The Many Deaths of Tim Drake: Part 1
A.N. Tim Drake (both male and female) is my favourite Robin (and character in DC) and I hope I've done him/her justice.
Just a reminder:
Timothea "Tim" Janet Drake = Red Robin = Han So Hee
Janet was born in South Korea and married Jack Drake so Tim has rare blue eyes.
(The blue eyes come from Jack Drake.)
Before I write the story, I need to clarify that the deaths can be interpreted as both metaphorical and literal.
It could be the metaphorical sense of how Tim's inner child had died even though she's only 18.
I made them into a metaphorical sense as to how Timothea Drake became Tim Drake.
And how Tim Drake became Timmy.
And how Timmy became Tim Drake-Wayne.
And how Tim Drake-Wayne never became Tim Wayne but had instead died and became Timothea Janet Drake once again.
Basically, this story is:
Timothea Drake to Tim Drake
Tim Drake to Timmy
Timmy to Tim Drake-Wayne
Tim Drake-Wayne to Tim W- no. Tim Drake-Wayne to Timothea Janet Drake.
Timothea "Tim" Janet Drake was 18 when Tim Drake-Wayne died.
But that is not how the story begins.
It begins when Timothea Janet Drake is 3 years old and feels as though she's on top of the world.
Why, you may ask?
Well, her parents have been home all week, and now they're taking her to go to the circus, like a real family.
(Like the families Timothea Janet Drake sees on TV when Mrs Mac isn't home and her parents have to go away on their trips)
Timothea Janet Drake remembers to stay dignified as she and her parents have a small meet and greet with the Graysons.
"I'm Timothea Janet Drake," she introduces herself as she holds a hand out to the boy in front of her with a beaming smile.
Because all Timothea Janet Drake can do today is smile.
The boy accepts her hand and shakes it as if they were true businesswomen, like her mother.
"I'm Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick,"
Mother is trying hard not to gasp in horror, Timothea Janet Drake muses as she watches her mother twitch slightly after Richard's introduction.
Later when Richard Grayson holds Timothea Janet Drake and delightfully announces, "I'll do a flip just for you, Tim!"
Timothea Janet Drake doesn't say anything against the nickname.
Because that's what it is.
A nickname.
Something her parents would baulk in disgust at but for Timothea- Tim.
For Tim Drake, it's everything.
And so whenever she introduces herself to the children at her school, she introduces herself as, "Tim Drake."
Tim Drake (never again will she be Timothea Janet) sighs in boredom in her bedroom.
It's 9 pm and Mrs Mac has left and her parents have been on a trip to Egypt for 3 weeks.
Tim Drake is 5 and she's alone in Drake Manor with no sibling to play with or babysitter to read her stories, like the ones they show her on TV.
Tim Drake lights up at the idea and goes downstairs to the third living room where the TV is and puts it on.
She skips through all the advertisements until she lands on a reporter talking about Batman being spotted with Robin and leaves the channel.
Tim Drake stares at what could be called a 'video clip' (it's shaky and she knows she can do better).
Tim Drake stares and stares for what seems like forever, but it is only three minutes.
That quadruple somersault that Robin had done.
She's seen it before.
Tim Drake rushes upstairs to her work laptop in her bedroom and searches and searches and THERE!
There on her laptop is a video of the Graysons in their past show before they...
And there's Richard "Call Me Dick" Grayson doing the quadruple somersault.
But if Richard Grayson is the only person who can do it, then.
Tim Drake, aged 5, places her hands over her mouth in shock before she lowers it and whispers in a deathly silent manner, "Richard Grayson is Robin,"
She lets out a disbelieving laugh and repeats her previous statement but louder and louder until she's nearly out of breath from her gleeful shrieks at finding out who Robin is.
Tim Drake freezes and remembers.
She remembers Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson walking away from the press after announcing that Richard Grayson is now Bruce Wayne's ward.
But if Richard Grayson is Bruce Wayne's ward then that means.
Tim Drake at age 5, whispers once more a dangerous secret that hundreds if not thousands would kill to hear, "Bruce Wayne is Batman," then immediately covers her mouth with both hands and looks around to see if anyone heard her.
(But that's impossible because Tim Drake is alone. And she will always be alone. Even in a room filled with people.)
1) TIM DRAKE DIED IN THE SNOW WAITING FOR HER PARENTS AT THE AGE OF 7. (Fun Fact: I started crying from here onwards)
Tim Drake smiles brightly (despite the icy winds nipping harshly at her face ) for two reasons.
1) She got so many pictures of Batman and Robin last night!
2) Her parents are coming home for her 8th birthday!
(They think it's her 10th but Tim Drake is sure that it's just a typo in their email.)
