After winning the World Skating Championship, Ojiro is back to his usual schedule, where he needs to attend a series of TV guesting and interviews on sports channels, as well as product shootings for his new endorsements and business meetings.
On top of that, despite his workload, he also did some preparations for the World Team Trophy, where he'll be leading Team Japan's competing skaters in men, women, pairs, and ice dancing categories.
There is not much interaction left between him and Louise for a month.
"I'm sorry. For putting you in this," he whispered to her as he buried his face in the brown curls of her hair, one time that he visited her in the middle of the night after he got off from his training at the rink.
"We already talked about this, right?" she groans, distancing herself an arm apart to take a better look of his face. "Just do what you need to do. Don't think of anything else and focus. We'll work things out and everything's going to be fine. Alright?"
"Un. Hai." he nods.
He gives her a goodnight kiss before he leaves, as it's a requirement of his training regimen to complete a number of sleeping hours every day to stay fit.
It's the only interaction that they had before Ojiro stayed in Shibuya for the duration of the week-long competition of the World Team Trophy, which is held every two years in Tokyo.
Louise sighs, slumping her head on her worktable. Scrolling to her phone, where her conversation with Ojiro ended, as if a new message from him would appear at any moment.
After knowing him for a while now, she learned that Ojiro is, in fact, not much of a fan of texting. Just like what she learned from her friend Martha based on her dating experiences with Japanese men.
She's been her go to dictionary every time she needs an answer for some weird behavior that she discovers from her Japanese boyfriend.
As someone like her who grew up with texting as a basic form of getting in touch with her loved ones, she doesn't understand this kind of stereotype among Japanese men. But she definitely gets it now: why he texted her only during that time when they just met, as an effort of him trying to ask her out.
She can only appreciate it more now that she misses that kind of attention from him.
Send me those droplets emoji and tell me more about those birds by your window! Text me those weird things again! I don't care!
"Louisia-chan! Can you check these frames for me?" one of her seniors asks.
But she remains in that position, pretending to be dead.
"Me too! Please look at this story board for me! Satoru-san already made me redo this for the third time!" another one approaches, but Louise doesn't make any movement.
"What happened to her?"
"I don't know," the woman shrugs, cluelessly.
"Hey! Come on! Korishima-senshu is in the news!" Sherry shouts from outside the door as she passes by their station.
Louise sits abruptly upon hearing Ojiro's name, which made the two women jump in surprise. She gets up from her seat and sprints so fast to go to the editing department, where she can find the studio's TV.
On the screen, Ojiro is looking handsome in his suit and tie, beaming at the camera. It's a recorded segment from a TV network, and he talks about the anime project Louise's team is working on and how it was inspired by his skating.
She can hear the uproar of clapping hands around her from her coworkers, who also stop for a moment and come to watch the news segment. It's a great way for him to promote his show to viewers and fans.
The news then switches to video clips of him from the recent world skating championship ceremony, where they awarded him a gold medal on the podium.
A lot of his fellow skaters, men and women, congratulated him backstage. He was surrounded by international girls: Blonde, slim, and athletic, looking so beautiful in their shimmering costumes. They took pictures together with him, and he got hugged by the girls.
The news shifted, showing the current happenings at the World Team Trophy. Ojiro is in the Kiss and Cry, sitting in the middle of Team Japan while cheering for a pretty Japanese figure skater from his team in the women's category and then he offers the seat for her after the performance
They exchanged polite gestures, but the news couldn't help but highlight the reaction from the girl, where she gave an obvious star-stricken look at Ojiro.
Louise goes back to slumping at her desk.
It doesn't take her too long before she got used to Ojiro always being surrounded by beautiful females. And in his defense, it's a part of his job. So, she kind of just accepts it, and knowing Ojiro, she trusts him that those interactions with them were just purely professional.
Well... lucky them. They can be with him for as long as they want.
She goes back to working, grabbing her senior's compiled frames, reviewing it lazily while waiting for her turn in Ojiro's piece of time.
When Ojiro asks Louise about taking an ice-skating class where he trains, she doesn't hesitate to say yes.
"Of course! I think I'll give it a try," she shrugs, munching on her tacos.
"Really? Arigatou!" he kisses her on the forehead and places more slices of crunch wrap nachos on her plate.
A week after the WTT, he finally manages to drop by her apartment over the weekend with a Mexican fast-food takeout. Louise wonders if he planned on asking her that dangerous question while eating a taco, but if that was the case... well, it worked.
He knows how to stop the bomb.
"I already enrolled you and paid in advance, so you have nothing to worry about. Just get in on time and have fun!"
She gave him a side eye. "Of course, you already paid for it; what's even the point of asking me, Ojiro?" she muttered lazily, popping a nacho into her mouth.
It's one of those days again where Ojiro can be too excited and happy that he feels he could purchase anything that he wanted for her, and she's just too tired of lecturing him about his spending anymore.
So now, Louise stands on ice, tightening her helmet straps, readying herself for war.
She put her hands on her hips, channeling confidence, while children and teenagers squealed around her, skating back and forth.
Yes. Ojiro enrolled her in a children's skating class.
He didn't have any choice because it was the only class that opened at the rink. It's important for him to enroll her where he trains so they can accomplish their sole purpose. To see each other more often.
"Look! It's him!" Louise heard one of the girl's squeaks, pointing at Ojiro.
"I can't believe he's here now!" the other girl exclaims.
Louise glances at where they are pointing. A group of skaters is starting to gather in a corner of the rink. Ojiro told her that they were scheduled to have a rehearsal for an ice show tour around Tokyo, after their class.
The competitive skating season is over, but that doesn't mean that Ojiro's work schedule will slow down anytime soon. He's going to lead a group of selected skaters in ice shows for the next whole month.
Louise hasn't heard of ice shows before. She remembered Ojiro telling him that there was live singing by solo artists and bands while they skate to their songs. It sounds fun for her as a fan of Jpop songs, but it means she won't get any cariño, love, time with him, so agreeing to attend skating class is her desperate move.
"Position yourselves now!" Seiko-sensei, their skating instructor, commands, and they automatically do what she said.
"Someone's going to join our class now, so pay attention and make sure to behave yourselves." she gives Louise a sharp look. Her sensei has been giving her that look ever since she laid eyes on her. She's used to that now.
A moment later, Ojiro came skating towards them, making the girls beside her gasp in surprise and silently squeal in excitement. Louise falls silent beside them, her anxiety starting to build up.
Por des llamas de Satanas! By the flames of Satan! He didn't say anything about joining our class!
She has all the right to panic because first, Louise admits with passion on how she sucks with anything that has to do with sports.
She tried. At first.
The screaming voice inside her head was like, "I can do anything for mi cariño! My love! Anything for the hot, masculine, sexuality of a man that you are!" every time she looks at Ojiro for inspiration to go on in life and remind herself why she took skating class in the first place.
But of course, her lazy ass is just too quick to give up.
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