Amber's p.o.v
I walked up to Daniel and Colin's house. I knocked on the door. Colin opened the door and smiled. I smiled back. "Hi Colin!" I said. "Hi Amber!" He said. He gestured for me to come in. I walked in. They have a really nice house. "Daniel is in the game room" Colin said. "Ok" I said. He led the way. I followed him. Daniel was playing GTA. I smiled. "Hi Daniel." I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey!" He said stopping his game and hugged me. I hugged back. "So what are we gonna do today?" I asked. "Wanna walk around town?" He asked. "Sure" I said.
Time skip
Me and Daniel have been walking around for about an hour. He showed me some really cool stuff. And I did to. I showed him all the historic spots in the town that I remember. Like were the old Erie canal was and how it worked. Right now we are walking around in some woods near a cemetery. There was some rustling in some bushes behind us. I looked around. I don't see anything. But... I can sense an evil presence. I noticed something standing up in the bushes. It's a talk shadowy figure. I growled at the figure. It didn't seem to be phased. It started to approach Daniel. I quickly moved so I was in front of Daniel. It pushed me into a tree. I was on my hands and knees. And when I looked up I saw the figure holding Daniel up by his throat. I growled and attacked the figure. It dropped Daniel and fought back. I bit it's neck. It screamed. I let go and teleported to hell. Taking the figure with me. I growled at the figure then teleported back to Daniel. He was shocked. I changed back into my human form. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded. "What was that?" He asked. "It was a demon. I sent it back to hell. We should get out of here." I said. He nodded. We began to walk out of the woods.
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