Chapter 35: I Cus Out A God. And I'd Do It Again.
I sat huddled in Will's arms sobbing. He had come charging through the door at the end of the hall. He pulled me into his chest as I sunk to the floor, my legs giving out, and I sobbed.
Artimis, Apollo and Asclepius had thrown themselves into the room when they had come out of the god proof conference room. Will held me tight, as we sat in the middle of the floor of the hallway as nurses and Nymphs ran back and forth, they seemed to forget about us and just ran around us. I could hear Raph screaming and yelling, I heard things crashing and breaking. And it just made me cry harder. My heart felt like it was breaking.
"Oh dear dear dear. He's fighting it hard. He's a strong one."
I ripped out of Will's arms so fast when I heard her voice. The angry fire that burnt in my chest glared so fast. I felt like fire in my bones. Everything around me seemed to slow down and everything faded except her and me and Will.
"What the hell did you do to us?" I hissed.
Standing in the hall in front of me, in another new dress and heels and her hair flowing around her shoulders stood a passive and rather calm looking Aphrodite.
"This is quite the story! Maybe of the century? People will talk about this for years to come! And I did nothing!"
"I'm a daughter of Light. I know when I'm being lied to!" I hissed, the anger was bubbling at the surface.. I swallowed hard keeping the furry and rage inside right now.
"Nora..." Will whispered. "Be careful!"
"You think I would do that?" She indicated a perfect manicured hand towards the room where Raph was.
Raph let out a wild yell. I flinched. The knife twisted again.
"Tell me how I did that?" She challenged.
"You fucken ruin everything!" I snarled. "You manipulate and twist what love is. You say love is a choice? You told me it was a decision, a commitment, a choice. But did you?"
"Did I what?"
"Give me a choice? Did you force me into this? You force people into it love and relationships. You twist and turn what love actually is so it's not a choice."
I took a step towards the goddess. Will tried to grab my arm but I yanked it away.
"Back off Will. This doesn't involve you."
"No. I watched with great interest though. Your path of love was always interesting."
"Stop! My love life is none of your fucken business!"
She folded her arms and gave me a warning look, but I couldn't, she had screwed up something that I cared for. She had messed with me and now Raph, I didn't know what was wrong with him, but it clearly wasn't good. And if I lost him I would rip Olympus down. I understood where Luke was coming from right now. To be messed with like Barbie dolls, to be ignored, to have your parent take a look at you and toss you off a mountain because you don't fit. I was angry. The gods made me angry.
"You were so disgusted by your husband chosen for you, you didn't even bother to get to know him. He didn't fit your beauty standards, despite being a god. So you slept with his brother. And how many kids with your husband's brother did you have? And then had how many other affairs with mortals did you have? How many demigod children do you have, you know the cabin is full? But it's okay for the goddess of love," I sneered the last few words, "it's okay for her to have affairs. And it's gods forbide Ares, your side man, has his own affairs with mortals."
I saw her jaw clench and her eyes flashed dangerously. I knew I was in danger, but the anger kept bubbling and kept me going.
"Oh don't be so high and mighty. I saw the way you looked at Raph, the anger and disgust on your face, how you couldn't even bother to use his name. He was the son of a mortal your side man slept with! So when Ares, your-not-husband had an affair with Eos, you got all jealous and mad and threw a temper tantrum and cursed her."
"You better tread carefully child."
"I'm just getting started, goddess."
I spat the title at her. The hall shook with angry thunder. I felt the tingle in my hands I felt the anger and bitterness and resentment. I felt the sorrow, every time I heard Raph scream or cry I felt the knife twist a little more, maybe I did love him. I didn't know- but I knew whatever this was it hurt so bad. It hurt as much as loosing Percy. And I knew I would go to the ends of the earth if I knew the people I cared for, the people I loved, were in trouble.
"I know you cursed the poor young Eos, not the man who did the seducing, no. You cursed the woman. Because you're petty. And then every man who falls under her curse is also cursed. So yes you did do this. So go in there and fix it!"
