Chapter 32: Will and I Become the Masters of Charades
We wondered through the crowd, not really knowing what we were looking for. We wondered through a garden, the flowers were beautiful. Many of the bushes were shaped and cut into beautiful shapes. Our heads were on the swivel, no idea what we were looking for. We wondered back into the big court yard where the band was playing. We stopped beside one of the big white Columns that lined the court yard.
"I'm going to get some food. I'm hungry!" Will whispered. "I'll keep my eyes and ears open, see if there's any gossip. You guys stay in this area."
He let go of my arm and disappeared into the crowd. I went to protest but he was already gone.
"Oh Styx." I grumbled.
"He'll be fine." Raph rumbled.
"I...I know..." I stammered, I had lost my words again when I looked over at him. His eyes sparkled in a cocky amusement. He turned towards me, his huge muscles buldged as he folded his arms and leaned his shoulder on the white marble. He was only about a foot away from me. I could feel his warmth. He tugged the gold headband crown from his head and tossed it on the bench beside us.
" what?"
His dark eyes bite into mine. "How are you doing?" He asked gently.
I opened and closed my mouth. "I...I don't know. This is so weird. We're all dressed up and at a party when I know camp is in danger still, I lost my brother...and-"
I stopped talking. I looked down at the small space of ground between us. I felt a warm rough hand gently being laid on my bare arm.
"You really are glowing, Sunshine. Like Will said. It's like...from the inside out."
"Oh. Well...I don't mean to. I don't know what's going on."
"It's like the light right before the sun rises. Or a warm summer glowing sunset."
" it..weird?" I whispered looking up at him, now really worried about what he thought.
"No. Your glowing. It's... beautiful. Like gold ichor of the gods."
"Oh. I- I can't see it. Is it-"
I didn't finish when a man stepped up and almost stepped in front of Raph. I had to back up he was so close to me. His smile was cocky, but not like Raph's this guy was absolutely twice my age, probably way older if he was immortal. But the look in his eyes was not one that made my stomach flutter.
"You must be a goddess!"
"No. And you interrupt my conversation." I folded my arms tight across my chest.
He looked over his shoulder and jumped, like he only now noticed Raph. Raph was glaring down at the guy with such a menacing look the guy paled and backed away. Raph glared after him. I stepped back, closer to Raph. He looped an arm around my back drawing me closer.
"Wanna dance?"
I'm not sure but I think my heart skipped a beat and my face turned bright red.
"The Son of War knows how to dance?"
"We're about to find out." He shrugged.
He kept his hand on my back, almost possessively and steared me into the middle of the courtyard where everyone was dancing. He spun me towards him and held my hand in his, and I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"I've uh...never done this before."
"Me either."
"Never attended a school function, especially dances..."
"Me either."
He surprised me again, for being huge and muscley, he was smooth and graceful. A girl about my age, maybe a year or two older, with a tight dress with a low cut neckline kept her eyes glued to Raph. Her dress was pretty, warm shades of pink, orange and yellow fadding into each other. Her hair shone with reds and gold's and warm browns. She was pretty, but the cold calculating look sat uncomfortably with me. She watched Raph for a while but then eventually disappeared. And I breathed easier.
"Everything okay?" He asked, his lips tickled my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Yeah..." I smiled up at him. His dark broody look softened when he spun me and I let a small giggle escape.
"Is that my daughter?"
I jumped and let go of Raph and turned. Apollo was striding towards us, the crowd parting as the god walked through the crowd. His arms were spread wide and he had a huge dazzling white smile on his always happy face.
"It is my beautiful little ray of sunshine!"
"Apollo." I nodded, he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.
"How are you doing my radiant one?" He cupped my face gently. It was odd, he was a cocky kind of a dumb blond, but his bright blue eyes actually seemed to hold real concern in them, and when he asked how I was doing, it felt like he genualy wanted to know and would actually listen. Unlike Aphrodite who could care less, unless it was not drama.
"Umm...well... Long story. Can tell me if Percy is okay? I had some kind of dream vision."
"Percy...." He muttered and pulled his eyebrows together. He was quiet for a moment. "I cannot...sense him. I do not know. You would have to ask my dear Uncle. Hades would know. But he's not a crowd person, so he stayed home tonight. Letting Persephone do her thing. I am sorry my sunbeam."
I felt my heart sink. I knew my dream was true. It was too real not to be. I blinked hard trying to keep the tears at bay.
Apollo said nothing but pulled me back into a hug, and it was much gentler and more tender.
"Hold fast my dear child. For it is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." He whispered into my hair. When he let go he gave me a gentle smile and wiped the lone tear. "You truly are glowing. Like the sun, like the dawn,!"
"Huh. Imagine a daughter who looks like her father." I replied, with a small eye roll.
