Chapter 3: The Weirdest Kitchen Party
I stood glowing in bright golden light with glowing lyre and half a sun glowing above my head. My eyes shinning like liquid gold. It took a full minute before the kitchen wasn't so bright anymore, and everyone could unshielded their eyes, they blinked constantly, eyes watering.
"Someone better start explain right now!" I cried, stomping my foot.
"Miles." Percy pointed at my art teacher, "This is all you, buddy." Percy said over his shoulder as he rummaged through the grocery bags, he pulled out a can of coke. Making himself at home, he opened a cupboard and pulled a cup out and poured the coke inside and for some reason tossed the empty can to Miles, who immediately took a chunk out of it like an apple.
"Okay, before I blow your mind," Mr Miles said with a mouthful of aluminum. "I think Paul has some things to tell you."
"I don't care who tells me! Someone just tell what in the hades is happening!" I cried. I felt my hands shake in frustration and I felt the sting of tears. I felt like the impending doom of my known world creeping closer. I knew something had been off for a long time, but right now, I wanted to run, I wanted to leave it all behind.
I knew that voice.
"What haven't you told me?" I demanded, turning to my dad. I was mad. I was mad that this was all happening so fast. I was mad that it seemed everyone here knew what was going on but me. I was mad because I knew nothing and I felt lost and alone. I was also mad and humiliated this was happening in front of my dad's girlfriend and her son. Dad never kept things from me...but apparently I was wrong. I was mad at my dad.
"Come with me." He indicated with his head. He looked at Sally and Percy, and sighed, "Sorry guys, not how I wanted this evening to go."
"Paul...I think I understand more then you know."
"Fact. We all know exactly what's going on." Percy said, helping himself to a handful of popcorn which for some reason was blue."
"Great. Glad you all know!" I snapped, "Someone explain it to me then!"
"Nora, please, come with me honey." He took my hand and pulled me into the hall and then into my room. He ushered me to sit on my bed. I sat perched in the patch of sun. I turned my head and closed my eyes, taking a slow deep breath. The warm sun on my face helped calm my nerves. I felt the tense muscles relax slightly.
"I don't know how to explain this. There is no beating around the bush or gentle way to say this."
I looked at him for a moment, I felt the anger melt to sadness, it was so deep it hurt. But I understood. I could feel how the turmoil in him was making his heart race, and his breathing pick up, I could see the beads of sweat. I could physically see and understand the physical pain of this. I said it first, hoping to relieve him of some pain.
"You're not really my father, are you?"
The look of sorrow in his gentle eyes told me the truth.
"No honey I'm not. You're mother was already pregnant with you when I came into the picture. The guy disappeared the next morning, she tried to find him, tried looking for your biological father, I tried looking for him too. We got married in a small court room, she died during childbirth; the doctors did everything they could, but they couldn't save her. I legally adopted you as my own. I'm not your dad."
I shook my head, "No. You've been my dad. Sure maybe not by blood, but you were always there. You were the one who kissed my danged up knees after a bike accident, dried my tears, listened to my problems and helped with bullies and homework. You were the one who was there. You were dad."
He came over and sat down beside me, and pulled me into a tight hug. "You're taking this a lot better then I expected. I wanted to tell you, but it just never seemed like the right time. Sorry it's kind of blown up, and with Sally and Percy...I'm sorry Nora."
"Well...considering I vaporized a bunch of monster girls on my field trip, my math teacher tried to kill me and now my Art teacher is eating a can like some kind of goat, and I just turned into some weird glowing starburst... this doesn't seem so weird."
"Well when you put it like that..."
"Yeah... dad, I knew something was up a long time ago. I just chose to ignore it. I guess I can't really anymore. But I still don't understand what is going on!"
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked, indicating to us.
"Ya, it is what it is. I'm not gonna start calling you Paul or Mr Blofis. And I'm still Eleanors Blofis, right? You won't take my name away?"
"Absolutely not!" He shook his head, his salt and paper hair falling into his eyes. "No dear, your an official Blofis, and that won't ever change."
"Then, ya, I'm okay."
"Good. Now...I believe our guests probably have a better understanding of what's going on. Because as far as what happened on your trip and your math teacher the the shinning episode in the kitchen...they seem to know what's going on."
"Alright." I sighed.
I reluctantly followed him back out of the room and back into the kitchen. I froze, the weirdness couldn't have gotten weirder. But I was wrong. Mr Miles had taken his biker boots off, the ones he always wore and had his feet propped up on the table. Except they weren't feet. They were hooves. And he had apparently taken his pants off. Revealing black furry goat legs.