"I cannot. His mind is struggling. Not my area of expertise." She shrugged simply, like I was just going to accept that and skip off for tea. The rage and anger and fear flashed again, making my hands heat up again. A gold fire spread from my finger tips and up my arms.
"This is your fault!" I screamed. "all you had to do was leave me alone like I asked from the beginning but now you've ruined everything! Because your jealous pettiness and constant need to be entertained!"
"Last warning Eleanora!" She threatened.
"Fix it!" I yelled and pointed a glowing hand at the door.
"You do love him."
I had the tears now leaking down my angry hurting face. "Fix him!"
"He's too love sick. I cannot."
I let a long scream out that was full of bitterness and pain. I felt my hands glow brighter and hotter, it almost hurt. Almost.
"He's in the throngs of Lovesickness. Eos was inside his head, she did more then just whisper sweet nothings. She was ment to use him to get to you. He's unable to be with you, his love. He is struggling with hinself. Whatever Eos did to trap him inside his own head...I cannot do anything."
"No! You just won't because you're enjoying this! You horrible evil vial old hag, you-"
"Enough!" Aphrodite shrieked.
Her appearance changed, she was wild and crazy, her face twisted in rage almost as angry and vial as when Raph was in the middle of battle. Her hair turned black, and looked to be wild and on fire, her eyes flashed in fire. I saw the dark dangerous and twisted side of love in her eyes. I saw how love could drive a person crazy, twist their rational thoughts. Her voice made the walls thunder again. She threw her hands back. As she thrust them forward, I brought my own fire engulfed hands up to block.
Two people stood in front of me suddenly with a flash and a crack that shook the building foundation Blocking water curse Aphrodite tried to throw at me. I had thrown my hands out to block Will. I had bright golden red hot fire blazing up and down my arms and engulfing my upper body. Apollo and Artimis stood blocking Aphrodite.
"You will regret this!" She shrieked.
"You've done enough." Artimis said calmly. "The boy can't not be fixed here. And you know the girl is right, why do you think she reacted so rashly just now?"
"She insult me!" Aphrodite shrieked, pointing her french tipped finger at me.
"The boy who has her heart is fighting his own heart and mind right now. I haven't seen the sickness this bad before. I think she has enough of a valid reason to be upset. Does that not speak of Love?" Artimis nodded her head at the door, she had lowered her arms and was standing straight and tall, but wasn't ready for a fight anymore.
"Haven't you always said, people do rash things in the name of love?" Apollo asked.
I had hot tears streaming down my cheeks, Will gripped the back of my shirt in stunned silence.
"Keep her away from me." She snarled at Apollo.
"Then leave her and her love life alone." Apollo said with some sharpness to his Voice. "Actually, you can leave ALL my children alone!"
Aphrodite stomped her foot and balled her fists and spun on her heel and disappeared. Instantly, like the rest of the world was unpaused, everything came back to life. The random weird noises of the nursing home, Raph yelling and fighting. Nymphs and orderlies hustled by.
Apollo sagged slightly. He took a deep breath and turned to me, his eyes were wild and filled with fire but disappeared instantly and filled with worry.
"Ella? My Ray is sunshine?" He reached for my shoulders and held on tight. I frowned, I heard the first part of what he said but after that my hearing cut off. I saw his mouth moving but I couldn't hear his words. I shook my head and blinked furiously a few times. I focused back on his face and narrowed my eyes.
I saw his eyebrows pull together and I saw his lips moving but I couldn't hear. I opened my mouth but the words got stuck in my throat. My eyes went wide in horrible realization.
Aphrodite had cursed me.
My hands flew to my mouth. I backed away, ripping from Apollo's grip, shaking my head. I could see the realization dawn on Apollo's face, and then the anger. I hoped it wasn't at me.
He stepped forwards and raised his hands and started to wave and do all kinds of weird gestures. I pulled my eyebrows together, and frowned. I focused on his hands and as I did, I realized I understood everything perfectly.
