Chapter 10
(Time skip and Reader's PoV)
It was the day after the last infant died. I had promised Dark Link he could beat up Link. We couldn't do it yesterday because we were having a funeral for the five infants.
I had already gotten up and made breakfast. For breakfast we were having lon lon milk and Coocoo eggs.
Dark Link walked in yawning just as I put his plate on the table.
"Hey, sleepyhead. Ready for your big day?" I asked, treating him like a child.
Dark Link looked at me confused and asked, "What do you mean?"
I do a sarcastic gasp. "Don't tell me the Great Dark Link forgot about beating Link up."
He perked up and said, "No."
"Good. Now sit and eat your breakfast," I commanded like a mother.
"Yes, mom," Dark Link replied sarcastically. Then he smirked. "Don't tell me you're acting like a mother because you're pregnant."
"No," I said, rolling my eyes and sitting down to breakfast.
After I finished my breakfast, I felt the urge to puke. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up in the toilet, holding my hair up with one hand behind me.
After I finished puking, I rinsed my mouth out with water and brushed my teeth.
I walked to the prison room and opened the door. When I did I was tackled by Link to the floor. He pinned me to the floor and put his sword to my throat before I could do anything.
"How could you just let them die!" Link yelled at me. He pressed his sword harder to my throat and I started to fell blood come out. I closed my eyes waiting for him to slit my throat but it never happens, instead I felt him get pushed off me and the sword leave my throat.
I opened my eyes and saw Link being beat up by Dark Link. Link's sword had skidded down the hall out of Link's reach. Link had already been knocked out so now Dark Link was starting to beat the life out of him.
Before Dark Link could beat the life out of Link I stopped him.
"Why did you stop me?" Dark Link asked, confused.
"He doesn't deserve to die. Why don't we lock him and Zelda up in your old castle and lock it so they can't get out unless they have a child. We will have someone bring them food monthly until then," I suggested.
"Fine but if any one does anything to you, tell me," Dark Link agreed. He walked into the room, knocked out Zelda, and carried her out. He slung Link over his other shoulder and walked out to the stables.
In the stables was a male horse with a midnight black coat and an auburn mane. Beside him was my old horse (h/n).
"I see you still have her," I acknowledged.
"Ya, I did. You see my horse, Apona, has taken a liking to her,' Dark Link explained. He slung Zelda and Link across the back of (h/n) and got on Apona.
"I'll be back by sundown," Dark Link said and road off toward his castle.
I suddenly felt the strong craving for lemons. I remembered that was one of the signs of being pregnant along with throwing up. I decided to go to the nearby towns doctor and check.
(Time skip)
It has been a few minutes after the doctor had did the test and I was starting to get worried. Finally the doctor came out smiling.
"I have good news," the doctor said. "You're pregnant with twins."
My eyes widened with surprise. "I can't believe it."
"I would like to be the first to congratulate you but may I ask, where is the father?" the doctor asked.
"He's on an errand," I answered.
"Well then, you're free," the doctor started saying, "to go now. I would suggest you wouldn't drink any alcohol."
"Alright and thank you for your time," I said.
"You're welcome," the doctor replied and walked back to his office.
I left and walked back to the castle wondering on how I was going to break the news to Dark Link.
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