Hogsmeade Trip
Estelle's POV
Ever since the second task everyone has been teasing me about Cedric or asking me questions about him or the tournament. The Weasley twins are the worse. So I've been going around as Raven to avoid people. But that also comes with challenges of it's own. As everyone has seen a photo of Raven with the champions. So everyone wants to try to hold me or pat me. It's so annoying. My friends think it's hilarious.
Anyway, today is the first Hogsmeade visit since the second task. Cedric couldn't come as his team was having a friendly quidditch match with Ravenclaw's team. I would have stayed to watch. But Cedric told me to go have fun, that he'd try to meet up with me asap. So here I am as Raven walking through Hogsmeade alone.
As I pass Davish and Bangs I see something odd behind the fence. A large black dog. What was odd about it, was it's grey eyes, the fact it had a newspaper in it's mouth and appeared to be waiting for someone. Being curious I slowly approach it keeping low to the ground. He spots me and we look eyes, he tilts his head as I swish my tail. Ready to run if needed.
It does nothing and I jump onto the fence so we're eye level. His eyes almost look human. But I've mesmerized the registry and there is no animagus matching this dog's description. Just then I hear footsteps approaching and turn to see it's Harry with his two friends. "Whose the cat?" Ron asks confused.
"It looks like Raven" Harry tells him. "She appears out of thin air" he states. "Hey Sirius" he says to the dog and I freeze in shock. Sirius, as in Sirius Black? My uncle. I look at the dog then take off running, not knowing what to think.
Once out of sight, I turn human. Then just go walk around trying to think. When I hear someone call my name. I turn to see Neville and smile. "Hi cus, what's up?" I ask him.
"Your mum is here and looking for you" he states. I frown in confusion. "She's at the three broomsticks" he tells me. I thank him and head there while he went to meet his dorm mates. I spot mum straight away and she pulls me into a big hug. We get a round of butter and grab a table together.
"So why the surprise visit?" I ask her curious.
"Can't a mother visit her daughter without a reason?" she asks me.
"They can, but you must have one otherwise you would have written a letter" I state.
"I am here for a reason" she tells me. "Happy early birthday" she says handing me a box. "It's been in the Black family for generations, cost them a fortune to get. Regulus gave it to me on our wedding day and now I pass it to you" she states. I see a beautiful necklace the pendant resembles a phoenix.
"It looks like a phoenix" I state.
"It's said to hold a soul of a phoenix and has the ability to resurrected someone. At least that's what Regulus told me, no one has ever figured out how it works or if it's true" she states.
"Thanks mum, it's beautiful" I tell her and put it on. "Though most give one a watch for their seventeenth birthday" I remind her.
"Your grandmother is covering that, just don't tell her I told you" she tells me and we giggle. I then take a sip of my butter beer. "Now what's this I hear about you having boyfriend?" she asks me. I choke a little on my drink.
"You read the paper" I mutter.
"Yes, though I would have rather heard it from you" she states. "So is it true you are dating Cedric Diggory?" she asks me. I nod my head. "Where's he today?" she asks me.
"Hogwarts, there's a friendly match going on between hufflepuff and ravenclaw. I was gonna stay to watch, but he told me to have fun. Saying he'd try to meet me here" I tell her.
"Estel" someone says and I see Cedric. He smiles and joins us kissing my cheek. "Been looking everywhere for you" he states.
"Did you win?" I ask.
"Yep" he says proudly and mum clears her throat.
"Oh right, Cedric this is my mum Fiona. Mum this is Cedric my boyfriend" I say with a smile blush.
"An honour to meet you Mrs Black" Cedric says.
"Oh call me Fiona dear. Mrs Black was my mother in law and she was a horrid woman" mum tells him. Shaking his hand. "I hope you are taking care of my daughter" she states.
"I am, though she does not make it easy" he tells her.
"Gets that from her father and uncles" mum tells him.
"I'm not that bad" I grumble. They chuckle and Cedric kisses my forehead. We all have lunch together. Before mum leaves. I then explore Hogsmeade with Cedric. Sirius the dog completely forgotten from my mind.
(Cave) Third Persons POV
"Anyway Sirius, we've meet another Black" Harry states.
"Her name is Estel, apparently her father was your brother" Hermione states. Sirius gets a flash back on a little baby girl in his brother's arms at their uncle's funeral.
"Sirius, you ok?" Harry asks concerned.
"I never knew her name, she was only a baby when I saw her at my uncle's funeral. What's she like?" Sirius asks them curious.
"Great according to Neville" Ron tells him.
"She's a gryffindor sixth year and is dating Cedric Diggory" Harry adds.
"She always helps Neville study when I can't, no one has a bad word to say about her" Hermione states.
"She sounds wonderful" Sirius says sadly. Wishing he could have seen her grow. But now he may never know your niece.
"I thought we could tell her your innocent" Harry tells him.
"No Harry, no matter how much I wish I could meet my niece and get to know her & my sister in law. We can't risk me being seen and sent back to Azkaban" Sirius tells him. "Before I walk you three back, who was that cat?" he asks.
"Raven, she belongs to one of the sixth year gryffindors I believe. She wonders around the castle freely like most cats, though we've seen her around more often then usual" Hermione states.
"She hates pats and being picked up. But seemed fine laying across Cedric's shoulders while we had our photo taken in November" Harry explains.
"She's a strange cat" Sirius matters. "Anyway, lets get you three back to Hogsmeade. I'll try to grab another paper while I'm there" he states. He turns into Padfoot/Snuffles and leads the way back down the mountain towards Hogsmeade.
Picture above of Snuffles and picture on external link of Fiona Longbottom-Black. Dedicated to @alexoliviasmith03 for the creation of the phoenix soul gem that can resurrect one person.
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