Chapter 1
"Mom! Can we go to the park?" I ask jumping up and down excitedly. She nods and smiles down at me. I run upstairs to my room and grab my shoes from off the floor beside my closet.
"The bunny goes up, then around?" I mumble as I try to tie my shoes. My brother walks in and sits down in front of me. He takes my shoelaces from my hand and quickly ties my shoes. I beam up at him. He takes my hand and we walk back downstairs to my mom. She sets down her coffee cup without her hands.
"Ready to go?" She asks. I nod excitedly and race out the door. I climb into the backseat and buckle my seatbelt. My brother and mom get in the front and start driving. I watch the cars fly by outside the window and grin happily.
My mom parks at the front of the park and unlocks the car. I run to the playground, my brother at my heels. I climb up the rock wall to the slide. I look around and see my brother standing at the bottom waiting for me.
I sit down on the slide and push myself down. I throw my hands up and squeal on the way down. I bump into my brother at the bottom and he puts me on my feet. He stops suddenly and gawks at something. I turn around and see two people standing on the grass.
"Put your hands up and don't move!" They yell loudly. My mom walks towards us with her headphones in her ears. The female took notice of this and nudged the guy beside her. The guy looks over and smirks.
"I guess we have our victim," he snarls. My brothers eyes widen in shock. He runs really fast in front of mom as the man picks up an abnormally large rock. He throws it and it crushes my mom and brother.
I stay in place with tears streaming down my cheeks. The female walks over to them and waves her hand, drenching them in water. They finish and run off to the parking lot. The rest of the people at the park stand there in complete shock.
"Mommy! Nick?" I ask quietly. I walk up to them and sit down beside them. I put my hands on the rock and try to push it off. I scream at the rock and push harder. I eventually sit back, tears blurring my vision to the point that I can't see anything.
A hand grabs my arm and pulls me up. The lady stands in front of me, holding my arm and the man stands behind her. I shrink back in fear and she laughs. The man's amused smile makes me sadder.
"Don't worry young one," she says wiping the tears off my face. She suddenly gets pulled back and someone grabs me. The police officer smiles down at me sympathetically and leads me to her car, but not before i saw the faces of my mom and brother.
Their mouths hung open and they're eyes wide open and bulging. Blood spills out of my brother's mouth. My mom has blood surrounding her arm and head.
I bolt up in bed, panting for breath. I look around my small apartment and sigh quietly. I rest my head on my hands. That was 12 years ago, I shouldn't be having these dreams still. I rub my eyes and lean back into bed. I stare at the ceiling in defeat.
I look up at my clock and check the time. Three in the morning, great. I get off my bed, very well knowing that I'm not getting back to sleep tonight. I grab my phone off of my night stand and unplug it before walking out to the living room.
I change my clothes to something more suitable for the weather and throw a jacket on over them. I grab my keys and my wallet off the table and shove them into my pocket before walking outside and locking my front door.
I quietly trudge down the hallway and get to the stair case. I take the stairs so that the elevator doesn't wake any of my neighbors up. I get to the bottom and walk out into the freezing air. I walk over to my car and quickly unlock it before jumping in.
I turn on the heat and wait for the car to get warm. I turn on the radio in my car and stare out the window at the big city. I lean back in my chair and relax for a while, watching the planes fly by and the clouds in the sky move.
I sit up when the car's warm and drive off. I drive down the somewhat traffic packed highway for a couple of minutes before turning off at an exit. I pull in front of the only place that will calm me down after I have a nightmare.
I turn the ignition off and walk to the door. The bell rings softly as I walk inside. I order my drink from Emily at the counter and sit down in one of the booths.
Emily walks up to me with my drink and sets it down. We catch up on what's been happening and she talks about her boyfriend. I chuckle and she excuses herself to go back to her place at the counter. My phone chimes and I pull it out of my pocket.
Scout: What are you doing up so late!
I survey the place quietly. Then I see Scout and Willow sitting at a table in the front. I pick up my stuff and walk over to them. I sit down across from them and smile tiredly.
"Why are you up so late Camdyn?" Scout asks again, her arms crossed over her chest. Willow looks around quietly and doesn't say anything. Scout glares at me harshly.
"I just went out for night patrol for a while and since I'm done now i thought that I'd get a drink," I tell her. She nods approvingly and nudges Williow's side. Willow looks up at her and shrugs.
"Oh hey Camdyn," Willow says, finally acknowledging me. I nod to her and take a sip of my strawberry smoothie. We talk about work for a while, especially the new case we're working on.
Two villains, one with ice powers and one with fire powers have been terrorizing the city. Scout and Willow are the investigative team. Scout's power is telling if someone is lying and Willow has super observation.
Willow nudges Scout and points at me. Scout looks at my back and sighs. I pull my sleeves farther over my hands. My wings ache slightly from being folded up in a jacket for so long.
"Do your wings hurt?" Scout asks. Willow looks over cautiously. I shrug and take another sip of my smoothie. Scout glares at me and stands up. She grabs my hand before pulling me up and taking off my jacket.
My wings unfold behind me, the feathers messed up and sticking out. Scout glares at me and I smile sheepishly. She shakes her and slaps my arm lightly.
"Go home and take a shower so you can fix your wings," she tells me. I nod quickly and grab my smoothie. Willow bashfully smiles over as I walk out the door. Emily shakes her head and smiles.
I unlock my car and quickly walk over to it. The sun is starting to rise from the west. I get in and drive back to my house. I park in front of my house and walk through the front door. I throw my stuff down on the table beside the door. table
I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower, making sure to wash my wings well. I sigh as I try to reach my back and eventually grab the rough scrub thing.
I grimace as the roughness of the scrub pulls at my feathers. I eventually get done and jump out. I dry my hair and wrap my towel around my waist. I grab another towel and dry my wings off.
I use my hands to brush my wings out. I put on a shirt and pants and then I sit down on my couch. I turn on Netflix and watch it for a while before my phone starts ringing.
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