Tim Drake walks home because her usual bus has broken down and won't be working for a while so even though it's 10 miles from her boarding school to her home, Tim Drake soldiers on because her parents are coming home.
For her!
So even though she can feel the harsh winds claw its way into her gloves and try to numb her hands, Tim Drake grips her backpack tighter and walks a bit faster so she can meet her parents.
(A.N. The time it takes to walk 10 miles can vary depending on factors such as your walking speed and the terrain. On average, a person walking at a moderate pace of about 3 miles per hour could cover 10 miles in approximately 3 to 4 hours. Keep in mind that individual walking speeds can vary, so this is just a general estimate.)
1 hour passes and Tim Drake has lost the feeling in both her hands.
Another 30 minutes pass and Tim Drake slumps against a wall as she begins to pant in exhaustion but she can't stop.
Her parents are coming home for her.
She has to make it home.
For her parents.
Tim Drake ignores the shakiness in her legs and soldiers on.
Tim Drake is walking and walking and walking and walking.
And she can't stop.
Her parents are coming home.
It's just a few more minutes.
Just a few more.
And maybe she'll be lucky to get there a little early so her parents won't see her dishevelled state.
But why would she be dishevelled?
All she's doing is walking in the dark.
When did it get dark?
When did the dark make her have a spotty vision?
Death sees the small girl on the side of the road and immediately thinks, oh how young this soul is.
She weighs nothing, Death muses as he picks her up and in some way, it's Death's fault for being so caught up in arguing with the Fates to show some kindness to Tim Drake that he had not noticed that the small girl's body had given up on her and made her collapse in exhaustion.
As Death carries Timothea Jan- Tim Drake to Drake Manor (she had only been 10 minutes away from escaping the coldness of the weather only to enter the cold embrace of Drake Manor), he sighs woefully at how much she must suffer for those she loves and those she has never met but still bleeds for.
As Death carries Tim Drake into her bedroom and lays a warm kiss on her forehead, that instantly warms her body, he sighs once more and promises that her afterlife will be filled with the peace she deserves after suffering so many years of war.
Tim Drake wakes up in her bedroom and blinks the sleep from her eyes.
She sits upright from her bed and rushes out but collapses onto the floor after her body screams in protest and her mind causes the room to spin.
She waits until her heart rate has calmed down before attempting to get up, slowly this time, but still slightly rushes to the ground floor and finds no one.
She speed walks through the manor, never shouting for her parents, only calling out for them every 5 minutes.
Mother would be so disappointed to see her daughter be rendered into a screeching hooligan all because she can't find something or somebody.
After half an hour of searching, Tim Drake walks to the living room and finds a note on the table that is used to host guests.
The note isn't from her parents.
It's from their secretary.
Her parents never came for her.
They never even came onto a flight to Gotham.
They didn't even wish her a Happy Birthday.
The secretary expresses her apologies as she enters Drake Manor and finds Tim asleep in her bed her parents were unable to come because they had to go on another expedition.
With tears falling down her cheeks, Tim Drake smiles (a small, broken smile, unbefitting of a child's face) and puts the letter down before walking back to her room and lying on her bed, all too quiet for a birthday girl who should be laughing and surrounded by love and hugs and birthday presents.
(The numbness her hands had felt has now coated her heart, but instead of the icy weather numbing her heart, it was her parent's rejection of her existence.)
The second time Tim Drake died, she was 11 and wearing Robin colours.
But one thing hasn't changed about the way Tim Drake died.
Tim Drake is once again alone when she dies.
Let's catch you up on the 3 years you've missed since Tim Drake turned 8.
Richard Grayson had stopped being Robin and left the warmth of Wayne Manor for a cold, loveless apartment in Bludhaven.
A new Robin, by the name of Jason Todd, has taken to the skies.
Tim Drake has so many pictures of Batman smiling because of this Robin.
Tim Drake wonders what it would be like to be loved by Bruce Wayne.
And then she perishes the thought and remembers the shouts and arguments that filled the night sky in the last months of Richard Grayson wearing the Robin colours.
But she remembers the way Bruce Wayne looked so happy with Jason Todd.
It reminds her of the pictures she had taken when she first went out with her camera and taken pictures of Batman and Robin and at the same time, they'd turn into Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson.
She prefers the joyous smile that would creep on Bruce Wayne's face and never leave compared to the grief that carved itself a forever home onto his scowling face.
Death is no stranger to Tim Drake.
Nor is it a stranger to Bruce Wayne, who had his parents taken from him at the age of 8.
But Bruce Wayne has never suffered the loss of a child before.
