It's been three days since BTS found Namjoon.
However, it was rather him who found them.
Since he was taken to the hospital Namjoon stayed unconscious, according to the doctors his condition is not worrying, he only needs to recover.
He has no injuries, only scratch from having been attached. He was very dehydrated, malnourished and above all exhausted.
Despite the agency's request to not attempt anything dangerous. The members continued their search to find Jimin.
This time, they are split into two groups, like that one of them can stay with Namjoon.
Taehyung is the one who stays at Namjoon's bedside today,
He's busy on their map, where he notes the areas already examined.
He traces the areas that the others are searching, hoping that this will be the last time he has to do it.
He is focused until a voice is heard in a whisper.
N: Hmm ... Jimin?
Taehyung looks up at Namjoon frowning, he gets up from his chair, leans on the bed and holds Namjoon hand.
T: Namjoon, one last effort, Namjoon look at me.
He opens his eyes, searches the room in confusion.
He gets up suddenly.
N: where is jimin?
The youngest low his head, and said to himself
does not cry Teahyung does not cry
Namjoon grabs his shoulders. Forcing him to look at him.
N: where is he ?! No. No
He pauses, his spirits coming back, allowing him to understand the situation.
N : How long have I been here, tae?
T: It's going to be three days, Nam.
Namjoon takes a deep breath, realizing the situation.
N: three day. Give me a card, your phone or something.
He gets up and picks up the card and hands it to him. Showing him the street where the taxi started his race, knowing what Namjoon wanted.
T: The taxi took you there, hyung.
N: So I had turn....
He begins to draw on the map while saying
Right, Right, Left...
N: there, it's here, this is the building,Tae. I hope they haven't left.
Tae nods, takes the map, and turns to find his car and warn everyone.
But before he can reach the door, the older one grabs his arm.
N: TAE wait, I'm coming!
T: Hyung, no ! You're still too fragile.
He says softly.
He stops screaming, takes a deep breath and resumes more sadly
N:How he's gonna be, please ! Let me come.
Teahyung doesn't even want to imagine what's going on there, so he doesn't want to provoke namjoon.
T: okay.
On the way they call the rest of the members and the agency who will deal with the police.
Namjoon said nothing the whole way, far too busy imagining what they had continued to do to Jimin.
A lonely tear escaped his eyes and despite the silence of the youngest, he shared the emotion.
When they arrived, everyone was already there and the police had already entered the building.
Time flies in slow motion.
And finally, after what seems to be an eternity, they come out with a handcuffed person. But still no trace of Jimin.
N: something's wrong, I think we should come in.
J: w...
A policeman comes to meet them, and interrupted Jin.
P: Hello Boys, I'm Chul-Moo, the new chief investigator for this case. Your friend is not here, I'm sorry, we will interrogate the suspect in hope that he can give us a solid lead.
Another policeman joined them with a piece of paper in hand.
L: Chief the man gives this link, but he refuses to give the access code, except to Namjoon.
All eyes are on the leader. Who respond instantly
N: I'll talk to him.
CM: You don't have to, we can get it during the interrogation.
Namjoon was determined to free his friend, and he wasn't going to wait more hours for some information
N: It will be faster like that.
The boys hurry to follow Namjoon who is already gone, to find the suspect (sp).
N: Give me the code now.
Sp: you were more polite, attached to your little chair.
Namjoon feels his heart racing. Seeing this man again only brings back memories of the last days.
N: you asked that it be me who heard the code, I am here, give it to me.
The man smiles at his less aggressive attitude .
The boys feel their blood boiling with rage.
Sp: boss found it funny to put his date of birth.
The boys look at him with disgust.
The police put the man in one of the cars.
Yoongi gives Jimin's birthday to the policeman, who opens the link.
The boys pose in front of the computer, which shows an empty room without windows, with only a chair in the middle.
H: it looks like a room in the lunatic asylum.
Before anyone can answer, two men come in to put Jimin, who look sleepy, on the chair.
One of the men walks closer to the camera while the other ties Jimin up.
N: he is their leader.
The policeman takes note.
k1: welcome the rest of bangtan boy. I am delighted to welcome you to Jimin's new live. You can call me Kil and he is Lee.
YES, yes it's live, I guess you wanted to hear that your friend was alive and well.
He gestures to the other man to make an action. He then throws a bucket full of water. Jimin sit up straight, on full alert and starts to shake from the cold water.
Lee: Poor beauty, it's not that cold.
Jm: what ...
The boss passes behind Jimin and pulls his hair so that he looks towards the camera.
K: don't talk to us like that, you know very well what will happen otherwise.
Jimin doesn't speak, but the boys see that he stops struggling.
K: look at that little camera up there, you're on live my beauty,
Jm: What ?!
The man pulls more on his hair. Jimin whispered in pain.
K: don't speak, your members will all be able to see what we're doing to you now.
Jimin eyes widen, but the man let go of Jimin hair and returns to the camera.
K: we'll turn it on every ...
He looks up to think and ends up laughing evilly.
K: ah, ah !! No, when I want. We dropped at big hit a dear gift, I really hope you will like it.
The screen goes black, Sejin speaks with Chul-Moo.
CM: Namjoon? I would like, if you feel able to, to tell us what happened.
Namjoon nods.
Sj: We meet at the agency is will be calmer
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