"What in the...what?"
"Ya, that's kinda how I felt when I saw Grover. It freaked me right out too. But we were being chased by a monitor in tighty whiteies. So...rock and roll saytr is cool." Percy shrugged, and held the bag of blue popcorn out for me.
"Okay. Percy, let's start from the beginning. You're freaking the poor girl out." Sally said, looking at me with her gentle eyes, "Also... Paul, you might want to sit down."
"Ya...I think your right." Paul sunk down into a chair.
"Miles? Hooves off the table!" Sally scolded.
"Sorry Miss Jackson." He bleeded sheepishly and lowered took them off the table.
"Okay. Eleanora, dear what do you know about the Greek gods?"
"They ruin lives." Percy muttered.
"Umm," I glanced at Percy with a weird look, but then back to her, "whatever Mr Brunner taught me this last year, I've done a bit of reading about them...watched the Disney Hercules movie..."
"Wait!" Percy cried, popcorn exploded all over the kitchen, "Mr Brunner? Older man, scruffy beard, wheelchair..."
"Ya...?" I nodded.
"No way! Awesome! I didn't know Chiron went out into the mortal world still!"
"Chiron? Like the centaur, Kronos kid?" I frowned deeper. "What does he have to do with Mr Brunner?"
"The one and only."
"Slow down Percy!" Sally scolded.
"Sorry." He held his hands up. "Have some snacks, food helps." He offered the bag of popcorn again. Shrugging, I came over and pulled myself up onto the counter and took a half full of blue popcorn.
"Okay. Now, I'm going to guess you have been bouncing from school to school, always feeling like your getting in trouble, feeling like your different..."
I nodded. "I think my record has been 3 schools in two years. And I doubt I'll be back to this last one. I just knocked my math teacher out...and vaporized a bunch of bullies."
"Nice." Percy gave me a lopsided smirk.
"Indeed. It was awesome to see. She didn't use any kind of weapon. Chiron and I were stumped until we saw him sitting on a bench." Mr Miles nodded.
"Who? That blond suffer guy? I knew you saw him! You were gaslighting me!"
"Sorry kiddo. It was my job to Keep tabs on you. Making sure you were okay," he said, "I was given strict orders not to let you know I knew anything, sucky part of the job."
"Who gave you orders?"
"The gods. Chiron. Mr D."
"Mr D....?"
"The camp director, Dionysus."
"Dionysus, the Greek god. He's my boss. He told me to keep tabs on you."
"Your boss .." I said slowly, raking hand through my still glowing hair.
"Whoa. Wait." I held a hand up, "All those myths Mr Brunner taught us in class? Demi gods? The Greek gods? Satyrs... You're a satyr! Mr Brunner who is actually Chiron...."
"Were those popular girls a myth, Eleanora? Was Ms Black a myth? Am I a myth?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"So you admit there was a bunch of monster girls with flaming hair I vaporized!"
"Of course." He nodded his head seriously.
"Then why-"
"The less you knew, the fewer monsters you'd attract," Mr Miles said, like that should be perfectly obvious. "We put Mist over the humans' eyes. We hoped you'd think those girls were a hallucination or bad dream or something. But it was no good. You started to realize who you are."
"Who I- wait a minute, what do you mean?"
"Eleanora..." Mr Miles said gently. "You are gifted in the arts, you have an uncanny ability in biology. When it's the cooler cloudy months your sick more often, you feel rejuvenated in the sun...that empty popcorn bag behind you..?"
"What about it?" I asked hesitantly.
"Crumple it up and toss it into garbage, but close your eyes." He instructed.
"Just do it." He waved a hand, "Percy, come here."
He pushed off the counter and walked over, they had a quick conversation and then with a smug smirk Percy glanced at me.
"Okay, close your eyes."
With a groan of frustration I crumpled the bag and closed my eyes.
"Percy? Ready?"
"Yep!" He said, "Alli-oop it!"
"Okay, toss it." Mr Miles instructed.
I tossed it, like I was playing basketball, trying to shoot a basket. I opened my eyes the second the garbage left my hands. Everyone sucked in a breath. Percy had picked up the trash can and gone to the other side of the room, and didn't tell me, yet I still managed to get a perfect shot.
"You can hit any target with minimal effort. You took out Ms Black with a set of headphones going 100 miles an hour on the back of a motorbike, Kid."