Jason Todd's murder has sent Bruce Wayne to hide in the darkness of Gotham and make the city and the cruellest of its inhabitants feel his pain and his anguish and his grief.
(Somewhere in the universe, Bruce Wayne died at the age of 8 in Crime Alley, causing Martha Wayne to paint a permanent smile of blood on her face and Thomas Wayne becomes a gun-wielding Batman, whose aim is as true as his scalpel from his days as a surgeon.)
Batman has sent 10 people to the hospital in one night.
This may not seem important but the thing is.
3 people died.
Batman had killed.
Batman was killing people.
And Tim Drake knows that Batman must be stopped.
But then she thinks of Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne smiled whenever he saw her at a gala.
Bruce Wayne loved both his sons so deeply and would die for them.
Bruce Wayne was killing himself.
With the amount of blood he treks to Wayne Manor, it's a miracle no one else has figured out his identity.
But it's not only criminals whose blood his armour is coated in.
Bruce Wayne bleeds more than the criminals he beats black and blue.
So Tim Drake left Gotham and visited her sister city, Bludhaven,
Tim Drake goes to Richard Grayson (he doesn't remember her, of course he doesn't, it's been nearly a decade since he last saw her) and demands he take up the Robin Mantle once more.
But Richard "My name is Dick, kiddo" Grayson slams the door in her face.
She keeps going to his apartment and his police desk and even goes to follow him on patrol until one day he tells her, "If you think Batman needs Robin so bad, then why don't you go put the costume on and become Robin?"
And he slams the door in her face again.
But his words resonate within her mind.
Why don't you become Robin?
Why didn't she think of that?
So Tim Drake leaves and knocks on Wayne Manor for the first time and when Alfred Pennyworth, 'Agent A', opens the door, Tim Drake demands that she sees Batman.
Obviously, it wouldn't be easy for her to become Robin because Batman is an idiot who can't see that he's destroying everything that he built as Batman, including himself.
When a bad fight happens with Scarecrow, Tim Drake is let into the Batcave for the first time and when she puts on the Robin outfit, she leaves her green pants on.
Tim Drake saves not only Batman but also Bruce Wayne when she becomes Robin.
Batman needed a Robin.
And so did Tim Drake.
Robin was light and Tim was willing to burn her hands to cradle it.
(Somewhere in the multiverse, Owlman Cackles and The Batman Who Laughs, well he laughs.)
He trains her, pushes her and breaks her bones and he wants Tim Drake gone.
But Tim Drake has made it her mission to save Batman and Bruce Wayne, so she's not leaving.
Tim Drake is a quick learner but Bruce sends her to Paris to be taught by Rahul Lama, a Chinese martial arts master.
But in Paris, Tim Drake crossed paths with some thugs working for King Snake, who was himself being shadowed by Lady Shiva.
Lady Shiva actually joined with Tim Darke and a man named Clyde Rawlins (who wanted revenge against Snake for the death of his family) to help take down King Snake's heroin trafficking in the area.
Not that Shiva was opposed to it for any moral sake, she simply wished to learn for herself if King Snake was truly as dangerous as rumours made him out to be—a good challenge for her talents.
Mother would've liked to meet Lady Shiva, Tim Drake thought when she heard Lady Shiva's reasoning for taking down King Snake.
Together they discovered that King Snake was interested in more than just drugs—he was going into the chemical weapons industry, manufacturing his bubonic plague.
They followed the trail to Hong Kong. While there, Lady Shiva (upon learning the truth as to why Tim Drake was sent to Paris) trained with the young Robin some more, and here she first acquired the weapon that would save her life for many fights to come in the next few years - her bo staff.
King Snake's plan was actually to unleash his plague into Hong Kong to leave it a rotting cesspool before the Chinese reclaimed it from the British. The trio split up when they breached his lair.
Clyde found him first and was quickly killed by Snake.
And Tim Drake, swallowed her nerves when she found out why King Snake was named King Snake after seeing the brutal way he had slaughtered Clyde.
Robin fought and bled and fought but she bled more as she was only 11 and still a beginner in the eyes of the fighting arts.
While he had knocked her out and yanked her unconscious body up by her neck to show to his loyal bystanders, Death had come once more.
Oh, Tim Drake, the playtoy of the Fates who loves a tragic story, he muses as he strokes life back into the child's face and leaves a fatherly kiss on her forehead in farewell.
Tim Drake wakes up and twists her body so she can snap King Snake's entire arm into two and then once he is holding his arm in agony, she picks up her bo staff from the sides and begins whacking his face with her bo staff, both in anger at him defeating her and in panic of him killing her.
(If only Tim Drake knew that she had already been greeted by Death)
King Snake, a man that many had tried to defeat yet many had died by his hands, had been knocked unconscious and had been bested by an 11-year-old girl.
