Mia's POV:
As I walk down the halls of Hell, I see Zayn hurrily walk up to me. "Mia, can we talk?"
"I don't see why not." I reply, giving him a grin.
He gives me a small smile, but it's not really genuine. "Well...I would just like to apologize for yesterday. My behavior was very irrational and I shouldn't have blown up in front of you. Can we just forget about it?"
"Zayn...it wasn't irrational." I try to tell him, but he shrugs.
"Please just forget about it."
"Forget about what?" I smile sheepishly and it results in his smile widening.
Harry and I sit close to each other so nobody else can hear us. "I just...feel bad for him, you know? He doesn't deserve any of this at all. Nobody does." He purses his lips but stays quiet. "Harry, what's wrong?"
"I just don't like him, okay? No matter if his aunt died. It doesn't change my opinion of him. Can we just stop talking about him, please?"
I sigh and sag my shoulders, "I guess...I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable."
He grabs my hand and squeezes it, "Don't worry about it."
After Harry's and I very short talk, I head towards my next class but stop suddenly when I see Zayn throw his hands in the air. I step back a few
and realize there is a teacher in there talking with him. Zayn's cold stare and irritated motions don't lesson as the teacher tries to talk to him. Worried, I
hurrily run in and grab his arm. "Zayn, stop."
He turns to me, eyes dark. "Stop, Mia."
"No!" I tell him, angrily. "You will get yourself in trouble. Now come on."
As we exit the classroom, he rips his arm from my grip. "God, Mia! I don't need you to help me out all the time."
My eyes lower from his crazed ones, and I drop my hands to my sides. "I'm sorry..."
His eyes soften and he gently places a hand on my chin, lifting it up to level our gazes. "Mia, I'm sorry...I really didn't mean it. I'm just...stressed, okay? I didn't mean to snap at you. You don't deserve that."
My chest feels as if it's about to burst from his words. "Zayn, it's okay. You have the right to be stressed."
"You're too good for me..." He whispers, setting his forehead onto mine.
And when I feel a wet substance fall onto my cheek, I don't say a thing.
Niall and I sit absentmindedly on my bed as we look through our old picture book. "Damn, we are way too hot."
I laugh loudly as Niall fans himself for exaggeration. My eyes wander over the most recent photos and I can't help but smile.
"This is my absolute favorite." I tell Niall, showing him the photo.
He grimaces, "Uh...sure."
"What? We're cute!"
Niall sighs in admiration, "This one is my favorite."
"Oh my God, no." I laugh, turning away. "That is an abomination."
'What?" He mimicks me with a high-pitched voice. "We're cute!"
"I hate you." I mumble, throwing my pillow at him.
Niall tries to apologize, but I dramatically stomp to the window. My eyes widen in curiosity and I barely hear what Niall says. "Baby...please-"
He stops and furrows his eyebrows when he sees what I see. Before our eyes, Zayn is talking with a man. We can't see the face of the man, because of the fact that his back is turned to us. He hands Zayn something and we see him get a bit angry.
"What could he be so pissed about?" Niall wonders aloud.
I don't reply, only watch it play out in front of me. Zayn suddenly shoves something at the man and then stalks away towards his front door. Niall
and I both watch in anticipation as we wait for the mystery man to turn around. My breath catches in my throat when the man turns out to be; Harry.
"Why the hell are they seeing each other?" I ask, rubbing my hands together.
He shrugs, "They aren't friends?"
"No." I sigh, thumping Niall in the head.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"I already told you this stuff!"
He shrugs, "Maybe I don't remember because none of these people are relevant in my life." I glare at him and he goes on. "Well if they aren't friends...that isn't shady..."
I roll my eyes at his sarcasm, "You think?"
After Niall leaves, I head outside for some fresh air. My mind heads in many different directions when I notice a hooded figure running into the woods. Deciding quickly, I run in the woods after him.
I am on his trail when suddenly he's gone. Confused, I walk forward looking for any sight of him. A scream escapes my lips as the hooded figure dashes at me from the side, knocking me onto my side.
Gasping from lack of oxygen, I look up and see the figure holding a tree branch. My eyes widen when the person suddenly brings it down at full speed.
Instinctively, I roll out of the way as soon as it hits the ground. My breathing increases and I quickly kick the unknown person in the knees, giving me enough time to run away.
