The Day After
Estelle's POV
It's the day after the champions were chosen and I was getting a headache with all the chatter in the great hall at breakfast. So I left and turned into a cat. I went to the clock tower courtyard and climbed the tree. Before laying down in the sun. Soon I hear someone approaching and look down to see Cedric.
I frowned in confusion swishing my tail. What's he doing out here? He looks around before climbing the tree. "Finally some quiet" he says with a sigh.
"You ok Cedric?" I ask after turning human. He jumps startled an nearly falls out of the tree. "Careful" I tell him. "Wouldn't want to hurt yourself before the first task" I state.
"Estelle" he says surprised. "How long have you been up there?" he asks looking up at me.
"I was here first" I state. "Let me guess, you needed a break from all your friends?" I ask with a teasing smile.
"Yeah" he admits running a hand through his hair. "What's your excuse?" he asks me curious.
"Wanted some quiet, the great hall was giving me a headache" I tell him.
"You and me both" he chuckles. "How do you feel about Harry being a champion?" he asks me curious.
"Don't know, hardly know him" I state. "Other then him being my fugitive uncle's god son, we've never talked" I tell him. "I guess a part of me is concerned, I mean the tournament is dangerous and he's only fourteen. How do you feel about it?" I ask him.
"I don't really care that he's in the tournament, but a lot of my house is upset by it" he states.
"Understandable" I say nodding my head. "Looks like Harry is avoiding the great hall also" I state looking at the lake.
"What makes you say that?" he asks me confused.
"He's at the lake with Hermione Granger eating toast" I tell him. He climbs up beside me and looks at the lake squinting.
"Wow, you have great eye sight" he states. I just shrug. We look at each other and I blush at how close we are. I back away and nearly fall out of the tree. But Cedric catches me around the waist. "Careful!" he shouts concerned.
"I should probably get going" I tell him.
"You don't have to leave" he tells me.
"I have to write a letter before class" I tell him and climb down the tree. "Good luck in the tournament" I add before rushing off. Once out of sight I turn into Raven. I always felt more confident as a cat. I return to the courtyard to see Cedric frowning in deep thought.
I climb up the tree behind him. And sat down. Watching him. "Meow" I meow catching his attention. He looks at me and smiles. He'd seen me as Raven before, he believes I'm Patricia's cat.
"Hey Raven, Patricia know you're out?" he asks me. He went to pat me and I backed away. "Right, you don't do pats" he states. He leans against the trunk. "I just had a weird encounter with Estelle" he tells me. I tilt my head.
"I swear, you seem to understand me" he chuckles. "Estelle seems like this awesome girl and I enjoy talking to her. But then something happens and she becomes super shy. Then runs off" he explains. "I wish she was more confident, she has nothing to be shy about. She's beautiful, smart, funny and caring. Why does she get flustered around me?" he asks.
I just meow and he chuckles shaking his head. "Look at me asking a cat for advice. If my friends saw, they'd laugh" he states. Suddenly we hear someone approaching and look do to see Neville.
"Estelle, are you out here?!" he calls.
"Hi Neville!" Cedric says jumping down from the tree.
"Oh hi Cedric" Neville says nervously. "Have you seen my cousin?" he asks.
"She just left, said something about sending a letter" Cedric tells him.
"Great, thanks" Neville says grateful. "Anyway good luck in the tournament" he tells him before leaving. I sneaked away and ran towards the owlery. I turned human again and slowed my pace. "Estelle!" Neville shouts behind me.
"Oh, hey Neville" I say with a smile. "Have a good summer?" I ask.
"It was ok" he answers. "Will you help me with studying again?" he asks me.
"Of course cousin, we're family" I remind him with a smile. "How was Harry last night after what happened?" I ask curious.
"Confused, he swears he didn't put his name in" he tells me. "Everyone thinks he did though and Ron seems to not be talking to him at the moment" he states.
"Strange, they've been best friends since first year" I state.
"I know, I don't get it either" he mumbles. "Anyway, who are you writing too?" he asks me curious.
"Oh no one, just had to get away from someone" I tell him.
"From Cedric?" he asks with a smile. I blush lightly avoiding his eyes. "You have a crush on Cedric Diggory" he sings.
"One more word out of you dear cousin and I'll jinx you" I threaten. He chuckles and slings an arm around my shoulders. He'd had a growth spurt over the summer and now we're the same height. Won't be long until he's taller then me.
"I love you cousin" he tells me and I smile.
"I love you too" I tell him. "Anyway, need help with any homework now?" I ask. He nods his head. We returned to our common room and got our book bags. Before going to the library. Where we both got started on our homework. Me correcting his every so often.
Picture above of Cedric Diggory.
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