Chapter 12
"Well I want an answer," the person says stand in at the door with their arms crossed. Wyatt and Leon get up and I follow suit. Wyatt tells them that we're going to the living room and to get everyone else in there. They nod and run off to find everyone.
I sit down on the floor in between Leon and Wyatt who are sitting on the couch. I let my wings out a bit so they don't get crushed and lean against the couch. People start walking in, stating at me and my wings. Once everyone sits down, Wyatt starts.
"Okay. This is Camdyn," he says. I hear people gasp and remember me from different fights we had, all except for one person. I've never seen them before.
"My name is Astrid," the girl introduces herself. I try to figure out what her power could possibly be, but nothing on the surface gives it away. I look over at the other people.
"I'm Oak," one says excitedly. She smiles and I remember that she was the one that blinded me on the way to the hospital. I turn to the girl beside her and wait.
"I'm Cove," she says, somewhat more kindly than the others. I then remember that she was the one that shot the people in the laundromat and I scoot back into the couch more.
"I'm Blythe," the last girl introduces. She holds a phone in her hand and states at it intently, typing things in rapidly. I remember that she can manipulate any machinery that she wants.
Leon starts to tell about what happened and how he found me. Even Blythe occasionally looks up to watch me as he tells his part of the story. He finishes and Wyatt yells his part.
"So how do you know that he's not going to attack us?" Astrid asks from the corner of the room. I flinch back a bit and I see her eyes soften but she still waits for an answer.
"He seems more scared of us, than us of him," Leon says. Astrid nods and relaxes. My wings fold around me apprehensively. The others stare at me slack-jawed and I cower further into my wings. Wyatt grabs my hand and leads me back to the room we were originally in.
I sit down on the bed I have proclaimed as mine and study the soft blue carpeting, not wanting to talk to anyone. Wyatt sits down next to me and opens his arms. I'm once again surprised at how he's acting. I scoot over to him and let him pull me onto his lap.
I rest my head on his chest and wrap my wings around his torso. He hums softly and plays with my hair. He eventually starts talking to me and tells me stories about the others. He smiles even brighter when I start laughing at some of his stories, starting to cheer up.
"Wyatt! Camdyn! Dinner is ready!" Leon calls from the kitchen. Wyatt rolls his eyes and I unwrap my wings from around him and get off the bed. I follow him to the huge dinning room, where everyone else is already sitting down at the table.
I sit down between Wyatt and Astrid. She flashes a smile my way as I sit down and I'm quick to return it. Cove sets the food down in the middle of the table and everyone immediately goes at it. I wait patiently until everyone else has theirs.
They finally start eating and I grab some of the food off the plates and start eating. My eyes widen with shock as the taste of the sushi hits my tongue. Coves stops eating and states at me. I quickly swallow my food.
"It's really good, thank you," I tell her. She smiles and reassures me that it's no problem. I finish eating and set my plates in the dishwasher. The others out their plates in and Cove starts it.
"Okay, I say we watch a movie!" Oak says decisively. I freeze in the doorway and remember that me and the others would watch movies after we are almost every night. Wyatt walks over to me concerned.
"Camdyn, are you okay?" He asks softly. I nod and then tell them that I'm really tired before walking to the room. I flip down on the bed and feel tears prick my eyes. Footsteps sound out in the hallway and I wipe the tears from my eyes.
The door handle rattles and someone walks in, sitting down beside me. They sit silently and I look up from the soft blanket. Astrid sits there, looking at the wall like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"Why aren't you down there watching movies with the others?" I ask her quietly. She doesn't turn my way and I'm not sure if she heard me. I go to repeat myself but she speaks up.
"You seemed like you needed someone, " she says. I nod and sit up more. She watches me out of the corner of her eye, not suspiciously but more as if she was regarding if I'm okay or not.
She wraps an arm around my shoulders and we sit like that for a while, not talking, just sitting there thinking. I lean my head on her shoulder and wearily look across the room.
"You should get some sleep," she tells me. I burrow under the covers and look up at her. She smiles down at me and we talk about nothing for a while. Wyatt walks in and sits beside her soon after.
She eventually tells me goodnight and leaves the room. Wyatt looks at me and smiles lightly before he starts full on laughing. I look up at him confused and he pats me on the head.
"Goodnight you adorable little burrito," he says. He stands up and gets in the bed on the other side of the room. I huff and snuggle further into my covers, quickly falling asleep in my cozy little burrito.
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