Karma [POV]
"What do you mean you can't speak does it hurt?" I asked sitting back down in the office chair. Nagisa wrote something down and handed it to me. It doesn't hurt but nothing will come out.
"Why?" I asked half to myself half to Nagisa. He shrugged frowning and taking the paper back from me writing something else down. What happend before I woke up I can't remember anything of today.
"You don't remember anything?" Nagisa shook his head "Oh but you came into class this morning looking exactly how you did in second year and tried to assassinate Korosensei but you did it exactly how I would have done it after my suspension then you left" I didn't really want to tell him the rest especially if he didn't remember but that didn't feel right.
"Everyone got mad at me thinking I set you up to do that so I got mad and stormed out after you. I ran into you on your way back in looking like you did now pigtails and everything but I got mad at you even though you didn't know anything about it insisting you were at the doctors all morning. That's when Korosensei and the rest of the class came out and Korosensei pointed out the appearance differences. Sugino I think patted you on the back which then you lied and said there were some cuts on your back from when you broke your ankle and thus Korosensei insisted on patching them up but he saw how many cuts there really were" Nagisa looked down at himself at all the cuts "Then Korosensei made you take your shirt off revealing all of them, we wanted to help you but you didn't want help. You got this crazed look in your eyes and went up to me after I said we were friends and we wanted to help you said something along the lines of 'we aren't friends we're only working on the same goal' or something like that and blacked out" Nagisa started to write his hands still shaking. Where is my shirt. I sighed spinning around in the chair grabbing his undershirt from the desk behind me and tossing it over my head to him and spun back around. He smiled gratefully as a silent thanks before pulling on the undershirt. He was about to write something down but Korosensei barged into the room Kayano closely behind him. The loud noise made him jump, opening his mouth to say something but remembering he could't speak he closed it.
"Nagisa you're awake" Korosensei exclaimed appearing at the bedside "How are you feeling" Nagisa thought how to reply before writing something down and handing it to Korosensei
"You can't talk and your head hurts?" Korosensei asked for reassurance making sure it was right, Nagisa nodded. A few moments later the rest of the class barged in. Terasaka was the first out of them to say something
"What was with that little escapade back there Nagisa" He demanded, Nagisa wrote on the pad tearing the paper out and handing it to Terasaka
"What do you mean you don't know what I'm talking about, outside what was that?" He shouted crumpling the piece of paper
"He doesn't remember anything of today" I answered for Nagisa calmly. Nagisa handed me another piece of paper. Not just today everything it fuzzy. Nagisa looked at me horror and confusion in his eyes. Kayano read over my shoulder at what he wrote covering his mouth looking over at him.
"Class you should not be in here go back to the classroom I will be back in a bit" Korosensei shooed the class out of the room before shutting the door
"Nagisa define everything in this situation" Nagisa handed me another sheet of paper. Everything: All things; all things of a group of class.
"Okay that was funny and I would be laughing if this wasn't such a serious situation I mean what is everything how far back is fuzzy" Nagisa thought for a bit before writing again. I don't know I want to say everything but that's not exactly true I can't remember really anything from this last year or two everything before that is fine.
"Everyone that just came in....," I started nervously "Did you recognize them?" Nagisa looked at me sadly before shaking his head
"Karma what is he writing" Korosensei asked
"He can't remember anything of the last two years" I answered, Nagisa handed me a piece of paper. I don't like this, I'm scared Karma.
"Me too Nagisa, me too"
"He seems to remember you" Kayano pointed out
"Me and Nagisa have been friends since first year" I explained
"Karma is probably the one here that he trusts the most" Korosensei guessed. Nagisa pulled his legs up to his chest shivering. He handed me another sheet of paper. Why is this happening to me, I'm scared it's going to come back, I don't want it to come back, it took my memories.
"What is going to come back?" I asked as he handed me another paper with only two words on it. The darkness.
"What is-" I didn't get a chance to finish before Nagisa handed me another paper. It was inside of me, I couldn't breath I couldn't move, I couldn't think, it stole my memories it's going to come back it's going to take everything. Nagisa's hands shook holding the pencil and notepad. Save me.
"Nagisa you'll be okay everything will be okay I'll help you get through his" I reassured him putting a hand on his head
"Nagisa why don't you get some rest maybe it's just because you hit your head, it should be better after some rest" Korosensei suggested. Nagisa shook his head quickly but I could see in his eyes that he was exhausted.
"Nagisa it would be better if you would rest that might even fix everything" I told him, Nagisa shook his head again. I can't if I do the darkness will take me.
"Nagisa you will be fine I won't let it take you" I reassured him
"Let what take him?" Kayano asked
"He's saying something about 'the darkness' that it will take him" I explained
"It's probably just stress" Korosensei explained "I should get back to class, Nagisa do you feel ready to come back to class" Nagisa seemed unsure but nodded
"No, Nagisa is staying here" I instructed holding my arm out
"If you say so doctor Karma" Korosensei laughed speeding off to the classroom
"What are we to do now?" Kayano asked, I looked at Nagisa
"I don't know, Nagisa is there anyway we could help?" I asked, Nagisa wrote slowly all he wrote were two words but they were enough to send chills down my spine. Kill me. I didn't know how to respond but my mouth worked on it's own
"Nagisa are you crazy?" I shouted crumpling the piece of paper into a ball before dropping it onto the floor. No I feel like I'm going insane. His handwriting was sloppier than it was before. Looking at him his eyes were dull they seemed, almost lifeless
"Nagisa believe in us, believe in yourself" I told him. I hate not being able to remember anyone, I hate seeing these faces, these faces that know me but not being able to know them back. I hate this so much I'm so scared what if I never remember. I can't do this Karma. The paper shook in my hand and looking into Nagisa's eyes he was genuinely terrified. His eyes were glossy as he tried to hold back tears. He wiped his eyes setting the notepad and pencil on the bed.
"Nagisa why don't you get some rest and we'll check on you again later?" I asked, Nagisa seemed anxious but he finally nodded. I pulled Kayano out into the hallway shutting the door behind us
"Karma are you sure about this he seemed really anxious what if he tries to get out?" She asked me as we walked back to the classroom
"He has a broken ankle if he tries to leave he won't be able to go far, plus I don't think he will if he doesn't remember anything that has happened in the last two years he wouldn't dare" I explained opening the door to the classroom
"Karma, Kayano how is Nagisa?" Korosensei asked
"We told him to go get some rest" I answered taking my seat in the back of the room Kayano taking her's right next to the window.
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