Mia's POV:
Silently I head downstairs, praying to God that my parents wouldn't yell at me. I hated getting yelled at, hated it. I would burst out into tears when anybody raised their voice even the slightest.
My feet pad on the wood floor as I head into the kitchen, only to see my mom setting down tuna casserole, my favorite. I look at my mom with loving eyes, "You made my favorite..."
She sighs, and nods. "I realized that I was out of line grounding you. It didn't occur to me how frustrating school must be at the moment, and that you must've felt overwhelmed. Just please tell me when you decide to skip school, I was worried when you didn't come home at your normal time."
A grin finds its way onto my lips as my mom's words play over again in my mind. "You don't know how much that means to me."
My mom embraces me and smiles at me. "Let's not mention this to your dad, okay?"
"Okay." I agree, my chest feeling as if it's about to burst from gratitude.
As dinner nears to an end, my dad looks over at me. "When were you going to tell us?"
"Tell you what?" I ask, taking a bite of my casserole.
"About school today."
My eyes widen as I look up to them, did they know? How was I going to explain to them that it wasn't me, would they believe me? Oh God, I'm in such trouble! "What about it?"
"That you aced your test! We got an email about it today." He grins, looking me right in the eyes.
"Oh." I furrow my eyebrows. "I mean, I was going to...but I wanted to be humble about it. You know? It's just a test anyway."
I only had a test in Mr. Talihone's class today, how would I have gotten a good score? I wasn't even there, and I'm positive he wouldn't mix me up for another student.
"Don't be humble about it!" My mom grins.
"I won't anymore." I smile slightly, my confusion growing. "May I be excused?"
"Yes, you may. But before you do, go take this to Zayn and his aunt. I bet that poor boy hasn't had anything for dinner yet! He's such a sweet boy, giving up his time to take care of his aunt." My mom gushes, handing me two plates.
"Okay, I will. I might go on a small walk in the woods afterwards." I tell them, grabbing the plates from my mom.
"Sounds good, but don't be too late." My father orders as he stands up, taking my mom's dish from her hand.
I don't reply and head out the front door to Zayn's house. As soon as I step out, I smile in satisfaction as the cold crisp air kisses my cheeks immediately. I quickly walk across the street and jog up the front steps of his house, knocking on his door.
My blood runs cold when I hear a blood curdling scream rip through his house loudly and shortly after small cries are heard. A shiver crawls up my spine as my face is pale in fear. Zayn opens the door, and pushes his hair back in frustration. "Hey Mia."
"Um, h-hi Zayn." I mumble, trying not to look too obvious as I try to peer behind him.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that, my aunt doesn't like taking her medicine much." He grins, tiredly. "Must've sounded bad from your perspective, yeah?"
I nod, letting out a breath in relief. "Haha, you have no idea. My mom wanted me to give this to you and your
"Your mother is too kind to me."
"She likes having someone to look after besides me." I hand him the plates, and tense up as our hands touch.
"Help me!" A woman's voice pleads, echoing through the dark house.
Zayn's whole body tenses, and his eyes widen in terror. "Um, I'm sorry about that."
I gulp in fear, "It's okay...she doesn't sound too good."
He see's the fear on my face and places a hand on my face. "Mia, it's okay. It's just my aunt, and she's okay. The meds they gave her make her say some crazy things sometimes. You believe me, right?"
"Um, yeah." I say, not sure what to think.
"Mia, I promise you. It's just my aunt." Zayn says more sternly, looking me straight in the eyes.
Suddenly, my mind goes fuzzy and what he says seems more truthful. "Yeah, it's just your aunt and she's okay."
He smirks and nods, "Now make sure to tell your mother I say thank you. Goodbye, Mia."
As he closes the door, I blink. Rubbing my eyes, I try to come up with a rational reason but come up with nothing as I walk down his steps to the woods. I walk a bit and turn, only to end up in his backyard.
I walk quietly up to his back window, and try to peek in. All I see is Zayn pacing around the room ranting angrily. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you to be quiet! God, what am I going to do with you?"
He turns towards where I am looking in, and I quickly drop under the window. I hear his footsteps near
the window, and rest my head against the house, trying to look up. My hands shake slightly as I see him looking out the windows suspiciously before quickly closing the curtains.
