Chapter 16
The housing building was empty aside from Lila, Mira, Yasu, and Saki. All of them were waiting on Hisoka to arrive, so final goodbyes could be said before Lila officially left their lifestyle.
"If Nana knows this is happening, why isn't she here?" Saki glanced at Lila, confused when the older girl stiffened up in her spot.
Lila, for some reason, could still clearly picture and hear the words that were exchanged between her and Nana. As much as she was disappointed in her mentor, a small part of her wished that Nana was there to see her off.
"Nana and Hisoka in the same room?" Yasu chuckled while shaking her head. "I'd be surprised if Lila and Hisoka managed to leave before he or Nana exchanged words or actions."
Hearing that from Yasu, Lila wondered if Hisoka would use a card, in the same manner, he did that day. She cringed at the thought of Nana getting injured by a playing card, and shook her head to get the image out of her head.
"In speak of the devil," Mira drawled out as Hisoka welcomed himself into the building, planting himself behind Lila, hands clasped on her shoulders. "You two will have an easy time leaving with Nana being at work and not here."
And just like that, silence fell among them. Lila could feel Hisoka's thumbs rubbing against her shoulder blades. It was now or never, and Lila would rather rip it off like a band-aid rather than prolong everything.
"Ok," Lila announced, climbing to her feet and hugging Mira tightly. "Tell Mathais and Leo I say goodbye," the two held each other at arm's length. "Stay safe."
"The same can be said to you as well." Mira chuckled, masking how she truly felt about Lila leaving. "Have fun out there." She wore a small smile before allowing Yasu and Saki their turn.
Both girls hugged Lila tightly, neither one of them letting go of her. Something wet soaked through part of her shirt, and she assumed that it was Saki. Yasu would be one to do this in a more private setting or do her best to prevent herself from crying in front of everyone.
Lila was beginning to struggle to keep everything inside and not show how this was suddenly impacting her.
"You better keep her alive," Yasu croaked, staring at Hisoka over Lila's shoulder. "Or I'll make sure you see your worst nightmare is the last thing you see."
"Of course," Hisoka smiled at the mere threat, keeping himself at a distance as Lila finished up her goodbyes. A kiss on the head was given to both Saki and Yasu before Lila grabbed her bag and nodded her head to Hisoka.
He took that as the sign to leave, heading for the door and holding it open for Lila. She had led them down the abandoned path, one that normally women like Lila would use when traveling between work and their housing. Only, she stopped just as they were about to merge with a normal road.
Lila could only stare at where things were livelier and more appealing compared to how she would always travel. Conversations could be heard as well as laughter here and there. Just as she was about to clench her hands into fists, she felt something warm wrap around one of them. Glancing down, she saw Hisoka's hand holding hers, and she looked up at him. He didn't do much aside from smiling down at her.
"Ready, darling?" A squeeze of assurance was given to Lila, and she nodded her head. Her feet stayed rooted where she was. Hisoka took the first step, a bit longer than a normal one. It had forced Lila to stumble a bit before falling into a pace that kept her at a similar pace with him.
Walking down the street, Lila's grip had tightened on his hand. Subconsciously, she would glance at those around them, unsure if someone would suddenly grab her. She practically forced herself closer to Hisoka's side, as if that would provide more protection than having a small distance between the two.
"Darling," Hisoka hummed, pressing his lips to the side of her head. "Close your eyes and tell me what you feel."
Lila did so, confused as to why he would ask that. Their pace slowed down to a stop. Suddenly, she began to notice a sudden warmth on her bare arms and shoulders. A smile grew on her face as she opened her eyes and looked at Hisoka.
"You'll be able to have more of that once we get those licenses."
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