"I know!" He beamed at me and then winked. "It's crazy how all my children have that sunkissed glow to them! My blessing of course! They are all ridiculously good looking!"
"Apollo...have you any word on Helios?" Raph asked.
"Ah! My handsome young lad! I see you have indeed kept your word and kept my daughter safe!"
Raph nodded. "Yes my lord. It's been my honour."
Apollo leaned towards me and whispered, "okay, I approve. He's got the looks, the honour of a captain...and I saw the way you giggled."
"Apollo!" I gasped. He chuckled. I had no idea what was going on right now. I was dancing in the middle of a quest, laughing instead of fighting monsters, my godly parent seemed concerned and I was craving more of his attention and concern, and now he was teasing me like Dad would have done if he was here. I swallowed hard. I suddenly missed him. I hope he wasn't too worried. I'd never disappeared for more then a few hours. This had been days. Weeks almost.
"Rumor has it," he leaned in closer to Raph, "that he may be here. However, bad news. His sister is too."
"Oh Styx!" I grumbled. "If she did kidnap him, she would probably keep him close...but I thought...she had lost him somewhere in the Labyrinth?"
"No idea my ray of sunlight. She's a bit of a brat, you know how spoilt kids can be. Always whinning about wanting to borrow the keys for her dates."
"We heard she was trying to get Helios to join her and persuade you to hand the keys over. You better keep those keys chained to you."
"Always do my dear." He winked. "I lost em once. Artimis came in clutch and extended the night.... Now we have winter solstice!"
"Of course that was the reason for the winter solstice, the longest night because you lost the keys." I rolled my eyes.
"Mortals love it! So does my sister, who's around here somewhere." He turned in a circle. "Also...where is your brother?"
The crowd around us had starting to stare. At first I wasn't sure what was going on. I tried to ignore it. But then a young Nymph in a purple gauzy flowy dress with lavender woven into a crown in her hair nervously tapped Apollo on the shoulder.
He turned and gave her a dazzling smile, "what can I do for you beautiful? A poem? I apologize, I left my autographed pictures at home!"
" that your...your new Prophetesses?" She squeaked. "Did you bring her to tell us the future?"
"What? Oh. No, no no no!" I said shaking my head, I took another step backwards, and bumped into Raph's chest.
Apollo looked slightly uncomfortable for a moment. "My dear flower," he said, "this is my Daughter. Eleanora."
She gasped loudly, "Apollo has a daughter?! That is incredibly rare! She must have the gift of prophecy! She must tell us!"
"What? Oh no!"
"Oh! Umm." Apollo stammered.
"No!" I cried. "I'm...I'm just here to enjoy the...uh flowers."
"She has my blessing!" Apollo cried, waving his arms.
"She must sit and tell us what she sees!" The purple nymph cried. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away with surprising strength. The nymph dragged my up onto the dias. She waved her hand and got the crowds attention and the music came to an awkward halt.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Nymphs, dryad and Naiads, Sytrs...we have Apollo's daughter who has his blessing! She will now tell us prophecies! We thank you lord Apollo for bringing her to us!"
I shook my head. "No, no you guys don't understand... I don't!"
"Don't be silly dear!" She said rather forcefully. A three legged stool was eagerly brought up and placed down and I was shoved down.
"I don't have any gift of prophecy!"
"Tell us!" A man yelled.
"Go on!" A woman from the crowd cried.
I looked around desperately. I saw Apollo standing in the crowd looking sheepish, he shrugged at me. I scanned the crowd trying to find Raph but he disappeared. A red flag went off, where could he have gone. He was huge, and he wouldn't have left me.
I scanned the crowd again. I spotted a tall guy in armour at the back of the crowd. I couldn't tell if it was him or not. I couldn't see his face. His head was bent down to a woman in a tight dress, they were leaving out the door to one of the many flower filled corridors. I narrowed my eyes. The door closed and my sight of them was lost.
I felt a stab to the heart. Was that really him? I really had hoped not, but I couldn't find him and he was right beside me before I was dragged up here. Something caught my eye.
Will. He was waving his hand, when I saw him I deflated, I needed someone. He elbowed his way through the crowd and stood beside Apollo.
"Please of priestesses! Tell us what you know. Please bring forth your gift of foresight!"
"Ummmm." I stamared.
I looked back at Will he shrugged and I saw him mouth "make it up!" Apollo beamed at me and gave me a thumbs up.
"All right." I started slowly. "Those...those who want...line up..?"
There was a wild scramble and people pushed and shoved and I felt awful for a few reasons. One, because I was lying about all this and people were going to believe me. And two, this was Persephone's party and I didn't want to take away from her party.
"Please do not be angry with me Persephone! I'm very sorry!" I mumbled.
"Please oh wide one! Tell me what you will!" A man said coming up to me on his knees. I glanced down at him, and thought how absolutely rediculous this was.
