Chapter Four
Davey's POV
I was laying on Jacks bed. It was Friday night, a mere 3 hours after auditions ended, and I was feeling giddy. I could hardly get (y/n) out of my mind, and I didn't know how I'd managed to even talk to her today, let alone get her phone number on our way out.
"Jackie, can I tell you something?" I asked reluctantly, after our normally comfortable silence felt like too much. He was my best friend, I had to tell him.
"You know you can tell me anything, Dave. What's up?" He responded lightly, only partially focusing on finishing his current project for his advanced art class.
"You know how I went to an audition for that musical today? The one Racer talked me into?" I asked hesitantly.
"Yeah, Heathers right? The 80's dark comedy?" He asked, and I felt him glance back at me while I stared upwards at the ceiling.
"Well, there was this girl I met there. She was trying out for Veronica, JD's love interest," I said slowly, losing what little confidence I'd started this conversation with.
"Oh Davey, do you got a crush?" He turned around and peeked over the bed, looking at me with a teasing smirk. I gently hit his cheek with the back of my hand.
"I do not! Love at first sight or whatever doesn't exist. She's just cute... and talented... and nice, and sweet and she has the most beautiful (e/c) eyes. But we're just friends."
"David Jacobs doesn't do run-on sentences for just a friend," he commented, and this time I sat up and hit his head.
"Well I... it's too early! I can't like her! ...can I?" I knew I probably shouldn't have even brought this up to Jack and all, but I didn't want to keep her a secret.
"Not too early to like her. If you were claiming you were in love, then it's too early. Just get to know her more!" He urged, pushing me and joining me on the bed. His green eyes were bright with excitement. He knew that I hardly ever noticed anyone, so this was a big deal.
"Just, don't tell our friends, okay? They'll never let me live it down," I grumbled, looking down.
"The fellas never let anyone live anything down, Dave. But yeah, I promise I won't til' ya ready," he conceded, and I let out a sigh of relief.
The guys would never stop teasing me about my love life if I let them know, especially since they already did. There was always someone on my case about one nerdy girl from school or another. I was tired of it.
"What's she like?" Jack asked after a while of me staring into space and contemplating the whole situation.
"She's really nice. She made her friend come sit with me and talk to me since I was alone, and she was super funny and sarcastic, and she's really good at singing and acting. And she's short, the top of her head is only level with my chin. And there's something about her that makes it impossible to look away once you make eye contact. And she's really touchy, she had an arm around her friends shoulders and when I got all nervous she put her hand on mine. She's... she's amazing," I ranted, and Jack listened.
He always knew what exactly I needed, and right now it was someone to listen to me gush about this girl. She was just... fascinating? I guess? For how good I normally was with words, no language could scratch the surface on describing her.
"She sounds really nice, Dave. I think you'll be a good match." He said quietly. I'd almost forgotten that I was hanging out with him, sprawled lazily on his bed instead of my own.
"She really is," a soft smile settled on my face. She really was.
Before getting into Heathers was just a fun thing that Race insisted I do for some girl I probably hadn't met yet and an opportunity to get out more, but now I was going to be awfully disappointed if I didn't get JD.
If I got JD, I'd get to make out with (y/n), and even do Dead Girl Walking with her. She was sure to get the role, all the stars were aligned for it. Now I just needed to seriously hope that I did well enough to get a callback, and hopefully the role.
"You oughta be goin' soon, right? Ya mom will get angry if you're not back by 8 to tell her how ya audition went." Jack asked, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I should probably go. It was as nice as ever hanging out with you, Jack. I'll see you Monday," I told him while making my way out of his bedroom.
His adopted mother, Miss Medda, was in the kitchen when I passed through. She smiled at me and wished me farewell, and I gave her as big a smile as normal as I got out.
It was stuffy in their small apartment, so I was quickly swallowed by the cool evening air when I stepped outside. It was early autumn, so the crispness and the pretty leaves hadn't arrived yet but the air was cooling and the sun was starting to set quicker.
I climbed into the car I shared with Sarah and paused for a minute, just in need of a second just sitting still and taking everything in.
Crushes for me were a huge deal and this girl had me smitten in a couple of hours. Normally it took months of knowing someone to even see them as a possible partner. This was weird to say the least.
I just really, really hoped I got the role of JD. I was going to know if I had a callback by tomorrow, and then in a week the cast list would be out next Friday.
After my short period of reflection in the silence, I was ready to start the car and embark on the 10 minute drive home.
(1023 words)
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