Lady Shiva, after taking care of the bystanders, orders the girl to end King Snake and take her claim.
Lady Shiva thinks her mind and talents are wasted on Batman but Tim Drake refuses to kill King Snake when Shiva orders him to.
Tim Drake returns to Gotham, ready to take her place alongside Batman.
3)CLENCH = 12
A.N. Background: Batman infiltrates a U.S. Military base and discovers that it's a deadly strand of Ebola called the "Apocalypse Virus" or "The Clench." The virus kills in 12 hours while mutating the victim until their eyes bleed. The carrier is Daniel Maris, an agent of St. Dumas who does not know he's been infected.
Ever since Tim Drake had returned from Paris, Richard "Please call me Dick" Grayson had taken to taking her under his wing.
He laughed at his own pun for a couple of minutes, while Tim Drake just stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
(Bruce Wayne will deny to this day that the raised eyebrow of Janet Drake sends shivers down his spine and it's apparently inherited from her child, Tim Drake.)
Rich- Dick now has affectionately named her Timmy whenever he sees her.
Ti- Timmy likes it.
She likes the new nickname and the freedom she gets from releasing the 'Drake' from her name is as freeing as it is when she dons the Robin colours (her colours now) and flies side by side with Batman.
Timmy beams to herself when she sees Batman slowly come out of his shell once more and watches with something akin to awe, whenever she puts a small smile onto Bat- Bruce Wayne's mouth.
Timmy knew that something bad would go wrong.
something bad always goes wrong.
And this time it's a virus.
But it's not any simple virus that can be fixed by taking some rest and popping a pill.
This virus has been affectionately named by the media as the "Apocalypse Virus" or "The Clench."
This virus kills people within 12 hours after infection.
This virus makes people suffer and makes their senses go haywire and makes them tired and cold and unable to wake or move and blood is coming out of Timmy's eyes.
Timmy is 12 when she dies again but something has changed.
She is not alone this time.
Alfred "I thought you were a god-sent angel sent to answer my desperate prayers" Pennyworth is with her.
Escorting her to lie down on the Cave's hospital-like bed in the medbay.
Holding her hand to ensure her that she isn't alone.
Talking aloud to let her know that he hasn't left her, he's only finding the thermal blankets.
Covering her with a blanket so she's no longer cold.
Holding her hand once again, but he's wearing gloves so there is no skin-to-skin contact when Timmy dies.
At age 12, Timmy sees a perfect future instead of Death.
She's with her girlfriend Ariana Dzerchenko and Timmy is in her Robin costume and they're walking up a hill to Drake Manor.
Her father, Jack Drake, is wearing casual clothes and leading them to the door when Timmy smells, "Browned Potatoes and Apple Cobbler."
But they hadn't had that meal since Timmy's birthday party when she was 6 and her parents had actually stayed home to celebrate with her.
And the person who made that meal was none other than, "Mother?!"
Timmy is shocked looking at her mother, Janet Drake, wearing an apron and smiling at her.
The tears come too quickly as she stares at her mother, who she hasn't seen in 5 months and her mother is home and she's cooked and she's looking at Timmy with so much love that Timmy immediately heads to her mother and hugs her tightly.
"I love you," she says desperation in her voice as she begs her mother to say it back.
Please, tell me you love me and I'm more than your heir.
Tell me you love me and I'll forget every forgotten birthday party.
Tell me you love me and I'll love you even harder than before.
But Janet Drake is her mother and her mother has never once told Timmy that she was proud of her let alone she loved her.
And so Timmy wakes up in darkness and tentatively calls, "Alfred? Did you close the lights?"
"No, dearest Timothea. I thought it best for me to bandage your eyes."
"Oh," came a weak reply from weak Timmy who was stupid enough to think her mother would come home for her and cook for Timmy.
But Alfred is reading 'Alice and Wonderland' and his voice is soothing enough for Timmy to forget the perfect dream and breathe softly, knowing that she wasn't alone in the cave.
Alfred was here with her and maybe he was all she needed.
4a) JOKER = 13 (I can't get the crossing out words filter on Wattpad so I went onto Word)
Tim Drake-Wayne never acknowledges what happened to her when she was 13 and tries to shove it down to the deepest part of her mind and lock it away.
(But JJ whispers when Tim Drake-Wayne is alone and she tries to tell Tim Drake-Wayne that JJ and Timmy are family.)
Instead, Tim Drake-Wayne replaces that horrible experience with another horrible experience.
The grief she felt when finding out her mother had been poisoned on Christmas Eve and her father was lying comatose in the hospital, rendering her an almost orphan.
