Ben had been awake for hours, Rey was curled up in his arms, her body pressed up against his. He hadn't dared move for fear of ending the moment. Lingering in it as long as possible, before anyone had a chance to regret and run away.
Their night was spent getting to know each other. Really know each other and not just physically, though that of course was something he never imagined would actually happen, but emotionally. Being that vulnerable and open to one another caused them to delve into deep discussions about everything. Life on Jakku, struggling to survive under Plutt, fighting with other scavengers, counting the days waiting for parents who would never come, hope that she had finally found a family with Han, training with Luke, disappointment when Luke refused to come to his aid, and what came after the events in the throne room. Everything he had done to her. How he made her feel. The evil masked figure Kylo Ren. Jedi killer. Destroyer of lives and happiness. He told her everything. It spilled out of him like a toppled drink its contents rushing out and onto the floor.
His childhood. Memories of his father and mother. Lando. How he yearned to be better. To be the best pilot the galaxy had ever seen. He told her of his parents fights, Han's absence along with Leia's. His feelings of betrayal and abandonment when he was shipped off to Luke to be fixed. Confirmation that he was broken, something was definitely wrong with him and his parents didn't want to deal with it anymore.
He knew better now, of course, they were desperate to help him but that didn't change how the young Ben Solo had felt.
His trust in Luke and final betrayal of his uncle choosing to end his life. Fleeing to Snoke.
The years of manipulation and lies that Snoke had planted and insisted upon repeating in his mind day after day, night after night. The lack of sleep. The nightmares that filled his head when sleep did come.
All of his regrets. His short comings. He gave them all to her. Rey just listened patiently letting him get everything off his chest just as she had. By the end of it Ben felt like a bone crushing weight had been lifted off of his chest allowing him to breath for the first time in... well forever.
He traced the curves of Rey's shoulder and side just barely grazing the tips of his fingers over her form.
You're too good for me sunshine.
Ben knew he didn't deserve any of this. He deserved to be dead for all he had done and the sorrow he had caused the entire galaxy. But with this second chance he found himself living he knew one thing, he needed to end all of it. Bring the First Order not to its knees as the rebels had done to the empire but to complete destruction. So that there was nothing and no one left to bring it back to life.
An impossible task, but he had to do it, and what did his father always say about seemingly impossible tasks? "Never tell me the odds kid." Han's voice spoke clear as day in his mind. He needed to end things once and for all or they would never be safe.
Rey rolled over, sleep glazed eyes flickering open. "Good morning." She took her right hand and brushed the hair from his face, cheeks lightly flushed.
"Morning sweetheart." He lightly kissed the bridge of her nose. "Sleep well?"
She nodded and pressed into him. "Last night was..."
His hands massaged her back and shoulders, careful not to press too hard. The night before had indeed been perfect, more so than any fantasy he had injured up in his dreams, and because of that he was afraid of what was to come. To lose what he had just gained. Before Rey he had little to lose, besides himself which he did not care for, but now he had everything to lose and to gain. The thought of those possibilities being snuffed out like a candlelit flame sent a cold chill through his body numbing his mind. Rey seemed to sense this and caressed his face and showered his cheeks, lips, and neck with soft kisses.
"Ben." Her voice was tender and sweet.
He looked into her eyes, "Yes Rey?"
"Things will work out. Promise."
His nose wrinkled at that. How could she be so optimistic? So sure of the dark unknown that was the future.
A lopsided grin fell on his lips, "How are you so..." He trailed off before continuing, "You know you could do better than me?" Not that he wanted her to do better than him, but the nagging voice in the back of his mind reminded him that he was unworthy of her affection.
A finger fell on his lips, "I don't know what you're talking about, Solo." She rested her head into the crook of his shoulder.
They laid there for hours, him holding her, her snuggling deeper into his form. A knock at the door suddenly disrupted them. Rey jumped to feet and hastily began dressing herself, clothes scattered across the room. Ben sat up and found his pants sliding into them he looked around the room for his shirt and came up empty handed.
Oh well.
Opening the door he was met with his uncle, as always an obnoxiously colored cape was draped over his shoulders. "Well well well." Lando smirked, eyes beaming with, was that pride? "I trust you had a wonderful evening, I was just coming to let you know that lunch should be ready shortly and that your friends have already left in one of my ships."
Ben could not hide his emotions, glaring at his uncle. "Yes. Well. We will be out in a minute."
Lando chuckled and talked to himself as he left, "Kaasha's gonna love this."
Ben cringed, had his aunt and uncle made bets on his ad Rey's...current situations? Shaking the thoughts from his head he chose not to dwell on it.
