Chapter Seven
(y/n)'s POV
After school Tuesday, I climbed onto the over-crowded school bus to get home. It wasn't so bad, at least in the afternoons I normally could sit alone, if not with my friend who was lovingly called Peasant Friend.
Today he decided to sit down next to me, and I only briefly looked up to mutter a customary "Hello" and decided to text Mayo.
I pulled up our conversation and typed in a little "hey" and sent it off to her. She wasn't exactly known for texting back immediately, so I also went to send Davey a text.
"hey nerd, hows it going?" I sent, and almost instantly saw that he was typing a reply.
"Pretty good, but I'm with my friends right now. Could we talk later?" Which made me smile. I don't know why, I was just bored and got rejected for talking to a friend, but he was a nice dude.
"yeah, sure. tell them I say hi!"
Davey's POV
I was most certainly not going to tell them that she said hi, but I texted her a "I will, thanks." because I didn't want her to ask why I wouldn't.
I set my phone down, and Jack was giving me a look. I raised an eyebrow and he playfully rolled his eyes.
"Who ya textin'?" He asked, letting us fall behind. We were all on our way to an ice cream shop we were walking to. Because we were such a huge friend group, there were only about 10 of us. Race was conveniently absent from school, leaving Albert in his place. We also were with Finch, JoJo, Elmer, Kid Blink, Tommy Boy, Crutchie, and Specs, just making our way over.
"Oh nobody, just a friend who wanted to talk," I carefully controlled the smile on my face, just smiling enough for them to know this was a friend, but not enough to tip them off that she was anything more.
"Cool beans. How far're we from the place again?" Elmer asked. Yes, he was dorky enough to actually say "cool beans" unironically during conversation. I couldn't exactly talk, but he was still a huge dork.
"I think it's less than a mile now," Jack said, looking down at Google Maps, which was opened on his phone.
"You think it's less than a mile?" I sassed, quirking an eyebrow. I loved my friends, but sometimes they weren't the smartest people you could have around you.
"I know it's less than a mile," He corrected dully, giving me a deadpan expression. I stuck my tongue out and he did the same before looking back down on his phone.
"So, Dave, think you're getting the role you want in that play?" Finch asked.
"Yeah, I have relatively good chances. The director only had two boys other than me at callbacks, and only one of them was trying out for JD. Another was in the ensemble, but he hadn't quite been placed yet." I explained. The others glanced back to me and nodded.
"We should re-watch the movie, so we can remember what we're getting into when we see you!" Albert offered.
"Yeah, it could be a ton of fun!" Elmer added. I fondly rolled my eyes.
"As nice as that is, you don't have to go to the show. It can be a bit strange to have people you know in real life watching you act onstage, especially when the character is unlike yourself as much as JD is from me." I assured them. I didn't need or particularly want my enthusiastic friend group completely taking over the theatre. The house was large, yes, but so was the group.
"But what if we wanna watch one of our best buddies in the whole entire universe commit murder and have sex?" Kid Blink sassed.
"Tough luck, I guess," I gave a wry smile.
"Dave, we're goin' to the show whether you like it or not," Jack joined in. I shot him a glare, silently saying "you're not helping". Because he wasn't.
"That doesn't mean I can't discourage you from going," I said back.
"But isn't the pretty girl you mentioned earlier gonna be in it?" Albert teased, causing me to inwardly groan.
"Yeah, she auditioned for the lead. Veronica," I answered, desperately trying to keep the blush off my face. I really wanted to keep this secret, but at least I knew them. They were a supportive bunch, and as annoying as it was, they always wanted a member of the group and their possible love interest to get together.
"Perfect, I'd love watching you have sex with the girl you have a crush on!" Tommy Boy teased, and I rolled my eyes and groaned.
"That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard you say, Tommy Boy," I nearly groaned. I was never going to catch a break after being so stupid at lunch earlier.
"Ya welcome," He turned around while walking to stick his tongue out and I did the same.
"Alright, we're almost there so maybe quit annoyin' Davey now," Jack interjected, not bothering to glance up from his phone.
"Yeah, 'quit annoyin' Davey' I added, playfully imitating his thick New Yorker accent. I had no clue how he and the guys had such thick accents since I had lived here my whole life and didn'r sound like that, neither did about half the school.
"I'll let the fellas continue if you mock me again, Jacobs. And I was the one you ranted to about her aftah' auditions, so I advise shuttin' ya mouth." He sassed back.
"Fine, then," I told him dismissively, earning a little glare.
"We're here!" Finch, who had walked ahead with Elmer and Specs called. I glanced behind me to Crutchie, who'd been awfully quiet this whole time. I fell back behind everyone, who had started to run excitedly ahead.
"You alright?" I asked him. He immediately looked up from the ground to me.
"Yeah, just didn't wanna jump on the teasin' bandwagon." He told me kindly. He was a really good person, which made me smile a bit.
"Thanks. Sometimes you just wanna like people and not hear about it every five seconds, ya know?" I asked him quietly.
"Yeah. But I'm sure she's really somethin', if a smart guy like you fell for her. And, just so you know, I would like to meet her,"
"Thanks, Crutchie. It's not you I'm worried about going and seeing the show and meeting her. The guys are great, but they're super energetic. Maybe you can meet her before or after some rehearsal, I think she'd like you," I told him. He gave me a bright smile and nodded, and I held the door for him while walking in.
(1117 words)
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