Chapter Five
(y/n)'s POV
I grinned at the text that Mr. James sent, letting me know that my callback was going to be tomorrow.
Everything was happening quickly, with my audition yesterday afternoon and my callback tomorrow.
Today was a lazy Sunday, but I probably was going to have to do homework. I didn't remember if I finished it all Friday after school or not.
I was busy watching a Waitress bootleg, so I decided that I'd check in am hour or so. I turned my attention back to the action happening, smiling at how adorable Dawn was. I totally wanted to play her someday.
I thought I was going to be able to settle in and ignore the world longer, but Mayonnaise texted me "I got a cALLBACKKKKK please tell me you did too" I rolled my eyes and looked back at my computer screen, but soon my phone was buzzing and she was calling me.
I answered and saw her face pop up, and I rolled my eyes. I paused my bootleg and looked back to her.
"Did you get a callback?!" She all but screamed into the screen and I nodded.
"Mr. James just texted. Do ya think that means he wants me to play Veronica? If I don't, I might die," I grinned at her. She nodded enthusiastically.
"You should ask Dave if he got a callback too. You two have good chemistry," She wiggled her eyebrows and I groaned. Why couldn't I make friends without her insisting that I needed to make out with them or whatever?
"Jesus, he and I just met dude. We're just friends. But yeah, I'll ask him," I pressed the home button and opened his contact. We hadn't texted yet, but surely he wouldn't mind, right? He was the one who asked me for my number after all.
I typed out a casual "hey, I got a callback and I was wondering if you did too?" and sent it before I could overthink it.
I opened the call again and saw her still wiggling her brows like her life depended on it.
"You know you'll have do Dead Girl Walking with him if he gets cast, right? She said suggestively. I nodded.
"Yeah, but we're just friends. Stage kisses mean nothing, and you've been a theatre kid long enough to know that," I gave her a pointed look. Just then, I got a text from him, saying "Yeah, I did. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess!" I smiled at it.
"Whatcha lookin at? Did Kate send you another weird meme?"
"Nah, an Internet friend messaged me back. I'll get back to her after this call," I said casually. She nodded. I mean, an internet friend probably had messaged back, but that's not what I saw. So I wasn't technically lying.
"Cool, cool. I gotta hang up now, Mom's yelling at me. Later loser!" She grinned and hung up, which would constitute going back to my bootleg, but now I didn't feel like it. I instead texted Davey back.
"so like... what's your favorite color? if we're gonna have to... do Dead Girl Walking and stuff... might as well be decent friends so it's less awkward?? idk I only have 1/3 of a brain cell left"
He started typing back almost immediately, which made me smile.
"Yeah, I guess that would be a good idea. Mine's green, you?"
"I don't really have one. for most people I just say black like my soul but that's edgy and stuff"
"Glad to know that I may end up making out with an emo"
"rude! I'm past my emo phase, okay! I no longer scream along to My Chemical Romance"
"I... don't even know how to respond to that" I laughed a little.
"pfttt you love me anyway ;))"
"You wish"
"no u"
Davey's POV
I grinned down at my phone like a maniac. Talking to (y/n) was so interesting, and she had that unique sense of humor that made her magnetic, it was practically impossible to stop talking to her.
I was in the process of typing back when I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped, seeing Sarah smirking down at me.
"Whatcha lookin at there, buddy? You haven't looked up from your phone for like, two minutes. And you have a goofy smile," She asked, sitting down next to me on my bed. I closed my chat with (y/n) and shook my head, feeling heat blossom on my face.
"Oh nothing, why are you in here?" I asked, but I immediately knew that I sounded too defensive to be believable.
"I wanted to ask how your audition went, you didn't tell me yesterday!" She explained, elbowing me in the ribs. I laughed a little.
"It went really well, actually. I just got notified by the director that I have a callback tomorrow," I told her, smiling. Her face lit up and she pulled me into a hug.
"I told you that you'd do fantastic! Have you been memorizing the songs?" She laughed jovially. I nodded.
"Yeah, I've also been really analyzing the character and what I could do with him. I'm thinking of making him softer and more nice in the beginning, so his spiral to true insanity is all the more shocking. What do you think?" I told her. I was proud of my choice, and hoped she would be, too.
She nodded, giving a devious smile.
"Did ya meet any of the girls who may be playing your love interest?" She must have gotten the reaction she wanted, since her eyes widened when I blushed a bit.
"Ooh, you did! What're they like?!" She nearly screamed, causing me to shush her, eyes darting out the door where our folks could probably hear us.
"Well I met one. She was really nice, she was really early too and went to come sit with me with her friend. She was good, I get the feeling she'll get the role," I told her in a more hushed voice, and Sarah grinned.
"So, you like her?" She said plainly, as if the answer was obvious.
"What makes you say that!?"
"You blushed when I brought the subject up, plus you've got serious heart-eyes. Can I meet her?" She explained excitedly. I shook my head violently. I really didn't need my friends or siblings there witness my awkward crushing.
"No, you cannot! If we get closer as friends, or we decide to rehearse here or something, THEN you can meet her," I told her with a soft glare. I pouted at me but still nodded. It's not like I asked her to bring over and girl that she liked until I knew she was ready.
And I was most certainly not ready.
(1132 words)
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