Chapter 4
(Pinkie Pie POV)
I ran down Ponyvilles dirt paths. I didnt even say 'hi' to anybody! This was important.
I ran to Rarity's boutique, not even knocking.
"RARITY ITS IMPORTANT!!!" I screamed into the shop. Rarity turned around with a shocked expression on her face.
"Pinkie Pie darling, please don't scare me like that I'm working on very important project with Spike here" Raritys high classed British vocie spoke out.
"So your kissing him" I asked bluntly.
Raritys pale face turned bright pink, I knew they had been dating just keeping it from us.
"l-l dont know what your talking about Pinkie darling"
I rolled my eyes, you could see the lipstick stains on Spikes face.
"Annnyyyywwaaayyyy, I got a crush problem can you help?"
Rarity basically tackled me to the floor. "Squeeee tell me tell me tell me" She squealed.
"Well how would you confess your feelings to a rainbow haired beauty" I whispered.
Raritys jaw hit the floor.
I covered my ears.
"Are you going to help or screamed? " I said.
Rarity whispered in my ear. Prefect!
"Thanks Rarity" I shouted running out the shop.
I needed to plan!
_____________________________________I walked to Flutters house.
I knocked on the door, but Dashie didn't answer.
Fluttershy did.
She looked at me obviously annoyed. "Um can I talk to Dashie"
"Um actually can we talk first, in private" Fluttershy spoke firmly.
I was actually scared for a minute. I nodded.
We walked to the hill in the back of the cottage. I sat.
"So whatca need Flutterbutters" I said cheery.
"Stay away from her" She spoke harshly. My face fell.
"What?" I was so confused.
"Stay away from Dash, I see the way you look at her and I don't like it I know that you like my Dashie stay away from us got it" She spat.
I grew angry, no I was furious!
Fluttershy looked shocked. "What did you say"
"I said no, I'm not I love Dashie shes my everything" I spat back.
" You don't deserve her you never deserve her she deserves someone better than you cause you're nothing but worthless"
Fluttershys word's hit me like a ton of bricks. But I laughed.
"Sorry Fluttershy I wont stay away deal with it"
Fluttershy stood up. "Fine if you don't stay away from dash I'll hurt AJ, bad to"
My breath hitched. I couldn't breath. It was like I was drowning.
Tears fell on the grass. I was shaking.
"Y-you wouldn't" I sputtered.
She smirked. "Would I?" she gave me a challenging look.
She would hurt the one who gave me a home when needed, my rock, the one who saved my life!
I just sat there staring into the black. Fluttershy walked away.
"Im so sorry Dashie, so sorry" I sobbed.
-------------------------------------I was walking away when I ran into Dashie.
"Oh hey Pinks can we talk"
I was scared I tired to run but she grabbed my arm.
I shook.
"Pinkie whats wrong" She said holding me. I just cried.
"Wheres Fluttershy"
"Said she was going to Sweet Apple Acres cliff with AJ to look at butterflies why?" She said.
I broke free and ran.
"Nooooo" I screamed.
I got to Sweet Apple Acres, I ran through the trees.
I ran so fast that my legs hurt. All I saw was the blurs of red and green.
I saw Fluttershy and Applejack standing by the cliff.
"No please stop" I shouted.
Applejack turned around. Then Fluttershy did a quick one and pushed her.
Applejack stumbled over the edge.
The last thing I saw'll before I passed out was AJ terrified expression falling.
♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♥♡♡♥♥♡♥♡ sorry it took so long. busy with friends.
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Love you guys bye♥
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