He asked me if I could hear. He paused and looked at me. I shook my head no. He then signed if I could talk. Again I shook my head no. I raised my own hands and started talking, fluidly, like it was just a natural ability.
"She cursed me! I hate her! I hate her so much! She ruined everything! What did I do? Dad! It hurts! It hurts so much! Make it stop!"
He was looking at me like I just confessed my undying love to him. I saw his baby blue eyes full with tears and a smile so gentle and kind spread across his face. He raised his hands.
"You...called me dad."
I froze. And then I dropped my arms and my body sagged. I just looked at him with tears in my eyes. He stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, he cupped the back of my head and for the first time I hugged him back. My fists tangled into his t-shirt and I held on so tightly, the back of his shirt was balled into my fists and I sobbed silently. I cried myself out and pulled away. He smiled gently at me.
He raised his hands and spoke, "you got guts kid. Know how many people have wanted to tell her off?"
Artimis smack him in the arm and glared at him. He shrugged and winked at me. Raising his hands he spoke again.
"Asclepius had done what he can. We will let him rest. But he needs Dionysus... Mr D. God of broken minds. Together they can fix him. I am sorry my sunbeam."
"But he can be fixed?"
Apollo smiled. And nodded.
"Thank you!" I sighed. "Thank you!" A fresh wave of tears filled my eyes.
"It is time for you, my girl, to sleep. I need a word with my son." Apollo signed.
As soon as he said that I felt exhausted. My body felt heavy. Apollo cupped my face and kissed my forehead. He nodded his head and Artimis gestured for me to follow.
"Find me?" I signed to Will.
He nodded and I followed Artimis down the hall to a room that seemed to be set up for overnight visits. There was pajamas and a small bag of travel sized toiletries waiting on the bed. I thanked her as well.
"Thalia and I will also be staying for the night. Good night child. You did good. Get some sleep."
Her sign wasn't as fluid but I understood. I nodded and she closed the door. I got ready for bed and took my vitamin D and Iron pill and lay down. I was asleep within minutes. Only stiring when Will crawled into bed beside me. He took my hand and spelt out against my palm so I could feel it, in the dark, "good night sister."
I squeezed his hand and snuggled closer into his side the silence was deep around me. It seemed to press in on me. Will hold me tight and we both fell asleep.
I watched as Will went into the room the next morning. Asclepius had got Raph to sleep and thought it best, at the moment, to keep me from view, seeing as I set off the wild panic attack or whatever it was. So to keep him calm, I sat huddled in the corner doodling on some paper I found. While Will went in to talk to Raph and Asclepius. Silent tears slid down my face.
I jumped, scattering markers everywhere when a hand tapped me. I couldn't hear anything, not even my own breathing, so when I wasn't on my guard apparently, I didn't hear Thalia approach.
She was saying something over and over, her face showed worry. But I couldn't understand her words. I focused really hard on her mouth.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She was saying.
It's okay I signed. Thalia handed me a throw away travel mug of hot cofee. And sat down beside me on the ground. She didn't say anything but just sat with me while I sipped the coffee and doodled. I don't know how long I sat with Thalia beside me, but Will came out and stood for a second. Thalia elbowed me and pointed. I watched as he ran a hand down his face and looked around. I looked back down at the picture I had doodled. He obviously saw me and came over he crouched down in front of me, tapping my knee. I looked up nervously.
"We need to take him back to camp. Mr D can help. And with Helios brought back and resting peacefully...our quest is over. We can go home now." He sighed so fast, like he had spoken sign language for his whole life.
"Okay." I signed back with a sad smile. "Let's go home."
Will held a hand out and hefted me up. I scooped up the markets and threw them into my bag and shoved the picture into my pocket. I slung the backpack over my shoulder. Thalia got up and nodded to Will and went to go talk to Artimis. I followed Will down the hall and out the front door. It was a dark and gloomy day. There were so many storm clouds it looked like the sun didn't rise.
