Sierra couldn't stop screaming.
The sight of poor Lou Ellen's body was so repulsive. There was a knife stuck in her eyeball, and it looked like she had been repeatedly stabbed all over her body. There was blood flowing out of wounds all over her body.
Sierra managed to clamp her hands over her mouth and muffle her terrified wail. Then she stopped screaming altogether.
But the fear still remained.
"Oh, Lou Ellen... Who would do this to you?" Sierra couldn't form any suspects. She couldn't think straight, seeing the body. Sierra scarcely noticed the rain pouring down. Sierra did the only thing she could.
"Annabeth!" She screamed as loud as she could.
Apollo's form shimmered beside her. You knew this would happen.
"Stop it." Sierra didn't want to listen to his chastising now.
You know this will-
"Stop it!" Sierra screamed at her father. "I don't need to hear this from you! Lou Ellen just died and all you want to tell me is I told you so?! What the fuck is wrong with you!? I don't care if you were right! I don't care if i didn't believe you at first! You can't put this on me! Even if i did listen and believe you, you would just say Oh, don't tell anyone or i will kill you with fantastic parenting skills! Even if i did believe you, I couldn't have done anything about it! So go away and find something better to go then proving me wrong about something i screwed up on!"
Apollo looked like he regretted coming. I didn't mean-
"Stop lying to me! Yes you did! You came to lecture me about doubting you! I don't want to hear it!" Sierra felt absolute hatred for Apollo right then. "Now get the fucking hell away from me!"
I'm sorry. Apollo disappeared.
"No." Sierra whispered. "No you aren't."
Annabeth shoved away some bushes to reveal Sierra on her knees, sobbing and crying her eyes out.
"Sierra?" Annabeth was terrified to ask. "What happened?"
Annabeth walked towards Sierra with Reyna, Piper, Percy, Nico, and Will following.
Sierra, still crying, pointed a finger towards something in the darkness. "I found her dead."
"Her?" Piper asked with a shaky breath.
Lightning flashed, and the darkness lit up to reveal Lou Ellen's bloody corpse.
Piper screamed.
"Is that...Lou Ellen?!" Nico exclaimed.
"She dead!" Percy gasped.
"Oh my gods..." Reyna was speechless.
"What happened?" Will aked Sierra.
Annabeth couldn't tear her eyes away from the bloody body of Lou Ellen.
"I was wandering around and i saw her body." Sierra paused for a moment. "Then i waited for you guys to get her."
Annabeth knew Sierra wasn't telling them everything. "What aren't you telling us?"
"Please...please don't." Sierra lowered her head and tears streaked her cheeks.
"Thank Apollo you're okay." Will said with relief.
Sierra stood up with haste. "No!" She spat. "Don't thank him!" She hissed wih fury. "I swear, after what he did i will never ever sacrifice anything or pray in his name ever again!"
"Sierra-" Will looked appalled.
"I mean it, Will!" Sierra spat. "Apollo knows it, too! He doesn't deserve it!"
What had really happened here tonight? Annabeth's mind was swimming with thoughts. Why is Sierra so furious with Apollo?
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