Mia's POV:
My eyes open, and confusion hits me as I realize I'm not in room. I get up and cautiously head over to the door, praying to God that it would be open.
Turning the doorknob, I sigh in relief when it pushes open. I wander down the hallway and hear voices talking faintly. As I head down the hallway closer to the voices, I realize who's house this is, Zayn's.
"I'm very sorry, Mrs. Clarke. I hope Mia returns home safely." I hear Zayn tell them, and my mind goes wild.
What was he talking about? I was right here in his house.
"Thank you, Zayn. If you hear anything from anybody, please let us know." My dad sighs.
"Will do, sir."
I quickly jump into a dark corner near another door when I hear the front door close and soon after his footsteps walking down the hall. I hold my breath as Zayn passes, and when I'm sure he's out of sight, fast walk down the hallway. I stop at the end of the hallway and am greeted with a decision. I can either run down the short hallway to the door, or take the long hallway leading to the backdoor which he wouldn't expect.
My eyes wander to the long hallway for a second, but I quickly turn back to the front door. My heart jumps out of my chest and I gasp as I see Zayn leaning against the wall near the front door, tauntingly. "Where do you think you're going, Mia?"
It takes a second to wrap my mind around the conversation, but I soon reply. "What were you talking about with my parents, Zayn?"
"Didn't you hear?" He asks, tilting his head.
"Hear what?"
"My dear, you have gone missing." Zayn pouts, but soon after lets out a loud laugh.
I'm lost for words at his response. "Excuse me?" I ask in disbelief.
"You went missing last night after the dance. Such a shame, am I right? Your poor parents...how they must feel right now."
"I-I..." I take a deep breath. "Does this mean what I think it means?"
"That I kidnapped you?" He asks, smirking. "Seems to be. If only your parents didn't believe that you left the dance with an older guy, maybe the police would come and search my house. But that's too bad it didn't turn out that way."
My mind can't comprehend what to say. As he stares me down, my eyes flicker over to the front door right behind him. What would happen if I ran at Zayn without him suspecting it? Maybe it would give me enough time to get out the front door and scream at the very least.
Zayn's eyes watch me cautiously, and they light up as he laughs. "Don't even try to run, you won't make it out the front door."
I don't know why I couldn't remember what happened, but I knew this wasn't the same Zayn I loved. This wasn't him at all. And I knew I couldn't trust him.
He nods me over towards him, a sign that I have given up. To let him think he has won, I start walking towards him until I turn on my heel and sprint for the backdoor.
Before I can even fling the door open, he grabs my hair and yanks me, resulting in me on my back. I gasp for air as I see his blurry face look down at mine, "Don't do that ever again."
Getting up, I hold my chest to manage my breathing. "I can't believe I trusted you."
Zayn looks down at me as he takes a sip of coffee, "We all make that mistake one day or another."
"I can't believe I trusted you..." I murmur again. "I didn't listen to anybody because I couldn't make myself believe you could do those...inhumane things."
"Like I said, we all make those mistakes. You just shouldn't have trusted so much."
I glare at him, "How could I not trust you? You...you acted as if you actually liked me. You told me about your deepest fears and why you believe in what you do...we even had sex. Did that mean nothing to you?"
Something flickers in his eyes, but it is hard to pin-point what it is. "I was always told I was a good actor."
"Did you know that Will was my grandpa?"
"Not the first time I met you, no. But then I figured it out."
I try to think of what to ask him next, "So that book, the one I found...is it yours?"
He smirks, "Yes."
Tears fall, "And I guess I am the lucky contestant."
Before he can even respond, a knock erupts on his front door. We make eye contact and I go to scream for help until he looks into my eyes, "You will be quiet and not move a muscle until I get back."
"I will be quiet and not move a muscle until you get back." I repeat, in a trance.
He gets up and walks to the front door, opening it, "Oh. Hello officer."
I try to scream. It climbs up my throat.
"Hello, Mr. Malik. We were wondering if we could ask you some questions about Mia Clarke."
"Were you and Mia Clarke in a relationship?" They ask, curiously.
"Yes." Zayn admits, I can almost see his smirk.
"Describe the relationship you two had."
"You told police she left you during the dance, correct?" A woman officer steps in.
"I did."
"You have no idea where she went?"
"No, I don't. But I heard that somebody outside said that she got in the car with an older guy."
What an asshole.
"Did you have knowledge she was seeing another man?"
"I was not." Zayn tells them, getting irritated.
"Okay. Thank you for your time, Mr. Malik." They say to him, leaving.
He comes back in and sits down, "Where were we?"
"Why me?" I ask, my heart breaking. "Why me out of everybody?"
Zayn motions me to walk with him to his room, "It wasn't going to be you."
"Then what changed?"
"It was going to be Delila, she was too easy. She was throwing herself at me because she knew you were interested."
"And you didn't stop her." I roll my eyes, sitting on his bed.
"I am not going to pass up free sex."
