Chapter 9
I sit on the couch, waiting for the others to get up. We planned to go get breakfast this morning but it's already noon so I'm guessing that we're just going to go get lunch at some fast food place.
Rhys walks out of the hallway, with a smile on his face. His phone is in his hand and I realize why he's in such a good mood. He sits down beside me and shows me the text.
He got a good morning text from his crush. I smile and ruffle his already messy hair. He smiles up at me and continues to text her. Willow and the girls walk out, fully dressed. Tuesday sits down beside Rhys and smiles at him, the amusement clear in her face.
"Well now look who we're waiting for," Tuesday teases Rhys. He smiles sheepishly and goes to the bathroom to change. I lean back against the couch and accidentally twist my right wing. I yelp and jump off the couch. I bring my wings forward and look at it in confusion.
The tips of my normally white wing is tinted red. I look at the other one and it's completely normal. I frown and let go of my wings, letting them fall behind my back. Tuesday looks at me confused but I just smile and go to grab my water bottle.
I put it in the side pocket of my backpack and walk back to the others as Rhys walks out of the hallway, finally dressed for the day. He smiles as he texts on his phone and I sigh and take it away from him.
He looks up and glares at me before gasping and stepping back. I look at him confused and stand there. The others walk over and upon seeing my face have mixed reactions of confusion and horror.
"Your eye," Willow managed to stutter out. I run to the bathroom and look at my eyes. Like my right wing, my right eye is slowly turning red. I stare at my reflection in shock for a moment before regaining my composure and walking back to everyone else.
"Well we should go then," I tell them. They nod and we walk out to our cars. Tuesday closes the door behind us and we drive back to work. I park in front of the building and walk into my office.
I pace around my office and run my hands through my hair anxiously. I look in the little mirror I have hanging on the wall and sigh. Rhys phases through the wall in front of me and I jump back surprised.
"Warn a dude!" I exclaim. He laughs and nods before sitting down in a chair. He looks at my wings and I walk closes to let him see it better. He doesn't touch it - no one does after Tuesday did when she was too excited and I screamed loud enough to rupture someone's ears, and for someone with extra hearing, let's just say it didn't go well- as he looks at the spreading of the red on my wing.
"The red is spreading up more but it's starting to stop about a quarter of the way up," he tells me leaning his chin on his hands. I pull my wings closer to me and gape at the vibrant red that fades into the white of my right wing. My left one stays completely white, seemingly unaffected by the red.
I move my wings too fast and accidentally knock over a bowl of candy. The others throw open my door and look in. I look down at the candy strewn all over the floor and sigh.
Rhys walks over and helps me pick the candy up off the ground and the others enter the room, closing the door behind them. I set the bowl back on the table and turn around. The others stare back me besides Scout. I turn around and see Scout grab a candy from the bowl.
She stops as she takes the candy out, like a child with their hand in the cookie jar. The others follow my face as and I hear Willow trying to stifle a laugh. Scout takes the candy and pops it in her mouth triumphantly.
Willow, Rhys, and Tuesday burst out in laughter and Scout grins. I laugh along with them and watch as Scout picks up the bowl of candy. She takes a few in her hand and starts throwing them at us.
I run out of my office and down the hallway to Scout's office. I hide under her desk and listen as the others run around screaming. I get suspicious as they suddenly grow quiet.
I wrap my wings around me tighter, trying to make myself less visible. I peer out of the crack in the desk and see them walk into Tuesday's office. I smile and move to the storage closet.
I jump up, flapping my wings slightly and get on the top shelf. I close the door with my foot and hear them walk into the office, alerted by the sound of the door closing. They rustle around in the office beside me for a while, as i smile and try not to laugh.
The doorknob starts turning and I put a hand over my mouth and keep my breathing quiet. I see them look around and Tuesday tries to find me by listening. She shakes her head and they close the closet.
I frown, slightly confused about how they didn't see me, but even more about how Tuesday didn't hear me breathing. They close the office door and I turn to look out of the window of the closet. The papers that used to be on the desk are scattered all over the floor.
I smile and lean back against the wall beside the shelf. I stay there for a while, just going my phone and glancing over at the door every couple of minutes. I put my phone down as they walk back into the room.
They open the closet again and look around. I slowly scoot closer to the wall, making sure that I don't make any noise. Scout huffs and closes the closet again.
"Come out Camdyn!" Tuesday yells from the hallway. I hear them walk away and I snicker slightly. I get down from my shelf and sit on the ground in front of the door.
"I'm gay!" I yell as loudly as I can. I hear footsteps running and the door to the closet opens. I smile up at them and Scout glares at me. Willow starts throwing skittles at me while Tuesday yells 'taste the rainbow'.
Rhys tried to hide his smirk and Scout even gives in. I stand up and brush the skittles off of me before walking over to Scout and holding my hand out.
"Truce?" I ask her. She nods and shakes my hand before handing me back an empty bowl. I raise and eyebrow and she shrugs smiling. I frown playfully and then laugh.
"Well now I need to go to the store. Let's go," I say. I walk out of the office and set my bowl down in the copy room. I walk outside and the others get into the back of my car.
I pull up into the parking lot of the dollar store and we go inside where Scout and Rhys immediately run to the toy section. I chuckle and run after them, Willow and Tuesday walking after us like the 'responsible ' adults the are.
They look over the toys and I listen as they rant about some of them. Rhys gets a pair of headphones that he can decorate and Scout gets some cheap hair dye.
"I've always wanted to try it out," she says defensively as Willow watches her pick it up. We walk over to the candy section and I grab a couple bags of jolly ranchers, skittles, and gummy bears.
I watch as Tuesday and Willow run across the aisles and look at the candy, piling stuff in their arms. Rhys eventually makes them out some of it back and they do it reluctantly.
We check out and me, Willow, and Tuesday grab the bags. Scout runs up and looks through the bags before grabbing her hair dye out of one of Tuesday's bags.
"Let's go dye my hair!" She yells excitedly as she runs out of the store.
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