Chapter 1
(A/L Please Read Contains Important Info Edit of 2/3/2020)
Dear Reader,
This story contains offensive content, moves at a ridiculously fast pace that doesn't make sense, inaccurate at times, and includes the murdering of infants. The final thing is for plot reason only and was come up with by like an 11-13 year old bc I can't remember when I came up with the plot. So it would be much appreciated that if you are upsetted about these things to either 1) not read the story or 2) don't make any negative comments. Comments like "That accelerated quickly" and of the like are fine.
(Reader's PoV)
I was wandering down a path in my village. When suddenly this eight year old boy came up to me and kicked my shin (leg). I fell to the ground and rubbed my shin. Then the boys father came running up to me.
"Why are you near my boy!" he yelled then started kicking me. This was normal for people in my village to do to me. They did this to no one but me and I don't know why.
Finally I got fed up of him kicking and stood while pulling out my sword. The man saw my sword and started to back away but it was to late for him. I stabbed him in the heart, ending his life. The whole time the little boy was standing to the side. When he saw what I did he started calling for help. Soon the whole village was outside looking at me with rage in their eyes. They started to surround me but were stupid to only attack one at a time.
Suddenly my parents attacked me. I didn't care if they were my parents, they still beat me. I mercilessly stabbed both in the heart. After I had killed them everyone in the whole village was dead except for five infants. When I realized what I done, I smirked because I realized that no one could ever hurt me again without being severely punished. I then decides to punish all of Hyrule for never helping me.
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