Timmy becomes Tim Drake-Wayne to Bruce but Timmy hides and creates a fake uncle so Bruce would never have the chance to love her and then toss her aside like her parents had done.
(Except they never loved her. They only ever tossed her aside.)
4b)JASON = TOWER =14
Bruce tries to make her stay at Wayne Manor but Tim Drake-Wayne tries to shove a distance between them because she can't handle the pain of being right when Bruce would inevitably see what was wrong with her, like her parents did, and feel the loneliness creep into her bones like an old friend when Bruce would inevitably leave her in a cold Manor once again.
Tim Drake-Wayne is Robin.
Bruce Thomas Wayne is Batman.
The Earth is a sphere and Pluto is a dwarf Planet.
Those were facts.
And another fact is Jason Peter Todd-Wayne is dead.
So how is he standing in front of her with poisonous green eyes that glare at her as if she's responsible for his death?
Tim-Drake Wayne had been sent to Titans Tower ever since Bruce had been worried that the Red Hood would target her.
Red Hood has made noise in Gotham.
Red Hood has stolen Joker's old title.
Red Hood is angry at Batman.
Red Hood has filled a duffel bag with the heads of the lieutenants who worked for Black Mask.
Red Hood wields guns and Bruce flinches when he sees them.
Tim Drake-Wayne is aware that an 8-year-old boy is screaming and crying and begging Batman to leave when Red Hood is near, wielding his guns with sadistic glee.
Tim Drake-Wayne hugs Bruce Wayne and softly smiles at him, saying she'll be sage in Titan Tower.
I mean, what idiot would try to infiltrate Titan Tower where there's a Super, a Wonder, a Flash and a Bat living there?
Tim Drake-Wayne is in her room when her friends fall asleep to the mysterious gas that falls through the vents.
Tim Drake-Wayne is surveilling the footage of Red Hood's most recent footage in Gotham when an uneasy feeling floods her and screams at her to run.
(It's JJ but Tim-Drake Wayne has learnt to silence the daughter of the Joker)
She should've listened to the screaming voices because she could hear a mechanic, almost robotic voice call out, "REPLACEMENT! WHERE ARE YOU HIDING?!"
Tim Drake-Wayne is not in her Robin Colours.
She was at Titan Tower with her friends (The Core Four, they've named themselves), and she did not need to wear masks around them.
At least she never left anywhere without her bo staff.
She stalks the hallways quietly, making sure her footsteps are quiet and no one can hear her and-
"There you are," the robotic voice drawls out from behind her, in satisfaction as if it were the cat that just caught the mouse.
And with dread filling her, Tim Drake-Wayne turned around to see the Red Hood standing there in all his red helmet glory.
"If you run away from a fight you can't win, it's not cowardice," Nightwing and Batman and Batgirl's voices ring through Tim Drake-Wayne's mind, "It's ensuring that you live to see another day."
Tim Drake-Wayne runs and then the chase is on.
(Distantly, Tim Drake-Wayne can hear her phone ringing.)
Red Hood laughs and Tim Drake-Wayne has to bite the inside of her cheek so she knows that Joker is in Arkham and it's Red Hood who is stalking after her and hunting her down.
It's not Joker.
And even if, Red Hood doesn't hurt kids.
Red Hood hurts kids who wear Robin Colours.
Red Hood throws kids into walls and chokes them.
Red Hood throws kids down the stairs of Titans Tower.
Red Hood beats kids black and blue with their bo staff.
Red Hood breaks kids' bones in their arms and hands and legs and the PAIN HURTS STOP IT PLEASE I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU.
Red Hood is angry at Batman and is taking his anger out on Robin.
Red Hood is Jason Peter Todd-Wayne and his soft blue eyes are a poisonous green.
Red Hood is her Robin and he's killing her because she's Robin.
"You're not Robin." Red Ho- Jason hisses and takes out a knife.
"You're nothing more than a replacement for Batman." he stabs her leg and Tim Drake-Wayne is numb to the pain and can only absently watch as Jas-Red Hood uses her blood to write something on the wall.
But she can't see it because when Red Hood threw her down the stairs, she fell face first and cut herself on her forehead sp the blood from the wound fills her eyes and all she can think about is the Clench and the pain and Tim Drake-Wayne is screaming and crying and making any kind of noise because Robin, her hero, has taken up Dadd- NO.
He's taken up Joker's old name and now he's here to finish her off.
"Maybe if I do this, the old man will finally get it through his fucking head. No more Robins." he snarls before he slits her throat and leaves her to choke on her blood.
1 hour.
It's been an hour since Tim Drake-Wayne's heart has stopped beating and the blood is dried on her body.