He smirks but goes on, "But then I knew that this was going to take time. It was going to take patience and I couldn't handle her for that long."
"That's when you knew it would be me." I whisper, sadly.
"Exactly. You weren't the type of girl to just move on from a guy so fast, you wanted commitment. That's when I knew I had to change the game up. I kidnapped Delila and got rid of her. She was going to ruin everything if I let her live."
I don't reply.
"Then the only problem was Harry....so I had to make sure he wasn't going to ruin everything. So I made him get in a car accident, and everything else just fell into place after that." Zayn laughs. "You were too easy. I didn't have to do anything for you two to hate each other after that."
"Why did you kill Danny then...Baylee?"
"Danny was pure collateral damage. But Baylee wasn't me. Thomas wanted a piece."
I scoff, "Then who was your "aunt"?"
"I don't know. I found an older lady in the next town over and used her body to make it seem more real." He laughs. "She was on the news if you didn't hear."
"You're a monster." I hiss, angrily.
"Maybe." He shrugs.
"Just answer this." I beg, my body shaking. "Did you actually love?"
Zayn's eyes darken, "No."
Tears fall down my cheeks, "I know you Zayn. You did, I can tell. You can't fake a love like that!"
He stands up and goes to the door, "I'll be back later."
"Zayn!" I scream, sobbing.
The door slams. And I am alone.
I rub my eyes and look for something to defend myself with when he comes back. My eyes wander over many different things when I finally decide on the lamp by his bedside.
My eyes widen as I hear his footsteps start towards the room I am in, and I grab it as fast as I can, standing out of sight so he doesn't see me right away.
The door opens and he walks in only to look confused. I slam the lamp on his head as hard as I can, and he falls to the ground groaning.
I need to go somewhere he wouldn't expect.
My wild eyes look everywhere before I quickly decide on going into the basement. Quickly, but quietly, I head down the stairs and open the door.
I barely notice the light on and I suddenly feel sick when a terrible smell hits me. I plug my nose and force myself to walk through, looking for anywhere to hide.
My body starts shaking uncontrollably when I suddenly come in contact with a body displayed on a table. A dead body. Liam's body.
I don't try to push him off when he leads me back upstairs. The only thing on my mind is Liam's lifeless eyes staring at me.
"Why him?" I cry, staring into his once warm brown eyes.
"He knew too much."
I don't reply to him.
"I didn't do it, though."
"Do what?" I ask.
"Kill him." He shrugs, not meeting my eyes. "Thomas did."
Does he think that makes it better?
"Am I going to die?"
He bites his lip, "You aren't here for a party."
My world crashes, "Why are you doing this?"
"I am going to be human again, soon. And become an immortal."
"You died and now you are going to kill somebody to become human again?"
Zayn glares at me, "I didn't die. I was murdered."
I can't help but have my eyes widen, "You died on Halloween."
"Again, I was murdered." He glares. "But I was only eighteen....they took my life away from me. They had no right to do it, but they did."
"You are going to take my life, though. You're no better than them!"
"Fuck off. You haven't been living in a complete hell for the last seventy-six years. You don't know shit."
"Listen...I'm sorry you got your life taken away at such a young age, but you are taking somebody else's life." I try to reason with him.
"Why are you making this so hard?" Zayn yells, angrily. "I have to get away from Him!"
"W-Who's Him?"
His eyes look at the floor, "You know who He is."
"You mean...the Devil?"
"God doesn't make fucking demons, Mia."
Realization hits, "That dream I had...you put that in my mind, didn't you?"
"What one?" Zayn smirks.
"The one where there was nothing surrounding me...and then suddenly there was a voice. He told me He was waiting for me."
He clenches his jaw.
"That happened to you." I look into his eyes, and try to change his mind. "He took advantage of you, Zayn. He knew you were angry and he tried to take advantage of you!"
"He gave me a second chance."
"And look at you, you're miserable."
"But I won't be soon. I'll be free to finally live my life with no boundaries." A small smile finds his lips.
"You'll never be free, it doesn't work that way." I tell him, knowing the Devil always lies.
Zayn scoffs, "You don't think I know that? I'm not stupid, Mia. I have been around him for centuries, I know what he does."
My eyebrows furrow, "How are you going to escape then?"
"Thomas is helping me, he knows what to do."
"Where do you plan to go then? What do you plan to do?"
"I plan to go somewhere like Alaska, maybe Russia." He grins, his eyes lighting up. "I've always wanted to go see those places."
"Do you think you could live with killing somebody you spent so much time with?" I ask, staring at my hands.
"I don't know." Zayn admits, shrugging. "I tend to think I could."
Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
This is just a bit of insight into Zayn's thinking and all. I would just like to inform you all we have like 3-5 more chapters left...only because the ending is kind of fast. But whatever, just be prepared!
I'm not sure if I should make a second book of this, because I have a basic idea of what it would be about, but nothing around it :/
Please remember to vote and comment and I'll update again soon! ❤
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