Chapter 10
"Are you sure about this?" I ask Scout as she sits on the chair with a towel hung over her shoulders. She nods and I pick up the bottle of hair dye and squirt some of it in my go over hand.
I start putting the dye in her hair, being careful not to get any on her scalp or forehead. When I'm done I take a hair tie and put her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head.
"Okay, I'm done putting it in. Stay there and relax for about half an hour," I tell Scout. She gives me the thumbs up and I jump into the counter of my kitchen. Tuesday and Willow sit on the couch and watch me as Rhys states intently at his phone.
"Dude, give her time. She's probably busy right now," Willow says to him. He sighs and nods before reluctantly setting his phone down on the coffee table. He leans back against the couch and states up at the ceiling. I get an idea and I walk to my bathroom, grabbing some extra blue hair dye I have.
"Hey Rhys? Wanna dye some of your hair blue?" I ask him walking out of my bathroom with the bottle in my hand. He looks up and nods before running over to one of the chairs and sitting down.
I carefully dye the fringe of his hair and put it up a bit so it doesn't hit his forehead. Scout's phone goes off and I walk to my sink and turn the water on. She walks over and leans over the sink.
I take her hair out of the bun and start getting the extra hair dye out. The color swirls down the drain and Scout laughs as she catches sight of her newly dyed hair waving in front of her face.
I finally get all the extra dye out. I turn off the faucet and grab the towel off the chair that she was sitting on. I wrap it around her hair and she stands up and starts to dry it.
I wave Rhys over and wash the color out of his hair too, having him hold a washcloth over his face so it doesn't get on his face. I grab a hand towel from one of my drawers and hand it to him. I throw my stained gloves in the trash as I turn to go back to the living room.
Scout sits on a chair and brushes out her now very orange hair. She looks at herself from the camera of her phone and gasps. She smiles and takes a few selfies that I'm guessing she'll post on Instagram later.
Rhys fixed his hair and walks over to us. The blue stands out against the rest of his hair. He looks in my mirror and smiles at his reflection before sticking his tongue out and making faces. I chuckle and walk back over to Tuesday and Willow.
I sit down and watch as the others fawn over their newly dyed hair. I lean back and admire my work. I grab my phone and take a video of their reactions. I send it to Tuesday and Willow. Scout and Rhys look over at me confused when both of their phones chime at the same time.
I shrug and look back down at my phone, pretending to scroll through Instagram. I hear Tuesday trying to stifle a giggle beside me and a small gasp as Willow sees the video.
I actually go into Instagram and see that Willow posted Scout and Rhys' reactions. I hear Scout gasp before I see her jump into Willow. She tackle Willow to the ground as Willow laughs.
Rhys smiles and walks over to help Scout. He sees me and changes his mind before quickly running over to me. I get off of the couch and boot to the other side of the room. Tuesday watched this all excitedly, no doubt live streaming it for her followers.
"Banana!" I yell, temporarily confusing everyone in the room, giving me enough time to run away from Rhys. I hear him protest behind me and I smile knowing that I tricked them.
I hide under my bed and tuck my wings around me to make it seem like part of a blanket. I hear him enter the room and rustle around. He reaches under the bed and touches my wing which causes me to flinch violently, hitting my head on the top of my bed.
I get out from the bed and rub my aching head. He smiles sympathetically and apologizes. Tuesday walks in after hearing the commotion and sits down on my bed. Rhys explains what he did and Tuesday sighs.
"Well at least you didn't scream this time," she says. I smile awkwardly and hang my head. Scout and Willow walk in, supposedly already having made peace about the video. They sit on my bed next to Tuesday and Scout pulls up a game on her phone.
"Okay, let's play truth or dare because I'm bored," she says. Everyone nods and we sit in a circle around the phone in the middle of my bed. She enters our names and the game starts.
"Rhys, truth or dare?" Scout asks as the screen pops up with his name. He picks dare on the screen and it tells him to scream loudly out of the window. He opens my window and screams as loudly as he can, making Tuesday wince.
"Well I'm going to get kicked out," I say. They laugh and the game goes on for a while. It eventually comes back to me and I pick truth. I read it and frown internally.
"What is something important that you're hiding from the people around you?" Scout reads aloud. I think for a while, knowing that this is the perfect opportunity to tell them about what happened with Wyatt and Leon.
"I like puppies," I tell them. Tuesday laughs and Willow hands over two dollars. I watch the exchange and frown slightly. Scout and Rhys nod to Tuesday, smiling at her for winning.
"You were betting on what I was go into say?" I ask them. Willow nods and smiles. Tuesday laughs at my shocked expression and crosses her arms. She raises and eyebrow and looks at me pointedly.
"It would either be something about puppies or how you're gay," she says. I go to reply but realize that that's perfectly true. I close my mouth and watch as Tuesday grins triumphantly.
"But seriously, that doesn't count. Tell us another one," Rhys says. The others nod and I mentally prepare myself for what I'm about to tell them.
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