House Keeping
Years later...
(Rarity POV)
I giggled as three little girls ran too the table to come eat lunch.
One was named Golden Petal. She had long golden blonde hair tied you in to two pigtails. She had greenish purple eyes with a purple horn on her head. Her two front teeth was missing, and she had freckles. She was Applejacks and Twi's daughter.
The second one was named Jewel. She had green curly hair with royal blue eyes. Her cute little fangs sometimes would poke out. She had a white horn and dragon wings. She was my beloved daughter with my husband Spike.
The third had pink straight hair with rainbow tips. She had dark blue eyes and rosy cheeks. She had beautiful pink wings. Her name was Candy Cloud. And she was the daughter of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
They all came in, giggles filled the air. "Aunty Rarity? Whens Aunty Sweetie Belle comin home?" Asked Golden. "Yeah I totally can't wait to see her!" Said Candy.
"She'll be home from her concert later tonight." I said as they ate. Jewel pouted. "That's too longgg!" She sighed.
After they were done eating they ran off. I sighed. Those girls were sure a hand full. I was watching them while Applejack, Twi, Pinkie, and Dash ran some earnings.
Soon I felt a tug on my sleeve, I looked down too see Golden Petal with the other two girls holding up a picture.
"Who's this Mommy?"
I gasped covering my mouth. I hadn't seen that picture in years. I leaned down pointing too the girl. "That's Flutters sweetie." Cotton frowned.
"Where she go?" I smiled as tears threatened to spill.
"Well Flutters is a angel, but we mostly just call her Dashie's girl."
Yep That's it peps. I loved working on this and it saddens me to finally end it.
I'll answer some questions.
One: no I'm not making a squeal of this, sorry.
Two: I don't know if there would be anymore questions... so if you have questions for me ask them!
Stay frosty da. (*¯︶¯*)
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