Apollo was storming up and down the parking lot, yelling at the parking attendants. I frowned and looked at Will. He shrugged. I watched as Artimis and Thalia came running from a small building, I guessed was the security building. Apollo was shouting and throwing his hands towards the fancy red car behind him. Will clutched my arm and he looked horrified.
I frowned not knowing what was going on. I grabbed Will's shoulder and shook him. Letting go I signed fast and furious.
"What's going on? Why is Dad mad?"
"His engine is gone! Someone snuck in here last night, past the guards and video surveillance."
"Someone took the engine? The sun chariot?"
Will nodded. "The four horses that pulled the chariot, Dad had them as the engine for the car. You know horse power in an old muscle car?"
"Ya I get it. Hilarious. Haha. Who took them?"
He shrugged, and pulled me over to the car, just as the building door opened and Raph was led out by Asclepius. He looked like Raph, dressed in his camouflage pants, combat boots black shirt, his sword hung on his hip. But it wasn't the same Raphael Marino I had come to know.
He looked pale and his dark eyes darted around. I watched hopelessly as he walked down the steps, the confidence, the smugness the cockiness was gone. This wasn't the same Raph. I bit my lip to keep from crying. Raph glanced in my direction and he froze. His eyes went wide. My vision narrowed into him. I couldn't hear things around me, but I could hear the heart beat in his chest. I could feel the struggling ragged breathing. His pulse quickened. I could see clearly the twitch in his eye and the tremor in his hand. He started mumbling something
Asclepius brought him to another car and gently ushered him into it. I watched as Raph shook his head and sat slumped in the back seat.
Artimis and Apollo were arguing about something. I felt the thunder in my bones. Zeus. Clearly he wasn't happy about Apollo's car theft. I hated these big bully gods. Zeus, Aphrodite, Hera, Areas...they were all bullies and just used us demigods to do their bidding, to do their dirty work. To clean up after them. I growled in frustration. I didn't know what the problem was but clearly Apollo was upset. I tapped his shoulder and he looked at me.
Once I had his full attention I started signing.
"I will get them."
He shook his head.
"No. Eos took them. Hyperion wants control of the sun. You can't go, you'll fall under her curse. Will will take Raph back to camp. I will go."
"But-" he tried to sign I smacked his hands away, cutting him off.
"No Dad. Tell me where and I'll go. I have your blessings and now I have Helios's...Sol's blessings. And I'm angry. I will get them. I won't have someone else I care about fought in a curse. I'm already cursed dammit!" I didn't realize my hands were glowing as I signed and I was growling.
"Raph needs help. And so do you. Will will get Raph back. And I'll help you."
"Your very stubborn."
"I'm impertinent." I corrected with a smug smirk. He flashed a smile and chuckled.
"Fine. I'll make sure the boys get back to camp."
"We will go with the girl." Artimis said and singed at the same time. "You owe me brother!"
Apollo sighed and then nodded. "Ya ya what else is new?"
I turned to Will and have him a hug.
"Be safe."
He nodded and sighed, "you too. I will get to actually read the book of remedies from Asclepius! He gave me one of his books he's memorized!"
I smiled and cupped my little half brothers cheek. He definitely was taller then me now. I looked past him and saw Raph watching me. The knife twisted. I swallowed the sadness and smiled at him. I slowly inched closer to the car, the door was still open.
I couldn't talk or hear, but his mouth was moving. I waved hesitantly. And he just blinked at me confused.
I pulled out the marker doodled paper and the pen. I wrote something down quickly and handed it to him. Focusing hard on his lips as he spoke.
"You're leaving."
I nodded.
"To... help"
I nodded again. It seemed like a struggle for him to get words out.
"Go...kill stuff...Geek."
A silent sob caught in my chest. Tears clung to my eyelashes. Raph was there he was stuck in there. Before I could over think everything I had his face held in my hands and I brushed my lips against his.
Her doodled drawing. 🔆
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