Uneasiness crept into the pit that was forming in his stomach. This would not be one of General Hux's normal disturbances. Quillon stood just behind the shorter red headed man, yellow eyes locked on Kylo Ren.
Rey was surprisingly still beside him, invisible to everyone else, their connections were rarely this long. She watched him, he knew she could sense something was wrong but she could not see it. He was on his own.
"What's the meaning of this?" Ren asked flatly, unamused by the predicament he found himself in. Could he take them on all at once?
A satisfied look crossed over Hux's features, a small menacing grin on his lips. "I always disliked you, but I never thought you'd be the sheep to cross your master." He paused taking a few steps towards Kylo. "Or that you'd stoop so low as to consort with our enemies."
Ren looked down at Hux calculating his next move. How did he know? Ren did not quite have a response for this. Rey looked up at him able to only hear the conversation, she seemed to be panicking. Wanting to help him but unable to do so.
You can't save me.
He pushed the thought at her hoping she'd sense it and leave it be. Besides, he could take care of himself. Maybe.
She glared at him for a moment. "What are you going to do talk yourself out of this situation? Fight your way out? It never worked for your father."
Ren kept his eyes on Hux, who was Still monologuing. The Knights of Ren had begun to surround him. Weapons drawn.
"Since when do you take orders from him?" Now fixing his eyes and attention on Quillon.
"He has not betrayed the Order." Quillon's yellow eyes flashed with hatred at Kylo. "You lead us here. You made us stronger. Now you want to destroy all we have worked for."
"I've destroyed nothing!"
Quillon chuckled angrily. "You have not given yourself fully to the dark side. You are weak!"
At this Kylo's temper erupted. Activating his lightsaber, red beams crackling furiously, Ren prepared to fight. A grin lit Quillon's face. With one motion all six of the Knights lifted their hands towards Kylo summoning the force to immobilize him.
General Hux grinned wickedly. "You're mine now."
All he could force himself to move were his eyes. He searched for Rey but she was gone. Again.
——><—— ——><—— ——><—— ——><——
The voice was muffled like it was underwater. He recoiled when he had attempted to open his eyes. Thinking was painful. Moving was to be in agony. What happened? Where was he? Who was talking?
"Ben!" It pleaded desperately.
Rey? Why now?
A moan escaped his lips, it was the only sound he could make at the moment. His throat was rough and corse.
"I'd...rather" His voice was raspy and deep.
Suddenly, he felt a hand under his arm. "You have to move. Quickly now."
She was here? How? Ren blinked letting his eyes adjust. Sure enough there she stood, hair braided back messily, wraps tied to her arms, and her grey robes tied tightly to her body.
Damn it.
Why was she always launching herself towards him in the worst of times? Finding his feet and regaining his balance he leaned on her for support. Rey waved a hand at the door forcing it to open. Two Elite Troopers lay unconscious on either side of the entrance.
Dodging patrols they made their way to an escape craft, Kylo slowly regained his ability to walk with stability. Memory of what had transpired flooding into his mind. Rey sat him down in the pod and quickly hit the controls. The pod launched forward, rocketing through space.
To his surprise they were not in the cold space for very long. A ship pulled them towards it and into its own small hanger.
He looked at Rey, she was calm now. Almost relieved and yet a small crease of worry furrowed her brow.
Once the pod was settled into the hanger the ship jumped into lightspeed away from the First Order.
He watched as Rey opened the door, glancing over at him. "Do you trust me?"
"Do I have a choice?"
Rey shook her head and stepped out of the pod. He could hear her being greeted by multiple voices then all went quiet.
He shifted is weight and looked toward the door. Whomever she was talking to had obviously not been aware as to why she had left. The silence that followed their conversation was filled with tension.
Ren sensed three others on the ship.
He groaned inwardly. The bloody Millennium Falcon, of course. Suddenly his prior predicament was preferable to his current one.
Rey peeked through the door and nodded reassuringly. Ren used the side of the pod for balance and walked as steady as he could to the door and stepped onto the Falcon.
He was met with FN2187 and the Pilot he had tortured, Poe Dameron if he remembered correctly.
Yes unconsciousness and on the brink of death is preferable to this.
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