Tim Drake-Wayne has died for the fou-THIRD.
Tim Drake-Wayne has died for the third time and no one is there for her this time.
Tim Drake-Wayne will think it's Death who holds her body so gently and carries her away but it's Bruce.
It's not Batman, her mentor who had come for her.
It was Bruce, her father, carrying her with tears covering his face and her blood coating his armour.
Bruce ran to Titan Tower ever since the alarm bells had rung and Barry had called him in worry saying that Bart hadn't answered their daily update phone call and wanted to know if Bruce was having the same problem with Tim.
Bart, Tim's friend, has never missed a phone call, even when he was in a battle, he would still pick up the phone.
So Bruce immediately calls Tim and imagines her instantly picking up and telling him that Bart's phone is dead and that he just called Barry back now, but there's something wrong with this idea that Bruce has created.
Do you know why?
Tim Drake-Wayne, Bruce Wayne's first and only daughter, doesn't pick up the phone.
She always picks up the phone, just like Bart, even when she's in battle.
He rings her phone, once, twice, thrice, a fourth time and there's no answer and now he's really worried and the dread he feels is exactly what he felt when Jason had di-
Bruce calls Nightwing and practically demands he come back to Gotham because something has happened to Tim and the last time he didn't call his son, his other son had died alone.
Bruce dons his Batman mask and tells Barry to summon the Justice League to Titans Tower.
When they (Bruce, Barry, Clark and Diana) arrive, the Tower lights are shut and there's no sound.
Dread builds up within them and even carefree Barry is wearing a serious expression, expecting a battlefield to have happened.
Superman says there are only 3 heartbeats.
There's meant to be 4.
Batman scans the Tower with a device and finds that there's a knock-out gas and tells the League members who are affected by the gas to take his spare ones and wear them.
They enter the building and take the elevator up to what the Young Justice calls their "secret headquarters" and stop short of Titan Towers' living room.
Kon-el (affectionately named Connor by his team) had fallen asleep somehow and woken up to see Bart and Cassie asleep in their living room.
But Bart was asleep and still on the floor and Cassie was slumped across the coffee table as if she had been knocked out.
Tim wasn't there.
"Tim," He immediately called out as he stood up and began to look for her, but all he could hear was Bart and Cassie's steady heartbeat.
Not Tim's.
Connor was shaking now but he had to know for certain if Tim had been taken or if she was hiding from the enemy.
He headed for the staircase and stopped short.
A gasp of horror involuntarily left his mouth as he stared at the blood on the walls of the staircase.
Connor snarled now, a sharp and protective one, at the thought of someone causing his Rob to bleed or for his Rob to make someone bleed.
He quickly followed the bloodstains on the walls and went down the stairs until he took a turn and "TIM!"
A terrified shout ripped out of his throat as he was incapable of looking away from the horror scene in front of him.
Tim Drake-Wayne, His Robin, was slumped on the floor, blood coating everything from her hair to her face to her hands and Connor had to swallow the gag at seeing how many bones had been broken.
He hurriedly made his way to her side and went to hold her in his arms before he froze.
She didn't have a heartbeat.
Tim didn't have a heartbeat.
She wasn't breathing.
Why wasn't she breathing?
Connor patted her face gently, "Hey Rob. I don't know if you and Batman have been making a new contingency plan called Plan Possum, where you pretend to be dead, but no one's here now. The bad guys are gone."
There's no response and Connor can feel the tears slipping out of his eyes and falling on Tim's face.
He cupped her cold and lifeless face in his palms and whispered gently, "It's just me, Rob. You don't need to play dead anymore. I'm here. No one can hurt you, now that I'm here. So please, can you wake up?"
A sob leaves his throat and he clutches Tim's body tighter as if he could shield her from the threat that's no longer there.
"Tim! This isn't funny! Wake up!" He begs but she doesn't even move.
She was laughing and smiling with them before she went to her room to work on a case.
This was Titan's Tower.
She was meant to be safe here.
Barry gathers Bart in his arms as he shakes his grandson awake and gives him a gas mask whilst opening the windows in the room.
Bart groggily blinks his eyes, his nose scrunching, "Whs hpnd?"
Barry shakes his head, "We're not sure, Bart. But you need to be alert. Titans Tower has been under attack."
Diana immediately heads to Cassie and shakes her protege awake, giving her a gas mask to protect her from the toxic air, "Cassandra," she breathes in relief, before a warrior-like expression takes over her face, putting Cassie on edge.
