Dashie's Girl♡♥♡
Hi I'm Pinkie Pie. I work and live at Suger Cube corner. Its cool living at where you work. "Gummy get off the table!" Sorry guys one minute.
"Gummy get down your gonna hurt yourself"...........Okay I'm back. Gummy my pet alligator. But he has no teeth. Hehe. Teeth is a funny word.
Anyway I'm gonna go pranking today. Maybe Dashie will want to go. It's my day off I'll go ask her!
She's probably at Fluttershys house. There dating now. That makes me sad. Im happy for them but. But I really like Dashie.
Oh well I can still hang out with her. That makes me happy.
"Bye bye Gummy. I'm going pranking. Dont eat the toothpaste this time!"
As I walk down Ponyville streets I say hi to everyone. I like talking to my friends.
Oh look its Applejack! "Hi Applejackie" I say. "Well howdy Pinkie. What ya up to today"
"Ohhhh yeah. I got to go. Going pranking" I say before walking off.
I see Fluttershys house. Wait whats that sound. Sounds like screaming. Oh no Fluttershys in trouble.
I brust into Fluttershys house. Oh she's not in trouble. Far for it. Grossy gross gross.
I gasp. They both turn to me. "Sorry" I squeak out before shutting the door and running.
I get to a hill and sit. Oops. I didnt what to see that. So Dashie really loves her.
Now I'm sad. Oh no my hairs not poffy anymore. Hot tears spill on my cheeks.
Its not fair! I do everything for Dashie. And Fluttershy does nothing. So why am I not good enough?
I don't like crying. But I can't help it. I pull my legs closer. Tears run down my yellow sun dress. I sob quietly.
"Pinks! Pinkie" I hear Dashie call.
"*sniff* W-what" I say. I hear Dashies footsteps come up the hill.
She looks beautiful in the sunlight. I look up at her. She frowns then sits by me. "Pinkie why ya crying"
"N-no reason dashie" She cups her hands around my face. "Pinkamena Diane Pie tell why your crying right now"
I wipe my tears away. And smile. "Its okay Dashie. I'm okay now"
I hug her and she hugs me back. She smells like roses and rain. I blush.
"Hey Dashie? Want to go pranking?"
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