As I start running towards Zayn's house, my breathing is the only thing I hear. And for the moment I realize that I can no longer hear the birds singing or the sound of the wind going through the trees.
I basically charge through Zayn's door and quickly shut it, hoping the person didn't see me enter his house. I lock the door and place my back against the door, my breathing the heaviest it has been.
Pressing my ear against the door, I try to listen for any evidence the person is still out there. But I don't hear anything. I'm about to pull away when suddenly there is three loud knocks placed on the door. I jump away in fear, now knowing they saw me enter his home.
Looking around, I conclude Zayn is not home. Only due to the fact he didn't come running out of wherever he was due to the noise. Still anxious, I tip-toe
around his house making sure I didn't have any unwanted guests waiting for me around a corner.
I enter his kitchen area and the first thing I see is the laptop that rests on the counter. Looking around skeptically, I walk over to it and wiggle the mouse pad, waking it up.
The thing opened appears to be a secure website with nothing but weird markings and words on the screen. I jump when a notification rings out and I see a small one over a chat bar.
My heart beats fast and I wonder if I should read it. I take a deep breath and let the cursor hang over the icon before clicking on it. I try to calm my breathing down as I look around quickly, thinking Zayn is watching me somewhere.
I turn back to the computer and read over the conversation.
From: Zayn Malik
Listen, boy. I would be very careful about what you say to me. We both know that I could destroy you.
My eyes widen at his words, but I try not to jump to conclusions too fast. Just because Zayn said that, it doesn't mean he's at fault. Maybe the other person messaging him really deserved it.
From: ???
I'm sorry, okay? You're right. What do you need me to do?
My body stiffens when I suddenly hear footsteps coming up the stairs, Zayn must be home. I try to quickly make everything how it was before.
I close it half way and stand up abruptly as the sound of the echoing footsteps closes in.
I step a few feet away and when Zayn sees me, his eyes widen. "Mia, what're you doing here?"
I open my mouth to reply, but close it soon after. I try again, "There was a man following me and he tried to attack me...my first thought was to come here."
He hurries over to me and hugs me, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I smile, reassuringly. "Just a bit frightened."
Zayn smiles at me and I mentally cringe when I notice his eyes focus on behind me. "Were you on my laptop?"
"What?" I ask, trying to sound surprised. "No, I wasn't."
He stares at me for a short moment before shrugging, "Okay."
I yawn quietly but Zayn catches it, "Are you tired?"
"Just a bit." I shrug, hugging myself.
"I don't feel good letting you leave with the guy out there. How about you sleep in my room for awhile?"
"I'd like that." A smile appears and he grabs my hand, leading me to his room.
I lay down and he places the comforter on me, kissing my cheek. "I'll wake you up soon."
"Okay." I agree, closing my eyes.
My body shakes in fear as I crouch behind a Mazda, trying my best to calm my breathing down.
"Come out, Mia. I don't want to have to hurt you." Zayn's voice threatens, his footsteps close by.
I don't reply, just try to hurry and dial the police. I hear him laugh unamusingly and when I peak over the car hood, see him pulling his phone out. My hand shake uncontrollably as I type their number.
I now knew who he was. I now know what he has done.
Before I press the call button, my phone starts ringing loudly and I look down to see it from Zayn. Cursing, I hurry and try to silence it.
I hear Zayn's taunting laugh and I press my hand over my mouth, tears falling out my eyes. His footsteps suddenly stop, and I look over the hood to no longer see him. Confusion hits me and I wonder if he left.
Standing up slowly, I don't see Zayn in sight anymore. A loud scream leaves my lips when I feel his tight grip wrap around my waste, picking me up.
I scream and cry, hoping to catch somebody's attention, but nobody comes to save me.
We get closer to his car and he pops the trunk open and places me in. I try my best to get out and not let him lock me in, but his hand grabs a hold of my
hair and he slams it against the floor.
My eyesight goes blurry and Zayn finally pushes me fully in. He wipes the sweat off his head and grins at me. "See you when you wake up, baby."
The last thing I see is Zayn placing his hands on the top of the trunk and slamming it closed.
Thank you SOSOSO much to my very good friend MapleLeafx for making that amazing teaser on the side 😍😍
And I want to tell you all, those manips are NOT mine.
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