"What happened?" she asks as she stands up, looking around the room for her friends but all she can find is WonderWoman, Batman, Superman, Bart and the Flash who is telling him that-
"Titans Tower has been under attack?!" she demands as she turns to her mentor in worry and anger and goes to demand answers but-
"CLARK!" A heartbroken wail (Connor! her mind provides) shouts and the Original Core 4 and two of the Young Justice Core 4 immediately run to the ground floor where the shout had come from and-
Everyone froze at the sight in front of them.
Connor AKA Superboy, is holding a mangled, blood-covered body in his hands and tears are streaking down his face.
But he sees Clark and he holds out the body in his arms as if Clark has suddenly gained the magical ability to heal and all Connor seems capable of doing is whisper, "Please help her. I'll do anything. Just help her please."
Bruce saw the blood-covered words on the walls before he saw Connor.
Connor starts talking and Bruce looks down and no.
Not again.
Please not again.
But no matter how many steps Bruce takes to walk to Connor, the scene doesn't change.
Tim, his daughter, is lying peacefully in Connor's arms.
You would think she'd be asleep had it not been for the odd position her arms and legs were in and with the blood covering her body and face and neck and it's everywhere.
Bruce looks at the words on the wall again and then down at his daughter, and comes to a quick yet horrifying conclusion.
Red Hood, that sick fuck, had committed god knows what horrors to his precious daughter and then used her blood to write this warning on the wall.
Bruce is on his knees and Clark has dragged a kicking and screaming Connor away from Tim as Diana had done to Cassie and as Barry had done to Bart.
All of the teenagers fought against their respective mentors trying to to get to Tim but their mentors were stronger and pushed them away from the horrible scene that would no doubt scar their mind.and his daughter had smiled at him not two hours ago.
'I'll be safe at Titan's Tower, B. I mean what idiot would try to take on a Super, a Wonder, a Flash and a Bat at the same time?'
She hugged him and then she left with her team and that was it.
She was meant to be safe.
Bruce is crying now and all he can do is cradle the dead body of his daughter in his arms and think about how he has to explain this to Alfred.
To Barabara who loved Tim like her baby sister.
To Dick who he had finally reconciled with and it was because of Tim.
His kind, sweet, precious daughter whose dead and she's not breathing and her pulse is-
Oh so slowly as if to not give himself painful hope, Bruce rips his gauntlet off and places trembling fingers onto the arm which hadn't been snapped and placed his two fingers onto her wrist.
She has a pulse.
"CLARK!" He shouted, incapable of caring about the way it ruined his image as a heartless character of the night.
Clark immediately came into the room and went to comfort his friend but Bruce shook his head, "She's alive," he announced, gathering her into his arms and standing up.
Clark's face, if possible, became even more sympathetic but Bruce shook his head, rambling through his explanation with hope and desperation and grief clinging to every word that left his mouth, "She has a pulse. It's faint and I need you to help me get her to the medbay before she loses that pulse,"
Tim Drake-Wayne died alone at the age of 13 at the hands of the Red Hood, but when she woke up, she wasn't alone.
Relieved faces of the batfamily (Alfred, Barbara, Jim Gordon, Dick and Bruce) stared down at her from everywhere and her friends (the Core Four) were wailing with relief as they were kneeling near her hospital bed.
Dr Leslie Thompkins pushes everyone out of the way and helps Tim sit up against the pillows and helps her to drink water through a straw.
Bruce is looking at her like she's some sort of miracle.
Tears well up in Tim Drake-Wayne's eyes as she stared at the man in front of her and she knew that he wouldn't be the same.
Not after this.
So she doesn't tell him.
She selfishly keeps the secret that Jason Todd is Red Hood to herself until Bruce can figure it out for himself.
And instead, Tim Drake-Wayne lets out a sob and clings to Bruce, who's surprised at first before he hugs her back fiercely, whilst being mindful of her injuries.
Everything else can wait.
His daughter was alive, and nothing else mattered.
A.N. For those who don't know me, I start most (if not all) of my one-shot stories with Angst and timelines.
I love Jason Todd don't get me wrong but Tim can't possibly have survived a stab through his leg, his bones being broken and his throat being slit and no immediate medical aid was given to him.
Jason Todd killed Tim Drake in pit rage so yh.
Dick Grayson was Robin at age 8 but I can't have that because that would mean Tim was 1 year old when she went to see the Grayson's fly (and fall) and Tim Drake canonically found out that Batman was Bruce Wayne because of Dick Grayson quadruple somersault so not only does Tim have to be old enough to be in Dick Grayson's Robin era, she has to be old enough to see Jason's Robin era.
Jason's birthday is 16 August (Detective Comics #790). After six months of training, Jason officially becomes Robin, and he is Robin when he is 12. Therefore, Jason is no older than 11 when he meets Bruce.
