Taking deep ragged breaths Ben tried to center himself. Think through the situation. Jacen made to advance but Quillon merely tightened his grip. "We both know you don't want blood on your hands half breed."
As Quillon finished, a sharp crackle and swoosh sounded behind them. He pivoted, spinning around so that Ben took the full force of the blow from Rey's electric weapon. The pain that ricocheted through his body made him cry out. Blood trickled from his left ear. His muscles trembled and ached from the bolts that had traveled through him.
Rey gasped and backed away eyes wide for a moment before filling with rage at what had happened. A wave of emotion crashed through whatever bond they had. Anger, frustration, and pain for him. He wanted- needed to get to her. Hold her. Gritting his teeth he braced against Quillon.
Quillon chuckled. "I do enjoy the ones with some fight in them."
He needed to get her out. Make sure she was safe. Glancing at the monitors he saw no signs of the Resistance's approach.
"Go." He managed to say as his captors grip tightened around his throat.
"Listen closely jedi. You leave and he dies." Ben glanced at Jacen who met his gaze understanding what it meant.
"Kriff- go!" His voice broke.
Rey did not move she stood there assessing the situation. Trying to find a way out of it. Jacen approached and took her arm. She looked between them all and tensed at Jacen's touch.
There it was that look in her eye. The one filled with understanding and denial. He felt it in his bones through their bond. She wouldn't leave. Damn her for making this more difficult.
One more look at Jacen and he would do it. He'd knock her out and carry her to an escape pod if necessary. Ben's heart seemed to claw against its cage.
You have to go with him Rey.
He closed his eyes and focused on sending his message through their bond. Hoping it would work by some miracle.
Rey blinked and looked at him. "No."
Silver lined the edge of his eyes when he met her gaze, she could break him so easily with those radiant expressive eyes.
Suddenly the whole ship shook, offsetting Quillon's stance just enough for Ben to elbow him, crushing his nose. Quillon backed away desperately trying to regain his balance. Ben reached for him with invisible hands, wrapping them around his throat and lifting him high into air.
Quillon gasped and struggled for air. Clawing at his throat. Ben pushed harder. He would crush him. For everything he had done. Everything he had said. Quillon's bones ached and shook at the force Ben used to slam him into the wall.
The sounds around them went silent as Ben focused on his enemy rifling through Quillon's mind. So much darkness. So much death. Ben saw it all what Quillon had planned to do to him and to Rey. How he intended to make her suffer in from of Ben before ending both of their lives.
Ben sneered. "You are nothing." His invisible grip tightening around Quillon's neck. "You will always be nothing." Tighter. "And there is nothing that will save you." Snap.
The body slumped to the ground with a heavy thud. Rey, he noticed, was at his side. Hands searching for his own. How long had she been there? Shame slowly flitted through him. She had seen him like that...he had acted like a monster just now. No better than-
Rey's hands cupped his face, tilting it down so she could look into his eyes. Her own full of conviction. "You are nothing like him." Her thumb caressed his cheek and a wave of relief washed over him. "You will never be nothing Ben."
He bent over and kissed her cheek with trembling lips and when he stood up he was composed. "Were not out of this yet sweetheart."
Hey! So sorry it's short. But I liked where it ended for now. A new part should be out soon. Where are Finn and Rose? Poe? Lando and Kaasha? We will find out 🙃
Thanks for reading!
<3 KyloRing
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