Chapter One-The Woodland Realm
The she-elf walks carefully through the forest, knowing better than most the fragility and consequences of footfalls on paths. Her black feet are a shade darker than the earth and make no sound while she walks through the greenwood.
Long curls of satin cascade from her scalp down her back, blacker than the midnight sky. Her robes are made from the darkest jade silk and a crown of silver starlight perches just above her dark brow. Far above, her companion soars in the blue sky, no doubt a crisp wind ruffling his dark amber feathers. It has been an age since she walked through these trees, despite that, the branches still bend slightly as if to run their leafy hands over her head and vines seem to tickle her toes as if to say hello.
"It is good to see you as well, old friend," I whisper affectionately, smiling as the breeze rushes at me as if attempting an embrace. These woods aren't home, but still, they call to me as all great forests do. The earth sings with roots diving deep within it and rumbles softly with life because of the amount of them.
Lothlorien was the place I once called home, but it has been a longer time still that I have not. While my mother had made it quite clear what her thoughts were about travel, especially for a princess, I couldn't possibly go without. Lady Galadriel didn't bless my journey, but I didn't need her blessing. I managed quite well on my own. Well, I look to the sky, with some help.
Figuring it may do me well to acquaint myself with elven kind once again, I've decided to visit the elves of Greenwood. A mischievous grin takes over my face. At the moment I'm sneaking into the King's land undetected. It isn't exactly allowed, nor am I doing it completely on purpose. Sometimes it's just too easy and too tempting. So, I move silently in the great shadows the trees provide and avoid the sentries' eyes that linger too long in the trees and infrequently on the ground. It is only when I've reached the gate, do I foresee a problem.
At last, there are a few guards on the ground standing guard at the gate. Hesitantly, I take the crown off my head and tuck it away in my pack. Let us see what the king thinks of a stranger wandering into his kingdom. I step into the sunlight and walk confidently to the bridge. Shouts of surprise come from the guards as I cross it and a few withdraw their weapons.
"Seere." I bid them peace as well as my friend in the sky. Unsurprisingly, their weapons don't lower but their eyes do widen. It's not every day an elleth with skin dark as obsidian is seen. I'm able to walk almost to the door before they seize me by my arms.
"How did reach this point without being seen? Who are you?" A guard with long russet hair asks me in a disapproving tone, dragging me through the halls rather unceremoniously.
"I have come to visit King Thranduil," I announce smoothly. The brown-haired elf curls his lip up at my request. Roost nearby, dear one. I send the thought to Taryn in the air, then continue the less than smooth path with my two...escorts. While I'm dragged, I take the time to observe the Woodland Realm. I'd visited the woods before but had never been within the walls. Everything is carved from wood or stone and the lanterns cast an amber glow across every surface. The air is warm and welcoming, but I've heard rumors of the King's frigid disposition from long ago.
We come upon the throne room and I nearly laugh at the contrast of the king to his kingdom. He sits on his throne like a white gem in a gold crown, perched elegantly on his wooden seat with a rack of antlers the size of two bears stretching out to the side. Pale skin, pale hair, and pale blue eyes all adorn the king of the Greenwood, ironically wearing robes of the iciest blue. His son, however, wears a jade green like me and is looking at me confusedly. I shake my head slightly at him. The guards finally release me in the middle of his circular throne room hovering above all his kingdom. All guards leave us at the wave of his hand and finally, the ice king stands. My lip aches to curl in distaste. I do not care for this high and mighty King.
"A stranger appears at my door requesting to see me. Interesting." Unsurprisingly, his voice is as cold as his visage and cuts through the room like a knife. Once he's floated down the steps and stands in front of me, I stick my chin out a little in defiance, refusing to incline my head in any form of respect. "One who avoided all of my guards until the front gate." His last sentence is a little sharper and I watch Legolas struggle not to laugh.
"Strangers can sometimes present great opportunities, do they not?" I pose, surprising him with a question. His lips part slightly and close, then part again.
"And what opportunity do you present, elleth?" He asks coldly, but I see a bit of interest in his eyes.
"My presence, King," I tell him with a half-smile on my lips. He blinks and his brows furrow slightly in confusion. "I have returned from a long journey and wondered if I might burden you with my company for some time, King Thranduil." Confusion and curiosity twinkle in his eyes at my wording, but that was precisely my intention. The king already thinks himself above most, why not cater to that belief to get what I want?