I stood frozen. As wild as it all was, and much as my brain struggled to process this, it felt like something clicked inside. Like the missing piece was right there. Dad stood frozen, his mouth open, I could see his eye twitching. He was having a harder time processing this then I was. To him I was just a troubled kid, but now it was slowly starting to make sense.
"Kid. You're a demi god." Mr Miles finally announced.
There was a knock on the door. Every head turned towards it. Mr Miles stood up suddenly tense. There was a shink noise and Percy had a glowing sword in his hands, where it came from I have no idea, but everyone seemed to be tense. There was another knock. No one moved for another second. Then I hesitantly walked over, only when I had my hand on the door job did they follow.
"Nora!" Dad cried as I twisted the door handle. I opened the door only to have my stomach drop onto the floor. The blood drained from my face and on instinct I slammed the door shut with a wild "NOPE!" And pressed my back against the door.
"Nora? Who was that? " Dad asked, everyone was standing in the hall staring at me.
I couldn't form words, my breathing was fast and uneven, and my head was spinning. All I could do was shack my head. Dad came over when there was a third knock. He gently pulled me away from the door and opened it. Standing in the doorway, his muscled arms bracing against the door frame, he looked exactly the same as he did at the museum, fitted jeans and tight white t shirt. Standing in my door way was the 17 year old beach boy with the dazzling smile. My knees felt weak, and not because his looks. I felt my stomach twist.
"You!" I crocked.
"Apollo?" Percy gasped.
"Sir!" Mr Miles said, and bowed his head, his fist on his chest.
"Who are you?" Dad asked.
"My good little mortal, I am Elle's father of course!" The guy grinned, looking at me with a huge beaming smile.
If Percy hadn't grabbed my elbow I would have collapsed to the floor in a heap. The hall was silent.
"You know when I announce things like this, people usually gasp or have a round of applause, some bowing...." He frowned.
"Sorry, who are you?" Dad asked again.
"I am Apollo!" He straightened up.
"'re like 17!"
"Only in human form, I can look like whatever, but I choose this look." He winked. "Sooo...will you let me in? Smells delicious in here!"
No one moved.
"Like the greek god Apollo?" Dad asked.
"Oh thank Zeus!" He cried, grabbing his chest, "You have heard of me! For a second, with the silence and odd looks you all are giving me, I thought maybe you had no idea who I was! That would have been super awkward!" He chuckled and walked into the kitchen without being invited. We all followed him back into the kitchen, he plunked down in a chair aagrinning at us.
I pointed a shaking finger at him, "You're Apollo?" I stammered.
"I thought we established that. Are you all slightly slow?" He asked seriously looking at all of us. "Percy! Good to see you!"
"I was right! I knew something was going on at the museum!" I whispered.
"Indeed. As I said, I like to check up on my kids every once in a while."
"I have never seen you before."
"Sure you have! Every day you see a sunrise! Or when you get inspiration for a painting."
"But not when I'm bullied, not when some lady at the park her monster dog attacks me or I'm followed home by some creepy dude I'm now realizing must have been a cyclops or giant or why now?" I asked, frowning.
" started to figure out who you were. I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did, quite frankly." Apollo said, his dazzling smile faded. "Probably because you and the mortal who claimed parenthood had no idea your true identity."
"There is a lot happening in our world, but you must understand, Eleanora, you need-"
Again there was a knock on the front door. Dad went running, I was too confused and stunned to do anything but stand and stare at Apollo, who was apparently my father. I heard muffled voices and then Dad and Mr Brunner came in behind him, still in his wheelchair.
"What is going on?" I cried, I finally sunk to the ground, close to tears.
"I'm sorry dear child, but after the attack on you by Ms Black, I figured I need to make a house call, things are a little more intense then we first thought. Miss Jackson," He inclined his head at Sally, and then held a hand out for Percy. "Percy, my boy, how are you doing?"
Percy leaned the flat side of his sword on his shoulder and held a hand out. He then turned to me and my dad.
"An explanation. It's going to be a lot and I apologize in advance." He took a deep breath. "We have satyrs at most schools, of course, keeping a lookout. Miles, here alerted me as soon as he met you. He sensed you were something special, so I decided to come upstate. I convinced the other History teacher to ... ah, take a leave of absence. Honestly, I wasn't sure about you at first. We held off contacting your adoptive father, we normally contact the mortal parent letting them know we are keeping an eye on them in case the demi god is ready for Camp Half-Blood. Your case was special. Paul Blofis was also unaware of your godly parentage. In him not knowing, it has kept you safe, but you are becoming stronger, which has been attracting unwanted attention in the last few years. You are not one of the big three-"
"Yes yes. My father and uncles always taking my thunder." Apollo pouted, "My kids are still amazing!"