——><—— ——><—— ——><——
When they were finally ready Rey and Ben made it to the dining hall before Lando and Kaasha's.
Thank goodness.
The last thing he wanted to do was have another awkward meal with family. Not that the last two had ended poorly he just preferred to not be setup and wagered against. Ben sat beside Rey as they ate, it was strange that Lando had not joined them yet. He was about to voice his thoughts when the door activated and opened.
"Uncle I-"
Before he could react Quillon Ren entered the room, drawing Rey to him with the force in one swift motion. She gasped trying to resist him, failing. Desperate eyes locked onto Ben before turning to seething anger at her captor.
"Now that I have your attention." Quillon grinned, eyes narrowing at Ben. "You know how this goes, you resist I kill her, I won't hesitate, but you already know that."
Rage surged through him, fueling him, telling him to attack. Rip them to pieces. With no lightsaber, no amor, the odds were stacked against him. He was no match to their combined power and Quillon's had grown considerably since last they met.
"What do you want Quillon?" He said through gritted teeth.
Quillon chuckled, "You. Her. The rebel scum wiped from the face of my empire. Take them out and hope dies and I won't have pests to deal with. My empire will be the greatest the galaxy has ever seen!" Rey growled and then gasped for air as Quillon's grip tightened.
"Let her go."
"Kylo, you know that can't happen."
It was true. Ben knew exactly what would happen if he tried anything. He himself had been notorious throughout the galaxy for using similar tactics when uncooperative civilians decided to step out of line, the fastest and simplest way to make them behave was to keep a loved one at arms reach. Even the most powerful people in the world would obey.
"Take me instead. I won't resist."
Quillon tilted his head and then shook it slowly. "We both know what would happen if I allowed that."
Heart clambering to climb out of his chest Ben scowled at Quillon eyes flickering from Rey's shaking form to his enemy. How could he be so stupid? So blind that he did not sense their approach. Now he had everything to lose and nothing to gain.
Silence passed a few more moments before he spoke again, "This is what's going to happen, Kylo, you are going to come with us and if you try anything." Quillon's hand clenched into a tight fist momentarily closing Rey's airways. Watching the girl gasp and claw at her throat for what seemed like a lifetime, Quillon released his grip on her throat and merely suspended her in midair. "Understand?"
Ben did not move. His mind racing, calculations their options. So few options. None with a way out for both of them. None that would ensure Rey's survival. If only one person could survive in the galaxy he would make sure it was her. Their eyes met as two knights grabbed her, holding her back from him. One green headed knight came for Ben, standing behind him, holding both his arms tight behind his back.
"Good." Quillon turned away and began to lead them out when a secondary door sprang open behind Ben.
Lando and Kaasha came out blasters at the ready. The knight behind Ben put something in his hands? It was heavy...his thumb found the activation switch igniting the crimson saber. It roared to life bathing Ben and those beside him in a red throbbing glow.
Quillon's eyes blacked with hate, "I should have known you would betray me, Jacen, I always wondered how a halfbreed made it within our ranks." He sighed unamused, returning his attention to the former Kylo Ren, "Leave and she won't last long. You know that."
Rey looked at Ben meeting his eyes with a knowing look. The look that pleaded for him to do the right thing not the selfish thing. To let her go. His breath caught in his throat as his heart plummeted into an endless abyss.
"What is it going to be master?" Quillon taunted, daring him to turn away and condemn the only one that truly cared for him.
Rey stopped struggling against the men that restrained her and for a moment the room stood still. As if it was just the two of them. "I love you." Her words were so quiet he barely heard them.
"I know." His own words were soft yet determined. A promise that this wasn't the end of them. He would find her and bring an end to it all. Even if he had to do it alone.
Quillon grinned slyly as they exchanged words, "How quaint." He looked between them one last time before signaling the others to leave taking Rey with them. "Her time is almost up, Kylo. Your move."
"You'll pay for this Quillon, you and the order." Ben seethed teeth grinding against one another. It took everything in him not to run after them. Not to charge saber and blaster both until he got to Rey.
Quillon merely smiled and left.
Turning around, switching his saber off, he looked to his allies. "Go to the Falcon."
——><—— ——><—— ——><——
It seems like they can't catch a break! Finally together and then spit apart just like that. I apologized a million times to the characters while writing this but the tale is just about finished with at least 4-5 chapters left! I must say I have been procrastinating ending this story as my first Fanfic I don't want the fun to end... Don't worry I have a few other Star Wars fanfic dead in the works once this one is finished.
So what did y'all think? How will this play out?
As always remember to vote and comment! It truly makes my day and keeps me going!
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