Chapter One
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter One. Picture of Tyler ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I have work today but I really can't be bothered to go in. The only upside is that I get to see my best friend, Beth; she works at the hotel with me. We live in the staff dorms, our rooms are next to each other but she left early this morning so I get to walk in by myself. That's always fun. I get changed into the standard uniform which consists of a red pencil dress with a white belt and a white collar, also red ballet pumps and the girls are required to wear their hair up.
I grab my bag and lock my door, as I'm walking down the stairs I see Leanna. She is the head maid and for some reason hates me with a burning passion, I have no idea as to why she hates me but she does. She has these two other maids that follow her everywhere, kind of like her own minions and they find it entertaining to pick on me. Of course I can't say anything back because she is my superior so all I can do is smile and walk off leaving them satisfied with bad mouthing me.
I get to work and go to the staff changing rooms. Some staff live away from the hotel so they come here in their usual clothes and change into their uniform here, if I am going out after work then I do the same but if I'm not I just do what I did earlier.
"Morning Sir" I say to Jeremy our manager as I walk into the reception "Good morning Hannah. There is a meeting in 5 so go there now" he says and I nod walking to the conference room. I sit down next to Beth when I get to the conference room and a few minutes later Jeremy walks in. "Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend" he says sitting down at the head of the table and he gets a few murmurs in reply "The working partners are on the rota as usual. Let's have a good Monday everyone" he says and we all stand up "Yes Sir" all of us say in unison.
"I will see you in a minute Hannah" Beth says and I nod, she left her phone in her bag and she needs to call her boyfriend. I'm walking up the stairs when I smash into someone causing me to fall backwards, but before I hit the stairs and fall down I am caught. I look up to see the one and only Tyler Wood standing there, holding me. "Oh god. I am so sorry" I say pulling away from him "I apologise for bumping into you Mr Wood" I say bowing my head as a sign of respect "It's fine" he says and I lift my head "If you don't mind, come with me now" he says and I shake my head "As much as I would love to sir. I am working and I don't think that my manager will allow it" I say and he chuckles lightly "One moment please" he says taking out his phone. "Yes. She will be with me for the rest of the day so please excuse her absence" I hear him say into the phone, he then hangs up and turns to me "You are now off for the rest of the day" he says and I smile.
"So. I have a question" Tyler says as we walk around the hotel gardens "And that would be Mr Wood?" I ask and he chuckles "Are you the girl that's always with my brother, Miss Hannah?" he asks and I nod "That is me. Xavier is my best friend, we have been for a while but I never met you" I say and he smiles "Well then I believe us meeting is long overdue" he says and I nod again "I think it is. Xavier is always speaking about you. He is very fond of you" I say and he chuckles "I have no idea as to why" he says and I stop in my tracks "You are joking" I say and he shakes his head "Mr Wood you are a self-made millionaire making you the richest man in the world. Of course your little brother is going to look up to you" I say and he smiles "You know. I have never had anyone talk to me like that" he says and I bow my head in shame "I think it's different" he says lifting my head up.
----- Tyler's P.O.V -----
"Hannah. Please call me Tyler" I say as we walk back into the hotel but Hannah shakes her head "You are my boss plus the owner of the hotel. I couldn't address you so informally" she says and I smile "Well I am asking you to do so. No-one will object to what I say" I say and she nods "Very well" she says and she turns to go to the staff changing rooms.
So that's the Hannah I never met, the best friend of my brother. She is even more beautiful in person, she is truly breathtaking. I am going to my family's house tomorrow night for a family dinner so she might be there depending on her family, if she is then I am asking her out on a date. Hopefully she wont think of me as her boss but possible something a little bit different. I truly think that we could be together, of course she would have to put up with my weird friends. I know that the life I have isn't the best life for a normal girl but based on what I have heard of Hannah and what she has told me today she will take everything that is thrown at her in her stride.
I don't want Hannah to see me as heartless because she is the one thing that could change that.
That was Chapter One, hope you liked it.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter..........
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