"Offer a place to rest to an elleth I do not know, who breached my defenses without receiving a single blow, nor giving one?" He postulates, the smallest curve of his lips now decorating his face. I pose a challenge and I doubt that's something he sees often.
"That should make it easy to agree. I hurt none of your soldiers although I had every opportunity to." That smile nearly grows, but he tamps it down. I make note of this. What could cause such an icy king so...fearful of smiles?
"And why should I believe you? You haven't even gifted me your name." He asks a bit haughtily.
"Aeolin," I reveal my name, smirking at the little narrowing of his eyes. Still, he remains frosty. "Have I given you a reason to doubt my word?" He paces in a circle around me as I await his judgment. Legolas stands quite still and quite silent in his spot under the throne, but he has a sparkle of laughter in his eyes I doubt he usually has in this place.
"Your request is granted." He grants, but there's an edge to his voice. Honestly, I'm surprised. He moves back in front of me and puts a long finger under my chin to lift my dark brown eyes to his bright blue. The touch sends a trickle of warmth through me. "But tomorrow I will call upon you and you must do exactly as I say." My dark eyebrows pop up at the suggestion. Curiosity swirls in my mind and I resist reaching out to search his. I will play fair, this time.
"Your request is granted." I decide to risk it. The corner of his sharp mouth turns up just a little and I watch his eyes linger on my eyes before he spins around to face his son.
"Escort her to a spare room. Guards at the door." Legolas doesn't respond, he only marches towards me and takes my arm to gently escort me out. I feel the King's eyes on me until we've turned a corner and are hidden from his sight. Instantly, Legolas and I turn towards one another and enter an embrace.
"Lin. You didn't happen to mention you were visiting in your last letter. What are you doing?" He asks with a tint of amusement and concern in his voice.
"It's just a little test, my favorite little sapling. How are you?" I ask when we separate and continue walking side by side down the hall. He's gotten taller since the last time I saw him so we're nearly the same height while before he was just to my chin.
"I am well. Certainly, better now that I see your smiling face." I smile at the sweet ellon. We'd met in the woods of Lothlorien, my home, and became fast friends despite our difference in age. I'm a few hundred years younger than his father in fact, but his father never traveled. Legolas was the one who came to handle the trade and the business with us, not his father.
"You flatter me, Legolas." He shakes his head.
"I speak only the truth, mellon. This is your room." Legolas gestures to the door and opens it for me, standing at the doorway. I wrap my arms around his neck again before stepping into the room.
"I'm very grateful for your hospitality. Send the guards, so you don't get into any trouble with your father." He nods with a bit of a tired look on his face. "We'll talk more tomorrow. Goodnight." I smile softly at him when he smiles at me.
"Goodnight, Lin." He shuts the doors quietly behind him and I lock it. Sighing, I turn around and survey the room. Like the rest of the kingdom, everything is carved from wood and stone. Tree branches have been manipulated into archways, one leading to a balcony and the other to a bathroom with steaming springs within.
Immediately to the left is a full dresser and directly across that is a bed, draped in white cotton and silk. The room is symmetrical, so the balcony and bathroom are directly across from one another. A small, secluded courtyard lies in the view of the balcony and is covered with the barest amber light of the setting sun. It's a beautiful room. "Goodnight, Taryn." I bid him and feel the barest brush of his mind against mine before he falls asleep. I disrobe until all that's on my skin is a cream slip, then slide into the bed.
* * *
The morning welcomes me with a ray of sun caressing my cheek like warm fingers and it's easy to rise with such a beautiful morning awaiting me. After making sure my crown is tucked in my pack in a drawer, I get dressed in movable hunting gear made of green cloth and caramel-colored leather. Instead of disturbing the guards I can hear sighing outside my door, I walk to my balcony where a tree is just to the left. "Would you mind helping me down?" I brush a branch gently with my hand and smile when the wood seems to creak in a sigh. "Thank you."
Jumping lithely on the thin branch, I hurry to the trunk and grab one of the thicker branches. Slowly, I move to the end and the tree bends over a little until I'm only a couple of feet from the ground. I drop and smile as the tree rights itself. "Taryn!" I reach out for him but only have to look up to see him coming in for a landing. It has always shocked me how quiet he is when he lands, but all I hear is the tiniest whoosh and brush of feathers as the Great Eagle lands. His wind blows my hair back and finally, he looks over at me, his body hilariously taking up most of the courtyard. "Have you fed yourself yet, my friend?" I ask as we both bow deeply to one another.