A few minutes later, I start heading back to my house when I see Zayn on the phone. "Seriously, this better
be worth my time." He spits into his phone, angrily. I watch him as he gets in his car and drives down the road away from his house.
This is my time to see what this is all about. From what I have seen, Zayn is a really good guy. But he can also be a bit shady and intimidating other times. I need to put these theories forming in my mind to rest. Why would he speak
to his aunt that way? My only reasonable explanation is that he was embarassed, which I can't blame him for. But who is that person I hear him talking on the phone to sometimes?
Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I hurrily jog back to his backyard. I pass the window I was looking through, and head over to the deck where his backdoor is. I climb up the stairs and walk over to the door, peaking through to make sure the coast is clear.
Am I really going through with this? I'm about to break into his house for what? Just to find answers to a few shady things he's done?
I open the door and see I've entered his kitchen which connects to his living room area. Quietly, I walk over to his kitchen table and see tons of papers scattered but decide against looking through them. I hurry out of the kitchen and enter the living room to see it perfectly clean, unlike the kitchen.
The dim lights seem to make the home more eerie as I pass down the small hallway leading towards a door. I open it, and realize that it's the room I was peeking into.
I conclude that this is where Zayn must stay due to his backpack dumped on his bed. Looking around a bit more, I notice a black book. It has nothing on the cover but a simple symbol. My hands trace over it as I wonder what it symbolizes.
My thoughts are cut short when I hear a car door slam. I run down a long hall and peer out a window to see an angry Zayn marching up to the house.
"Shit!" I mutter, running down the hall to get back to the kitchen. I hear the keys fumbling to open the front door as I accidentally knock some of the papers that once laid on the table on to the ground. Cursing, I realize there is no time and instead quietly open the back door as soon as I hear his footsteps walk down the hallway.
As soon as I exit, I run the fastest I have ever ran in my life. I ran like my whole life depended on it. As soon as I get up to my front door, I throw open the door and slam it closed. My mom's eyes are wide in surprise and I just grin at her as I try to even my breathing out. Instantly, I head upstairs and fall onto my bed as the tiring effect of running hits me.
"I'm so going to hell." I mutter to myself, as I finally let my eyes close.
My eyes snap open as I'm shoken awake by my mom. "Mia, the police need to ask you some questions."
"What about?" I ask, her question not fully regestering in my mind.
"Zayn reported a break in."
My heart reat quickens, "Oh really?"
I head downstairs and rub my eyes as a male police officer stands in front of me. "Sorry to bother you Ms. Clarke but we have some questions for you."
"Ask away." I reply, not bothering to say it's okay when it's really not.
"Did you see anybody suspicious roaming the premises earlier?"
"No." I reply, rubbing my arms as he writes my answer down.
"Mr. Malik reports that you came over around approximately 6:15 pm to give him and his aunt some dinner, is this true?" He asks, rubbing his chin.
"At what time did you go back to your house?"
I try to think, "Maybe 7:00 pm? I decided afterwards to go on a small walk in the woods."
He nods, "Okay. And you didn't see anybody suspicious?"
"No." I shrug, the guilt eating me alive.
"Thank you for your time, Ms. Clarke. We are very sorry to wake you up from your sleep." He stands up and shakes my hand.
"My pleasure." I yawn, looking at the time-10:20 pm. "May I ask what has made Zayn believe somebody broke in?"
"He found some papers on the ground when he got home from meeting a friend, and heard his backdoor shut when he walked in."
Why would Zayn report it this late? Anybody else would have reported it as soon as it happened.
"Oh." I smile, fakily. "Have a good night, officer."
"You too, Ms. Clarke." He leaves and instead of talking to my parents, I head back upstairs and jump back into bed with the guilt picking at me, piece by piece.
During my lunch period, instead of eating, I head to the library to look up what the symbol on the book means. I told Zayn that I would catch up with him later and left it at that.
I open up a new tab and type in the description of the symbol. Many things pop up, and I click on the first page.
This symbol is known around the world by few. It originated back in the early 1900s when cults were a huge thing known worldwide.
The symbol was originally used by the cults for human sacrifices. They would
paint the symbol on the walls and then kill the person to complete the spell to
summon the Devil himself.
It is not only used to summon the Devil, but used for other things such as
human immortality, or bringing a demon or ghost back to life.
