A New Alliance
It did not take long for Snoke to get the information he so desperately desired. Rey crashed down to the floor and rolled onto her side looking up at the monster in front of her.
Ren glowered at his 'master', he did not need to check in Rey he could sense that her pain had ceased.
A vicious chuckle echoed through the chamber. "Oh I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise! We will give him and the Jedi order the death he desires. After the rebels are gone we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island."
Suddenly, Rey leapt to her feet and force pulled his grandfathers lightsaber to her. Snoke allowed the saber to fly almost into her grasp before redirecting it behind her. Arching the blade and pulling it back to his side, hitting her with the hilt as it flew by her.
"Such spunk. Look here now." The Supreme Leader force pulled her to the oculus and made her watch as the defenseless rebel transports were decimated one by one. "The entire Resistance on those transports. Soon they will all be gone." Snoke paused, a sneer crossing his lips. "For you all is lost."
Ren has never seen nor sensed such determination in someone before. He knew Rey was not going to give up without a fight. His saber lifted unexpectedly and flew across the room to Rey. She flipped the switch and ignited the lightsaber prepared to take on everyone in the room if she had to. The eight Praetorian guards that had originally paid little attention to the goings on in the room readied themselves to fight the girl, but Snoke waves them off.
"Still that fiery spit of hope. You have the spirit of a true Jedi!"
A ferocious growl came from Rey and she charged Snoke, anger flowing through her veins. With a giant leap she prepared to cut the supreme leader down. Snoke barely moved as he sent Rey crashing to the ground. The saber fell from her grip and slid across the ebony floor stopping in front of its master.
Kylo Ren looked at his weapon, but did not move to grab it. He lifted his gaze up to his Master.
Snoke's voice lowered, "And because of that you must die."
With the use of the force he manipulated Rey's body. Forcing her down to her knees, head pulled back. Rey let out an anguished cry as Snoke moved her to his apprentice.
"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir a parent to Lord Vader. Where there was conflict I now sense resolve. Where there was weakness , strength. Complete your training and fulfill your destiny."
Kylo picked up the weapon he knew so well. The one he built for himself, trained with every day, used to defend himself, and inflict death and destruction and pointed it at Rey.
Rey was breathing heavily, "No."
He closed the gap between them and locked his eyes with hers.
"I know what I have to do." It was crucial he remained focused or this plan would not work. His intentions were set. He knew exactly what he had to do and now was the moment he had been waiting for.
"You think you can turn him? Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind. I see his every intent." The Supreme Leader raised his voice with every word.
Give me the strength to do this.
"Yes." Snoke closed his eyes continuing his monologue.
This was it. The chance Ren has been waiting for. Solidifying his thoughts he carefully moved his left hand, that was at his side, summoning the force.
"I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true."
The silver hilt of his grandfathers lightsaber moved slowly towards Snoke's torso.
"And now, foolish child, he ignited it and kills his true enemy!"
At this Ben activated the lightsaber, the blue beam ripped through the Supreme Leader. Rey, now released from his powers, fell to her knees and watched as the saber moved toward her slicing Snoke in half. She grabbed the weapon and slowly stood, not taking her eyes off of Ben Solo.
Breathing heavily, Ben looked at Rey sensing her simultaneous disbelief and relief at his actions. He knew they were not out of this quite yet.
Igniting his own saber he gave an indistinguishable grin before turning around and facing the eight Praetorian guards that had circled them upon Snoke's demise.
They stood together, back to back, and although their situation seemed bleak Ben no longer felt alone.
Praetorian guards circles the two force users. Ben knew this fight would be difficult. Unlike stormtroopers the Praetorian's armor was specially made to withstand their lightsabers. Circuits of electricity courses through the protective gear to deflect potential lightsaber blows. It left the wearer in constant pain but these guards were specially trained and it did not phase them.
They attacked Rey and Ben simultaneously, attempting to overwhelm them. Ben's saber bonded with a Praetorian sword for a moment. Rey jabbed at another enemy coming for Ben's opening thrusting her saber through him. She spun so that they were back to back yet again and engaged the remaining soldiers.
As the battle raged one Ben kept a constant feel for Rey. She had little to no combat training save for instances of self defense on Jakku. Suddenly, he felt her start to become unbalanced. She reached behind her grabbing him for support. Ben ducked to avoid an attack from a guard and let her fall back on him. With one swift motion he lifted himself, and Rey, back up to their feet.
They soon found themselves separated. Rey with two of the remaining guards while Ben had three to deal with. As he worked to keep them at a more defensible distance he heard Rey's vengeful yells as she fought. She had managed to kill one of her attackers and flung his weapon into the backdrop of the large chamber. Setting the giant curtain on fire.