"I have not. I wished first to see that you were safe." He responds and I shake my head at him.
"Have you not yet learned that I can take care of myself? I will go hunt for you." I gently press a hand to his feathered chest and smile.
"You have not yet eaten yourself, young one." He reminds me and I shrug.
"Friends come first, do they not?" I ask aloud and scurry back up the tree and onto the balcony. Here, I am a little taller than Taryn. "I shall return soon. Roosting for a while may be wise." His golden eyes consider me for another moment before he nods and takes to the skies once again. Quickly, I put on my bow and arrows, daggers, and sword. Then I open the door to find two bored guards. "I wish to see Prince Legolas," I tell them firmly, stepping between the two expectantly. Both seem uncertain about this and obviously weren't briefed about what to do. Luckily, they don't have to.
"Aeolin!" A joyful call turns all our heads.
"Legolas. Care to go hunting with me?" I ask and fall into step beside him to leave the guards behind. He already has his bow and arrow on him, so I figure that's where he's headed anyways.
"I believe you'll be going hunting with me. You are the guest." He smiles cheekily at me and I nod once in resignation.
"Perhaps, but I still think I'll be catching more game than you." I tease and watch his pale eyebrows go up.
"We shall see about that, Lin." We jog to the entrance and sprint out into the wood like two fawns free from their parents. Legolas takes to the trees and I follow for some time, then pause and press my hand to the earth.
"Speak with me, middle earth." I request and feel the energy of the trees around me, Legolas in the near distance, and a small herd of dear in the opposite direction. "Thank you." I rise and take to the trees. Just as I thought, I soon stumble across a herd of deer and fortunately, there are two large stags in contest within shooting range. Quietly, I withdraw two arrows from my quiver and aim while within the shadows of the tree I'm in.
After a deep breath in, I let them fly. Both find their marks in the stag's hearts and the very ground seems to shake with the hurry of the rest of the herd to flee. Once they're gone, I descend from my perch and retrieve my arrows, wiping the blood off on the grass. "Thank you for your sacrifice." I murmur and look up when I hear a scoff. I find Legolas in the tree I was just in, a handful of white rabbits in his hand.
"Perhaps you have won this time, mellon." He allows and I fill the quiet wood with laughter.
"I won't tease you if you help me get these back. There is something I must do." I suggest and Legolas joins me on the ground with a large smile. He pulls two sleighs that were attached to his hip and hands one to me. After a couple of minutes tying the kills down, we make our way back to the Kingdom. Strangely enough, no one questions us when we take the stags to the courtyard. Except for Legolas, that is.
"What in the name of Valar are we doing?" He asks for the third time and I roll my eyes.
"Patience, young one," I tell him as we finally come to the green grass and green leaves of the courtyard. It surprises me sometimes how mature Legolas is, or perhaps how immature I am. Truly, I'm only a couple of hundred years younger than his father, but I'm not sure we'll ever get along. We untie the stags and set them on the edge of the yard, then I call for Taryn. My eyes are on Legolas to make sure he doesn't draw his bow, but I needn't have worried. Legolas looks at Taryn with all the respect and awe he deserves. "Taryn. This is Prince Legolas Greenleaf. He's helped me find you a fine breakfast." I wave a hand to the deer laid to the side. Legolas bows deeply to Taryn and I can taste Taryn's amusement in my mind. We'd been together so long our minds are inextricably linked now.
"It is a great honor." Legolas remains bent until Taryn speaks.
"I've heard many things about you, young Prince." Legolas straightens like grass after being stepped on and shoots me a shocked look. "It's a pleasure to meet one in line for the Woodland throne." Taryn continues and Legolas absolutely glows with excitement.
"We'll leave you to eat, mellon." Taryn bends down and I tenderly caress his cheek, then watch as he grabs the stags and flies toward the wood. I turn back to Legolas who is still staring at the sky as if to get one more look at Taryn. Hunger strikes me and I'm forced to place a hand on his shoulder. "Would you care to have breakfast with me? I'm famished."
Well, hello, hello, hello. This is my first Middle Earth-centric fic that's relatively long, so please be gentle! And, as much as I love all of you sweet geeks out there that know everything about LOTR, the Hobbit, and the Simarils, I am not one of you. I don't know everything, but I tried. Hopefully, despite my mistakes, you'll still enjoy the story! Thanks for reading!
Continue on, fair readers. ;)
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