Kayano [POV]
Nagisa's mother is scary when she gets mad. Nagisa seemed distraught about it but I didn't want to ask anymore questions, he didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it. Nagisa didn't tie his hair back up either, he just let it fall in front of his face which was weird. When Korosensei came in I expected him to do or say something about it but he didn't though I'm sure Nagisa wouldn't want him to make a big deal about it. Korosensei handed out worksheets to do that wasn't that hard to do and in around ten minutes I was halfway done. I glanced over at Nagisa quickly he wasn't finished with the first problem yet, the other kids were making conversations between themselves so I leaned over a little bit
"Nagisa do you want some help?" I offered
"No I don't need any help I just..., keep getting distracted" He answered looking over at me, he smiled "Thank you anyway" His cheek had puffed up quite a bit and was bright red. He looked down at his desk
Nagisa [POV]
I worked slowly not wanting to have to get up to turn in the worksheet. I didn't want this school day to end at all. My cheek burned and I Knew by now it had puffed up at least a bit. Working on the first question I read slowly and wrote down my answer as slowly as I could. Though it was hard to go slow and I figured out all the answers for the first page by the time I had written the third one down. I sped up a little bit writing them down at a more normal pace. I finished the worksheet pushing aside my growing anxieties and stood up walking up to Korosensei
"Done Nagisa?" He asked, I nodded handing him the worksheet "You can go out to lunch now if you want Nagisa" I nodded again walking out of the classroom shutting the door quietly behind me. Walking out of the old school building I went out into the woods not having much of an appetite. Leaning up against a tree I felt in my pocket a gun filled with the anti-Korosensei BBs. I sat down on the ground leaning my back against the trunk of the large tree. I fidgeted with the gun reloading it over and over again. I don't know how much time had passed before I dozed off.
Karma [POV]
After the lunch break and everyone had come back into the classroom for the last classes of the day. Though I didn't see Nagisa in his seat or anywhere at lunch
"Did anyone see Nagisa?" Korosensei asked the whole class looking over the attendance list
"That's not like Nagisa to be skipping class" Isogai pointed out from the front of the class
"I know that's what worries me" Korosensei admitted
"Don't you have like a super sense of smell or something shouldn't you know where he is?" Kurahashi asked
"He is still on the mountain but I don't know where exactly he is" Korosensei explained
"Why don't we go look for him" I suggested with a shrug "If you're that worried about him that is"
"That's a good idea Karma this could be a good opportunity to work on your physical skills and teamwork" Korosensei's face went orange displaying a bright red circle. Soon enough we were outside getting ready to go look. We had split up into several groups but I insisted on going on alone
Nagisa [POV]
I woke normally after a while still under the tree the gun loosely in my hand a few BBs scattered around me. The wind lightly rustled the leaves above me a few fluttering down next to me. I stood up walking around for a few moments before settling against a different tree. This one was smaller than the one before but it was still pretty big. I still felt exhausted and my cheek burned now. I closed my eyes leaning my head back against the tree.
Karma [POV]
I pushed through the bushes to find a tree (Haha big surprise) I was about to walk past it but I spotted the bright purple pellets of the anti-Korosensei BBs. Didn't Nagisa have a gun on him when he left the classroom? I couldn't remember. No one else had a gun when we left so that was probably Nagisa. There were a few BBs spilled at the trunk of the tree and a few more around a meter to my right. It may not have been a trail but it was a start, I walked to the right my hands stuffed in my pockets. I peeked through a bush and saw a faint flash of blue. Just as I started to step through the bush a twig snapped under my foot
Nagisa [POV]
I woke with a start to a twig snapping next to me. I flinched firing the gun in the general direction of the noise
"Jeez Nagisa calm down it's just me" Karma chided pushing through the shrubbery brushing his hair out of his face
"Sorry" I mumbled lowering the gun to the dirt
"You've got the whole class worried about you because you're skipping class" He stood in front of me his hands in his pockets
"Am I?" I asked rubbing my eyes
"Yeah lunch ended a while ago" He shrugged "You never skip class so Korosensei got worried"
"Oh" I looked down at the ground
"What's up with that though it's definitely not like you to skip class" Karma asked putting his hands on his hips
"I fell asleep out here" I explained scratching at the back of my neck
"Whatever come on Korosensei is worried" Karma held out his hand to me but I stood up on my own
"Sorry" I apologized again walking towards the school building Karma following behind me
"What's up with you today, your mom comes for a little visit and you freak out" Karma mumbled under his breath probably not intending for me to hear. When we got back to the classroom Korosensei was waiting and it seemed that a few students had already returned
"Nagisa what happened to you we thought we lost you" Terasaka inquired with a laugh
"I guess I got a little lost" I lied shrugging giving him a faint smile. He looked at me questionably but didn't ask anything else
"Nagisa you had me worried" Korosensei scolded
"Sorry I fell asleep" I apologized telling Korosensei the truth
"Try not to fall asleep next time" Korosensei put one of his tentacles on my head ruffling my hair. I still haven't put my hair back up but by now there wasn't any point, mom would just take it back down again. I looked out the window noticing the sun had started to set the red glow in the sky filling me with anxiety, the school day was almost over. There was still an hour left of class and I had time to think of something, to think of an excuse. Whenever I went shopping with my mom she would always make me wear some sort of female clothing. I sat down at my desk leaning on my elbows staring straight ahead at the blackboard. My heart pounded the more I thought of what would happen when I go home.
(A.N. So So So So SO sorry for the tons of perspective changes but that's just how I wrote it on google docs)
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