Chapter Seventeen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Seventeen. I hate to say this but this is the last chapter of 'Dating Mr Millionaire'. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
—- Hannah's P.O.V —-
Tyler is planning to expand the Wood Echo Hotel chain to another country but he hasn't decided where yet. As far as I know the auctions will still happen and of course all the guys will be going with him. I think that the Dark Rain gang will go with Jett so there will be a new gang house, Shay will probably get his own place, Robson was talking about opening up a bar and living above it, Leon is planning on living in the hotel because he is designing most of it and Tyler has been talking about building his own house. I am going with him of course; he wouldn't let me stay here.
The penthouse will still be owned by Tyler and everyone will meet there but none of us will be living there. I don't mind not living in the penthouse but knowing Tyler he will go overboard with the house. I don't want everything to be extravagant because that isn't my style; I prefer something that is simpler. I didn't grow up with wealth and I don't want my children to be spoilt with wealth, I know Tyler and Xavier were brought up with wealth but they are still incredibly humble and I hope that when Tyler is a father he can convey everything from his childhood to his child. However if we ever have a daughter then I am so sure that she will have him wrapped around her little finger.
I wake up when I feel someone poking my sides; I open my eyes and scream when I see Leon and Robson standing there. They both chuckle and I glare at them "First who was poking me?" I ask sitting up and leaning against the headboard "That was me. Robson wanted to throw water over you instead" Leon says and I roll my eyes "Second why are you guys in here?" I ask and Robson just hands me a note "Any other questions?" Robson asks and I nod "Where is my boyfriend?" I ask and they both smirk exchanging a glance "You will find out" Leon says and they both exit my room.
I check my phone to see if there are any texts from Tyler but there is nothing so I just decide to open the note that Rob gave me.
'Good Morning Baby,
I hope you slept okay, I was not happy to leave you so early because of how cute you looked.
I have been thinking of doing this for a while and today I have decided it will happen.
Throughout today some of the best people we know will be giving you different notes.
First you need to get changed; go into our wardrobe and find the clothes that I have put out.
Then go downstairs and find the cop we know well.
Have fun, I love you.
~ Ty xoxo'
I smile and fold the note back up. I go into the wardrobe and see the clothes that Tyler mentioned in the note. I pick them up and place them on the bed before walking into the bathroom and having a shower. After my shower I get changed into the clothes that Tyler picked which are red skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with two interlocking triangles in white on it, black wedge trainers, a black leather jacket and a red satchel type bag.
I slip my phone into my pocket and walk downstairs to find Shay. Shay is sitting in his usual corner by the window "What's up kiddo?" he asks turning to face me "I think you have something for me" I say and he chuckles "Here you go" he says handing me a note.
'Okay Baby,
Next go and find the professional guy who knows about the auctions.
I love you'
I put the note into my bag and hug Shay "See you later" I say kissing his cheek and he nods. I leave the penthouse and walk down to the lobby to find Jeremy. When I find him he is typing away at the computer at the reception desk "Hey Hanni. This is for you" he says sliding a note over the desk "By the way. So are these" he says giving me a set of car keys. These are the keys to the car that Tyler and I went in on our first date.
I walk into the car park and find the car. I climb into the driver's seat before opening the note.
'I hope you recognise the car Baby,
Now you need to go to where we had our first date. There you will find a newly married guy.
I love you'
I chuck my bag and the note onto the passenger seat before driving off to the amusement park that Tyler and I went to. I pull up and see Wyatt leaning against the ticket booth. I get out of the car and walk over to him; he pulls me into a hug and then slips a note into my jacket pocket. He smirks at me, not even speaking a word before getting onto his motorbike and driving off.
'So this is the last one Baby,
Go to the place where your best friend is.
I love you'
I get back into the car and drive off to the Wood's house. When I pull up I see like 10 different cars in their driveway including one of Tyler's. I walk up to the front door and there is a sign saying 'Come to the garden' so I open the door and walk straight through to the garden. Once I'm out there I see pretty much everyone I know is out there with my boyfriend standing in the middle of all of them.
I walk down to them and Tyler walks forward "Glad to know you got here safely" Tyler says kissing my cheek "Now. I have been thinking of how to do this for such a long time and I needed a kick up the backside from my ever so lovely best friend to do this today" he says slowly getting down on one knee. My hands fly up to cover my mouth as I gasp "This was my grandmother's ring. She told me to give it to the one person that I would do anything for, love more than anything else and want to spend the rest of my life with" he says opening up a small black box to reveal an antique silver ring "So Hannah Cienna Kaiser. Will you do me the honour of marrying me and becoming my wife?" he asks and a single tear rolls down my cheek "Of course I will you little weirdo" I say and he chuckles slipping the ring on my finger before standing up.
He immediately pulls me into a hug both of us laughing. After he releases me everyone else hugs us and congratulates us "I am looking forward to having you as my daughter" Max says kissing my cheek "Thanks Max" I say. All of a sudden Tyler grabs me from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder "How does Mrs Hannah Wood sound Baby?" he asks and I turn around to face him "It's like music to my ears" I say and he chuckles before kissing me passionately.
So I am engaged and will be getting married to the love of my life.
What a day.
That was Chapter Seventeen - the very last chapter, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me because I want to know what you think of this book.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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