Hoseok invites Chul-mool to come in and settle in the living room where Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin are already installed, on the sofa, the youngest is in the center. The inspector sits in front of them, while Jin and the younger ones enter, their hands on trays with many drinks on them.
Once all the greetings and polite words are over, Chul-mool addresses Jimin, who has not taken his eyes off the carpet from the start.
Cm: Jimin, I don't know if you remember me, but we have already met in the hospital.
Jimin nods.
Cm: It would help me a lot if you agreed to tell me your point of view on what happened.
Jimin swallows, closes his eyes, and exhales.
Namjoon approaches him to reassure him.
N: you don't have to tell everything, and you stop whenever you want.
Yoongi slightly add.
Y: you are in control here, you decide if you want to speak or not.
Jimin without thinking takes Yoongi's hand, as insurance.
Jungkook smiles at this contact, seeing him become tactile again with them, reassures him about a simpler future.
Jm: With... where do I start.
Cm: as you feel it, if you want to talk about the start in the car or something else, it's up to you. As Yoongi told you, you decide here.
Chul-mool used to see traumatized people. And even though he'd already had Namjoon's version of the kidnapping itself, maybe Jimin brings a new element to him. Every detail is important in this kind of business.
Jm: in ... in the car, he gave us bottled water,
but I didn't trust them.
The inspector felt that Jimin wouldn't say anything about himself. Talking is difficult for him, so he decides to guide him a bit.
Cm: and why didn't you trust them?
Jm: he... he started too quickly. ... And his attitude.
T: Jimin was always good at reading people.
Everyone smiles at this remark. But the policeman does not take the time to take the remark and continues directly.
Cm : what happened next?
Jm: Namjoon fell asleep.
Cm: but not you.
Jimin shakes his head.
Cm: what else did you notice at that time?
Jm: he was driving too fast and... and I couldn't see the others.
Cm: what did they do when they saw that you weren't asleep?
Jm: we had already arrived.
And they just laugh at me.
Cm: Why is that?
Jm: because I'm just a naive submissive.
Everyone's heart fills with sadness, why he's saying such a thing.
But before one of the members expresses his shock, the policeman resumes.
Cm: is that what they would call you?
Jm: sometimes.
Cm: Namjoon said you had blood on the back of your head when he woke up. Did you fight with them when they got you out of the car?
Jimin only nods.
Cm: Namjoon talking about a syringe, do you know what was in it?
Jimin shrugs. Sign of his ignorance.
Cm: when they hurt you, are you always filmed?
Jimin shakes his head.
The number of videos was already huge, so no one dared imagine the suffering.
Cm: what happened after Namjoon's escape
Jm: They made me pay for my insubordination.
Cm: what did they do?
Jm: they used the chair Namjoon took to escape.
Cm: how did they use it?
Jimin runs his left hand over his right ribs.
Cm: They beat you up with it.
Jm: They broke it on me and then hit me with the pieces.
The tension present only increased. Jin felt his heart sink.
Why had he failed to protect him?
And Namjoon's guilt grew.
Why hadn't he managed to free him along with him?
Cm: do you remember when they changed your place.
Jimin shakes his head.
Cm: You just woke up in a new place.
Jimin's breathing quickens and begin to shake. He closed his eyes and squeeze the hand he hasn't let go since the start.
What on earth could he think to react suddenly like that? Thought the inspector.
Y: I think we're going to take a break.
Everyone nods.
Yoongi turns delicately to Jimin and speaks to him in a soft voice. While Jimin started a new anxiety attack.
Y: Do you want to walk a bit? Go outside ?
Jimin just stood up, Yoongi and Taehyung following him.
The policeman then addressed to the remaining members.
Cm: we're going to stop there for today, I'll let you call me back if he ever talks to you about something. And I'll call you in 3 days to see if I can come back.
Jimin had sat down on a chair in the kitchen, staring into space.
Taehyung and Yoongi who have followed him so far do not know what to do or say.
So they sat next to him and in front of him.
T: Jimin you can tell us about it if you want, don't keep things to yourself
Jimin answers him with a small voice.
Jm: I can't...
Y : why can't you?
Jm: because he forbade me. And he will punish me
T: Who's that Kill ?
Jimin shakes his head no, he didn't want to say nothing more, leaving both friends in the dark.
Y : Jimin, you know you're safe ?
Jimin lowers his head and reenters his traumatic state.
He asks sadly
JM : can I go to my room, please.
Yoongi sadly exhales
Y : Of course, go rest. I will bring you food later.
When Jimin leave, Teahyung try to catch him, but yoongi stop him by seeing
Y : let him go, he will be ready to speak about it later. Please.
Teahyung didn't speak but hug his friend to overwhelm to speak.
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