxiety does weird things to ya. But you looked like you needed a friend, so I decided to be the person I needed when I first joined, ya know? Before Maya joined, I was alone. Then I forced her to do Legally Blonde with us and eventually I got used to everyone," I explained. He looked shocked at the whole social anxiety thing, and I could understand why. I usually came off as pretty confident, when I was probably shaking a little.
"Uh, hello? Am I dead or something?" Maya butted in, tapping me on the shoulder. I rolled my eyes and decided to be my snarky self.
"Nah, I just wanted to ignore you," I gave her a wink and she clutched a hand to her heart dramatically. But everything we did was dramatic. Theatre kids are extra, as they say.
"How dare you! Davey, can you believe she's such a monster!?" She looked over at him, and he seemed reluctant to play along, but he managed.
"Yeah, I can."
"How cruel. I might have to leave you two and go sit over there," I laughed, and Maya grabbed my arms and held me down.
"But then people will get here and then we'll be alone and I'm awkward!" She whined.
"You're such a baby. Now I understand how I'm like, half a year older," I slung an arm around her shoulders. All my nerves were gone, mainly because Davey had a calming presence.
"So, Dave, whatcha gonna sing for your audition?" Maya, or as I preferred to call her, Mayonnaise, turned her attention toward him, and she grew a playful smirk.
"Oh, I was actually going to sing one of the Emmett parts of Chip On My Shoulder from Legally Blonde. Is that terrible? Did I mess up my chances of getting JD?" His eyes widened and he gained his nerves back, so I quickly rested my hand on his. He froze, and I was ready to retract my hand, but he soon sank into the touch and pulled my thumb down slightly with his thumb. His hands were warm and shockingly soft, which nicely combatted how cold my hands always were.
"You have cold hands," He whispered, as if he'd heard my thoughts.
"Yeah. But uhh.. no! I think you made a good decision. And oh my god, now I can totally picture you playing Emmett. You should do that one day. You totally have the look and voice for him, all dorky nerd of a college kid." I grinned up at him, and he smiled down at me.
He had vibrantly green eyes that I could get lost in. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his. I vaguely registered that other people were coming in and chatting, one by one. But all I could see were his eyes.
(1183 words)
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