So, this is where she was.
Ishikawa stood before a nondescript building, scowling at the small 'library' sign hung above the metal doorframe.
He had spent the entire night memorising every single detail given in the background check report. The sheer plainness of his target made it even easier for him. Had he not been on this mission, he would have probably passed her on the streets without a second glance.
Her record was immaculate- twenty-six, orphan, raised since birth in a convent, grew up in the same town and was now working as a librarian. She had no contact with anyone from outside Landowe. The report listed only a handful of acquaintances.
Was she really supposed to be Maugrim's daughter? Ishikawa doubted it. She was either nothing but a red herring, or too good at the job of wiping her tracks immaculately clean. Whatever the truth was, he would disclose it soon.
He checked his watch and adjusted his glasses.
Hello, Nancy Fernandez.
"Ah! I can't wait to get out of this shithole."
Nancy smiled sympathetically, arranging the books on the shelf.
"Come on, Gwen. I'm sure it's not that bad."
The redhead looked at her, astounded.
"Nancy darling, you are the only person who would say that. I cannot remain stuck here. I need to get out and explore the world. And you should too. Or you will also end up like those salty neighbourhood aunts."
Gwen handed the last stack of books to Nancy and trudged back to the desk.
"Seriously though, you are too good for this town."
Her high-pitched voice echoed around the library. Nancy shook her head as she made her way to her only friend.
"You will get the job. I'm sure of it."
Gwen looked at her with hesitant eyes.
"You sure? I flunked the last three interviews."
Her body slumped against the desk, as she let out a frustrated moan.
Nancy patted her back gently. The library was empty as usual at this time of the day, leaving them free to engage in a heart-to-heart.
"It's their loss. Just focus on the upcoming one."
Gwen looked up at her with puppy eyes.
"You're the best."
Nancy knew Gwen wanted to leave for the city. With her sparkly personality, she was more suited for someplace vibrant, rather than their small, sleepy town. She often complained about the lack of excitement here and how she didn't want to get stuck in a rut.
Personally, Nancy found nothing wrong here. She had spent her entire life in Landowe, never feeling the need to leave. She liked following a routine, knowing just what to expect. The predictability offered her serenity and calmness. But that was her. Gwen, on the other hand, was different. She lamented the fact that most of the youth had migrated to the cities, in search of bigger opportunities, while they were stuck here.
Nancy knew she would miss Gwen to death. But she had to support her for her happiness.
"I think I better have my afternoon nap now. We're not going to have any visitors before 3. Wake me up in twenty?"
Nancy nodded, already attuned to the drill.
However, just as Gwen was clearing the cookie crumbs off of her desk, the tinkle of the door chime alerted them. Who could it be at this time?
Before they had the chance to voice their doubts to each other, a tall frame filled up the narrow foyer. It was a man- one who was now leisurely making his way to their desk.
"Good afternoon. I am here to get a membership card for the library."
His voice was too deep for Nancy's comfort, sending a strange shiver down her spine.
Gwen had already straightened herself, her face displaying her best smile. She really was a pro at this.
"A card? For our library?" Nancy could tell Gwen was dying to ask him for more details.
The man nodded, keeping his gaze fixed at her, leaving Nancy free to observe the black backpack hung over one of his shoulders.
"Umm...okay. For what duration? We have different plans for one month, three mon-"
"I want one for six months."
He interrupted Gwen mid-sentence in a cool tone. She took note of his stance that clearly reflected his aversion to small talk, and cleared her throat.
"Sure. Just hand over your ID to Nancy here. She will add your name to the system."
Her voice was a little less enthusiastic now, as she passed a glance to Nancy, who quickly busied herself with opening the monitor.
The ancient box took its sweet time in awakening from its slumber, with its soft rumble filling up the awkward silence.
Nancy kept her eyes glued to the screen, but she could feel the man's gaze on her. She was annoyed at herself for being intimidated by the mere presence of a stranger. Maybe Gwen was right, and she really did need to go out and socialise more.
"May I have your documents please?"
She finally looked at him, just as the screen came alive. He extended the ID to her, with an unreadable expression on his face.
Altair Cross. Thirty.
"Holy shit! That man's a snack!"
Gwen leaned towards her, whispering excitedly.
Having collected his membership card, the man was now seated near one of the windows at the opposite end of the library, with his side profile in their direct line of sight. He had taken out his laptop and a journal, and already busied himself with work.
Nancy had to agree with Gwen. He was handsome. No, more than that...he was beautiful- the sort of beauty one would associate with a calm beast- dangerous yet fascinating. She could not see the colour of his eyes from behind his tinted glasses, but the rest of his face was directly out of a magazine. His dark hair was tied back in a small bun and he wore a plain grey button-down shirt paired with black trousers. It was effortlessly classic. And so out of place in this library.
"What's a man like him doing here? And he even asked for a card. Six months, Nancy!"
Nancy tapped the desk with her fingers, looking at his entry in the sheet.
"I'm not sure, Gwen..."
What she was sure of, was the fact that this man did not belong in Landowe. He will stick out like a sore thumb here.
"But I have a feeling he won't like us prying in his business."
Nancy added in a warning tone, causing Gwen to grin sheepishly.
"Hey! I wasn't going to!"
Nancy rolled her eyes in response to her defensive tone.
"Yeah, yeah. Of course you weren't..."
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