Ben acted quickly and blocked not one but two attacks at one. His saber and the guards assortment of specialized weapons locking together. They pushed him back. Using all of his strength he lifted his saber, thrusting the other weapons over himself as he ducked beneath them. One of the guards staggered to the side while the other backed up and in front of Ben. Taking the opportunity Ben thrusted his blade into the guard. Holding it in place for good measure before throwing him to the side.
He lifted his lightsaber into an defensive stance sizing up the remaining two guards that had regained their balance and were circling him. He stole a glance at Rey, whose last opponent had disassembled his double blades staff into two swords. She fought hard but the guard managed to get through an opening and ripped open her shoulder.
Fear snuck through his defenses. Eyes glaring, he focused his rage on his opponents. The sooner he dealt with them the sooner he could help Rey. Then the fighting could end. They could end all of it.
Sensing an opening he attacked the guard just behind his right shoulder, then the one on his left.
His lightsaber embedded itself in the weak spot in the guard's armor around his throat. As he tried to pull it free the last Praetorian attacked ferociously causing him to retreat backwards. The guard got closer than comfort would allow and he was forced to grab hold of the spear, keeping the more dangerous end pointed towards the floor. With one fluid motion the guard suddenly had him locked from behind. The spears long shaft pushed hard against his throat, cutting off his air supply.
He gasped for air, using his hand he tried to keep as much pressure off of his throat as possible. Looking over at Rey he saw she Too was in a bind and dangerously close to losing. Fear pulled at him again. But there was nothing he could do. This was not going according to his plan.
If she had not have come this would not be happening!
Suddenly, Rey was free and her captor dead on the floor. "Ben!" She screamed his name as she force threw her saber to him.
Letting go of the spear with one hand, Ben reached out and grabbed it just in time. Igniting the blue lightsaber into the guards cranium.
He lowered the blade gasping for air. They had done it. He had done it. Killed the one that had manipulated and controlled him for years. They had defeated all of the guards. But now what?
She said something excitedly, but he did not hear her. He stared at Snoke's severed body and the throne thinking.
"Order then to stop firing! There's still time to save the fleet."
He felt her eyes on him. Heard the excitement and desperation in her voice. Hadn't both sides caused enough damage already? Why save any of it? Only to restart all over again in a few years? No. They needed a new plan. It all needed to end.
When he did not respond she lowered her voice, he sensed her excitement ebb away slowly.
His mind was clouded. He had been forced to act rashly because of her sudden appearance. They had defeated everyone in the room but what would happen if they left? He could not go with her. That is why she came in the first place. To save him. To turn him. Even if he wanted to he could never go back. Rey might be able to forgive him but others in the galaxy would not she would be in danger. No. This needed to end. They needed to be on the same side. If he could get her to come with him they could rebuild the entire galaxy. Together. No jedi, no sith, no Resistance, no First Order. They could do it, but only together.
He turned and looked deep into her eyes. "It's time to let old things die. Snoke. Skywalker." He walked towards her slowly, "The Sith. The Jedi. The Rebels. Let it all die. Rey." Pausing he watched her expression change slowly, "I want you to join me. We can rule together and bring new order to the galaxy."
"Don't do this Ben, please don't go this way." Years began to stream down her face.
No. No. No!
Frustration and fear began to build within him. He needed her to see. See his vision. She was not understanding him. He needed her to do this.
"No. No. You're still holding on! Let go!" He screamed at her for the first time and immediately regretted it. Lowering his voice he continued. Desperation replacing frustration. "Do you want to know the truth about your parents? Or have you always known? And you've just hidden it away?"
Moving closer he did not dare take his eyes off hers.
"You know the truth. Say it." He sensed it. She knew. "Say it."
"They were nobody." Rey could barely speak through the tears and the heaviness in her chest.
"They were filthy junk traders that sold you off for drinking money. They're dead in a paupers grave in the Jakku dessert."
Rey caught her breath at this and swallowed hard. This truth was painful to her, he knew that, exposed weaknesses were always painful to confront.
"You have no place in this story. You come from nothing. You are nothing." He took one last step. He watched as she looked away sensing her feelings of loneliness and abandonment yet again. "But not to me." Those four words came out differently than the rest, all the frustration and desperation melted away into a genuine softness and caring.
She met his eyes once more as he extended his hand to her, just as they had before in her hut. "Join me."
She just stared at him.
He shifted his weight nervously and opened his hand more willing hers to meet it. They had a chance to be together. To be greater than anything that had come before them. If only she would join him she would see that. They would not be alone anymore. Not empty. No longer searching for belonging. He was desperate. Fearful. He was begging her to stay, to be free of the pain. Ben choking on emotion asked her once more, "Please?"
Rey reached out for his hand slowly. For a moment Ben thought she was accepting his proposal. Until she lifted the blue saber from his hand trying to pull it away.
Ren caught it with the force trying to will it back to him. Unlike on Starkiller base the lightsaber stalled between them like it could not decide who to go to. Ren or Rey.
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