My mind goes many places as I try to wrap my mind around the article I just read. Human immortality? There is no such thing! Also, demons and ghosts are not real!
I close the tab and scoff at the article I just read. That was all total bullshit. And even if it was real, why would Zayn have it?
Thanking the librarian, I leave the library and gasp as I run straight into Harry. "Mia! I've been looking for you."
I furrow my eyebrows angrily and push past him. "Please talk to me."
"I'll talk to you when you decide not to lie to me, Harry." I spit, venom in my words. He stands there stunned as I head to my gym class, which Zayn happens to be in.
My anxiety is through the roof as I head in to my tenth period class and see Mr. Talihone writing on the board. "Mr. Talihone, may we talk?"
He turns around, "Ah! Hello, Ms. Mia Clarke."
I'm caught off guard by his mood. "Uh, hi. I just wanted to let you know that it was not me who wrote that on my paper, I promise you. I would never do such a thing-"
"Mia, stop rambling. What on earth are you talking about?"
"Um..." I'm lost for words. He has to remember what took place yesterday! "Nothing, sir."
"Very well, go sit down." Mr. Talihone orders me, shooing me away.
I get home and cringe as I walk in on my parents fighting. They both turn to me, and collect themselves.
"Hey, sweetie." My mom greets, pushing back a strand of hair.
"Um, hi." I greet, dropping my backpack.
"I think it'd be best if you went and studied some place else tonight." My dad tells me.
"Okay." I agree, picking up my backpack. "Let me just go upstairs really fast to grab my wallet and laptop."
I hurry upstairs and grab my things, and hop down the stairs. My mom hands me the car keys and I thank her before leaving.
I decide on the cafe that Harry and I met at, and drive there calmly. Pulling up, I get out and head inside. The barista waves at me and I wave back before I decide on a spot to sit.
A worker walks up to me, "What may I get you?"
"A medium caramel frappachuino, please." I order, as he writes it down.
"Coming right up."
I open my laptop up and while it starts up, I notice Zayn sitting in the corner of the cafe with a beanie pulled down over his head. Standing up, I go over to him and say hi.
"Hi, Zayn."
"Mia!" He grins, looking up. "Never thought you'd be here."
"Same goes for you. Are you here alone?" I ask.
"Yep, just reading."
"Would you like to come sit with me?"
He looks over to where I'm gesturing and nods. "I'd like that."
We sit down just as the worker comes and gives me my drink, "Thank you!"
He only nods and I ask Zayn about the book he's reading. We sit there for about fifteen minutes as he describes the plot of the story to me, and I can't help but just stare at him in complete admiration.
Suddenly, he stands up. "I've got to go to the bathroom, but afterwards would you like to go home together?"
"I drove..." I explain, praying he didn't drive.
"Would you mind giving me a ride?"
"Not at all." I grin as he walks away.
I sit in silence and look over Zayn's book when his phone starts buzzing. Picking it up, I see that he's getting a call from an Unknown Caller. I contemplate answering it, but decide against it as he walks out of the bathroom. We both stand up and I leave the money for the coffee and a tip on the table.
He helps me carry my things out to my car as we get in. "Somebody called you."
"Who?" Zayn asks, looking over at me.
"It was an unknown number."
"Oh, it can wait."
I park my car outside of my house and Zayn and I get out. He thanks me profusely for giving him a ride home when my neighbors dog comes running up to me.
Crouching down, I pet the large husky as he licks me everywhere. "This is Nanook, Zayn."
Nanook seems to now see Zayn and bares his teeth agressively before growling. I gasp at his behavior and apologize to him, "I'm so sorry, he usually loves everybody."
Zayn glares down at the dog, but shrugs it off with a laugh. "Eh, it's okay. I've never been much of a dog person anyway."
Omg a huge thank you to all those who are still reading this and welcome new readers! (wherever you may be)
Okay, so I imagined Zayn's room a bit like that (let me tell you it's hard ASF to find a room for a mature boy on tumblr when it just keeps having photos of tumblr rooms poppinG UP). Except I imagine the bed a bit bigger and a bit more plain.
Lowkey don't know what that actual symbol is but go along with it, thanks. Rights go to whoever made it.
Remember to vote and comment! I love you all so much.
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