"Umm. Your lucky number is 4." I said.
He wailed and threw his hands into the air. He bowed and kissed the hem of my dress.
"Thank devine lady! Thank you devine phrofitess!" He bowed again and backed out of line and the next person dropped to their knees and crawled forward.
"Please, oh daughter of Apollo, who is blessed with The Sight. Tell me!"
"What you fear most...will not come true."
He gasped and just about fainted. He was pushed aside and the next one came scurrying forwards. For the next twenty minutes the line kept moving. After a few minutes I was looking to Will and Apollo for help. They would mouth a few words and I would put them together.
"You will..." I looked at Will. "Uhh be fat?" I said.
The woman gasped.
Will was mouthing a word frantically.
"Cat! Cat! You will have uhh a cat! Yes. You will own a cat!"
"But...I'm allergic."
"Don't came at me! You want a prophecy I gave you one!" I snapped.
I was rapidly running out of ideas. I was watching Will and Apollo.
" will be fourteen dollars and fifty six cents poorer tomorrow."
"Burnt bridges...uhh..."
I frowned. I couldn't figure out what Will was mouthing. I frowned and cocked my head. Will looked like he was now trying to act out the rest of the sentence. He waved his hands around and looked like he was melting into a puddle on the floor.
"What in Hades underpants?" I muttered looking completely lost.
"What? That doesn't make sense! Burnt bridges are Hades Underpants?"
My eyes snapped at him in frustration. "Look here buddy! I don't make these up! I just give em." I shrugged, "also, not my job to interpret them. NEXT!"
A few more people later Will and Apollo were acting out the whole thing. I saw Apollo pretend to pull back on an invisible bow and shoot Will. Will grasped his chest and stumbled a bit and then pretended, from what I could tell, be in love with, and bat his eyelashes.
"Love will hit you an arrow to the heart."
I watched in horrified fascination as Well jumped on Apollo's back, like a buggy back ride, and Will threw his arm around like a lasso.
"You will feel like you have the weight of the world on your back....but you will catch what you desire."
Will scrambled off his back and picked up a glass and threw his head back and downed the water.
"You'll be an alcoholic. Learn from Mr D."
"Mr D." I frowned at the woman. "Oh right, Dionysus. Don't drink like him, not good for your health."
Will shook his head frantically and waved his hands. Apparently his water break was not part of the game of shirades. Apollo turned the key to an imaginary door of something, he pretended to buckle up and hold a steering wheel. Will, for whatever reason stood in the way and Apollo ran him over.
"What in Tartarus?!" I huffed under my breath. I turned to the next person.
"Don't stand in the way of other's dreams... especially if their dream is to learn to drive." I said hastily.
I really needed to get out of here. This was stupid and a waist of time. I needed to find Helios. I needed to get back to camp. I wasn't paying attention anymore.
"Uh, the man is your enemy." I said absent mindly.
There was an immediate ruckus. A few of them men in the courtyard were dressed in black, including Will. People started to run in the opposite direction of them. The next person was in front of me.
"Umm, the woman in red is your love."
Immediately there was a few fight over a few of the woman wearing red dresses.
"The person you came with will betray you."
The man turned to a woman and threw a finger out and screamed, "I knew it! I know you would betray me!"
"Ops.' I mumbled.
That's when all Tartarus broke loose and people were pushing and shoving and yelling. I slipped off the stool and ducked, holding handfuls of the dress I elbowed my way to the back where Will and Apollo were howling with laughter and slapping each other in the back.
"Eleanora! My dazzling sunbeam you did amazing! Could not have done it better!"
"It was a load of bull sh-'
"They believe what they want to believe." Apollo waved his hand.
"You don't put much stock in your prophecies?" I asked, rather shocked, might I add.
"The gift only comes around to very very few. has been cursed. You have seen the Orical at camp?"
Will and I nodded. "Old Hippy boho grandma kissed me and gave me a prophecy. It was nasty!" I shuddered.
"Really?!?" Apollo squealed. "The spirit of Delphi must still be in you my dear child!"
"Uh...maybe? But I don't see the future."
"Interesting. Asclepius has done testing. He will have answers for you. But...uh right now my children you should probably run. I think we made a bit of a scene..."
He was eyeing the crowd nervously.
"Go my children. I will keep the crowd occupied. Remember how much I love you. Call on me when ever you need! I am proud of both of you! Both of you. Go. Now. Escape through the back. Find that other one of yours and run."
Will grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit. Apollo stepped forwards.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Sytres and Nymphs! Our lovely Orical needs a break. She needs rest! Please ... Enjoy the food and drink. My dear Auntie has done a marvelous job..."
The door behind us clicked shut and we ran down the hall away from the angry crowd.
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