So if Jason Todd became Robin when he was 12, then Tim must've been 8.
Dick Grayson left Wayne Manor when he was 18 and became Nightwing when he was 18.
So if Jason Todd became Robin when he was 12, that would mean there's a 6-year difference between him and Dick Grayson.
In Final Crisis, Dick's depicted as 12 when his parents die. This would make him about 9 years older than Tim, and 7 years older than Jason. That would mean when Jason was adopted, Dick would be 20, and he'd be 22 when Jason died, and 26 when he became Batman.
When Bruce is 8, Alfred is immortal.
When Bruce is 25, Dick is 12, Barbara is 13.
When Bruce is 32, Dick is 18, Barbara is 19, and Jason is 12.
When Bruce is 35, Dick is 21, Barbara is 22, Jason (technically dead) is 15, and Tim is 11.
When Bruce is 39, Dick is 25, Barbara is 26, Cassandra is 20, Jason (now undead) is 19, Stephanie is 17, and Tim is 15.
When Bruce is 40, Dick is 26, Barbara is 27, Cassandra is 21, Jason is 20, Stephanie is 18, Tim is 16, and Damian is 12.
When Bruce is 41, Dick is 27, Barbara is 28, Cassandra is 22, Jason is 21, Stephanie is 19, Tim is 17, Duke is 16, and Damian is 13.
I have mixed feelings about the Drake family because, on one hand, Jack and Janet can be the best parents for Tim because their parents were abusive or neglectful and then on the other hand you have them being extremely neglectful to the point of leaving Tim alone for 8 months and forcing their child to grow up and they only ever thought of Tim as their heir and never their child.
Always an heir, Never a child. (To Jack and Janet Drake)
Always Replacement, Never Baby Sister. (To Jason Todd)
Always Pretender, Never Older Sister (To Damian Wayne)
Always Crazy, Never Right (To Justice League)
Always Detective, Never Robin (To Ra's Al Ghul)
Jack and Janet Drake have the potential to give you the fluffiest story or the most angst-filled type of story that puts you in a state of depression.
A03 has it all tbh.
Just use the tags: Good Parent Janet Drake, Bad Parent Janet Drake, Bad Parent Jack Drake or Good Parent Jack Drake.
Then there's also Dr Dana Winters, Jack's girlfriend after he and his wife had gone through an assassination attempt.
(Janet was poisoned and Jack was in a coma.)
I don't trust anyone who doesn't like Dana Winters.
Just some fic recs. = Tightrope by Sadieladie08 on AO3
Summary: In most universes, Tim Drake gets taken in by Bruce Wayne. But in others, he gets adopted by Dana Winters and sometimes Dana Winters meets Dick Grayson. = The Step-Parents by IzzyMRDB on AO3
Summary: Dana Winters and Dick Grayson are the same age, both pitching in to look after Tim after Jack Drake died. (Really, nobody should've been surprised when they started dating.) = Timothy Wayne-Winters by faithms on AO3
Summary: Tim casually pulls his hair out of its ponytail and puts on a beanie and some hipster glasses. Clark had the right idea after all, hiding in plain sight works much better than people would assume, and once he unzips his jacket to reveal a superboy t-shirt he looks as far away from Timothy Drake-Wayne as he possibly can while still looking like Tim.
Or Tim Winters, he whispers to himself a little giggly. = Happy Families Kill People Too by raven_of_hydecastle on AO3 (I LOVE THIS FIC)
Summary: Jack Drake loves his wife and son, even if they're giant, fire-breathing reptiles that would rather eat the mailman than pick up a package. That's fine, he can deal. It'd just be nice if they weren't so territorial. Then they could be on the same continent without trying to kill each other. Oh well, every family has their challenges. The Drakes just happen to be more homicidal than most.
Feat. Dragon Tim and Janet's loving (but murderous) relationship, Jack's ongoing attempts to be a good dad, and the Waynes getting increasingly concerned about Tim's home life after he becomes Robin = Every Good Gold Digger by roseandgold137 on AO3
Summary: Janet Drake had it all - a loving husband, an adorable little boy, a mansion, and a promising future in archaeology.
So why did she feel like something was missing?
Don't let your husband stop you from finding your wife
(This is the best fanfic for Janet - except for the ones where she and Slade Wilson are siblings and it's chaos.)
My headcannon is that sometimes Bruce catches sight of Tim and is transported back in time to the Gala where someone tried to fuck with Tim and watched as Mama Dragon fucking ended their bloodlines.
BAMF Janet Drake who took no shit and raised her kid to do the same.
Tim was raised by a girl boss while Jack Drake was the useless man following after his wife.
The sound of her heels still haunts the nightmares of gala attendees.
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