"Big three?" Paul asked.
"The three big ones, apologies Apollo," He added to the pouting 17 year old looking god in my kitchen, "But the big three, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Those gods have been banned from having children, yet, they all broke that truce, each having a child." Mr Brunner, who was actually Chiron, indicated his head to Percy, "Percy here is the son of Poseidon.
Dad was looking back and forth between Sally and Percy. Sally looked kind of sheepish, but Percy didn't bat an eye.
"Why is that a bad thing?" I asked hesitantly.
"They are stronger, meaning, attract more monsters, that sort of thing." Chiron explained. "But then... there is you, my child. You are not a...typical demi god for lack of a better word."
Apollo picked his head up and grinned, "See I told you my children are special!" He clapped his hands together and leapt out of his chair.
"Meaning what exactly?" Dad asked.
"After observing her for the last year...she has powers I have never seen before, she is strong. Vaporizing a group of empousa on her own with no weapon is no small feat."
"I thought Apollo helped..." I said confused.
"Nope. All you my little ray of sunshine!"
"You left me alone with a group of monsters trying to kill me?"
"pfft." He waved a dismissive hand, "I knew you had it handled!"
"How?" I asked, "I had no weapons and you knew they were monsters!"
"I have the gift of foresight." He winked.
Percy leaned over, "He had no idea." He whispered.
"Clearly." I rolled my eyes.
"So...your saying my daughter, is a demi god, my first wife, had a one night stand with a greek god, and now for whatever reason, the last two/three years her...powers have been growing and its now attracting monsters, and evil things all who are trying to kill her?"
"Nailed it! Right on the nose my dear mortal man! Who said the human race was stupid?" Apollo cried joyously, and slapped him on the back.
"You did." Percy said with a straight face.
"Maybe at one point. Humans have their moments." Apollo shrugged. "Well I just be going. Lots to do!" He stood up and shook his blond waves out of his face and beamed at everyone in the kitchen. "Elle, my little ray of sunshine, walk me to the door."
He clamped a hand on my shoulder and didn't leave room for arguments. His hand was warm even through my t shirt.
"If you ever need me, I'm always a hyku away."
"Don't people usually...I dunno pray to the gods?" I asked.
"Pfft " he waved a hand. "So boring! A song or dance, a solid hyku or something usually gets my attention. I don't know your powers, Chiron said something like it looking like Helios's powers. Or my son Asclepiush. Might have to get in touch with Helios, somehow. But he's like old and hard of hearing, sitting in a nursing home on Mount Olympus somewhere. And my son is striked orders... So. There ya go."
I just stood thunderstruck. I had no idea what he was saying.
"Aw, child. I usually render my children speechless!" He patted my head and turned to the door, his hand was on the door when he snapped his fingers. "Right! I have a gift for you!" Out of the pocket of his fittted jeans he pulled out a simple necklace. He held it out for me. At the end of the gold chain was a pendant of a bow and arrow.
"Celestial bronze. The best weapon a demi god could ask for. The metal is deadly to creatures of the magical world. Unlike mortals, demigods are also affected by it because of their blood. Any weapon made of celestial bronze and used to kill a monster, the metal will disperse the monster's physical form into dust and send it to Tartarus. But can't harm mortals; it'll simply pass through mortal bodies as if they were made of smoke. Mortals are not worthy enough to be hurt by such weapons."
"It's a necklace..."
"Right now it is." He winked at me. "But should you discover yourself in a sticky situation, pull it off the chain, and you have a full working now with an arrow that won't ever get lost. Oh, the quiver to go with it!"
Out of the other pocket he pulled out a full sized quiver packed with arrows all gold and shinning with a golden light.
"You will never fun out of arrows. Celestial bronze arrows and it's been blessed by me. So you know it's good!" He winked again.
"All right my Ray of Sunshine. I really must go. Zues gets all cranky when I'm gone longer then I told him." At the moment there was a rumble of thunder that shook the apartment building. "Ya ya," Apollo yelled, "I'm coming."
He opened the door and was gone. I stood holding a quiver full of arrows that glowed, and a necklace, I was just told my true father was Apollo the Greek god and my possible future step brother was also a demi god. My art teacher was actually a satyr sent to protect and keep me safe. My history teacher was actually some 2000 year old centiar and my math teach tried to kill me.
My brain hurt.
Sorry, extra long chapter!
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