chapter 2
I walk up to my room and lay down on my bed and close my eyes.
In Phoenix's dream....
I got up form my bed thinking to myself,
" where Marcus was. He usually wake me up." I when to his room but he was not there. Then walk down the hallway hope to hear him laughing at markiplier funny videos, but no luck. I sat down on couch try to think where he would go. It not a holiday middle of thoughts my computer turn on all by it self. Then start to glitch again. I walk over to it and try to turn it off, then it start to scream 'help me'. I jumped back saying "what the fuck!" The screen when out then I feel a hand on my shoulder. The guy with a strange voice say" please help me."
End of dream
I woke to heading my brother screaming his head off. I jump out of my bed and run to his room. To find him still sleep. I walk over to him and look down to see his shoulder cover with blood on it. So I start to shack him wake. His eyes start to open slow, with a look saying what wrong?
I look at him and said " what wrong?" He look at my shoulder and then say" I just what to make sure your OK." I tilt my head to what he had say. " why? Is there something wrong?"
He say softly" yes your shoulder is bleeding." I look at it will thing to my self" but it was dream right?" Then I look at my brother and said " I probably did it when I fill out my chair last night." Marcus look at me and say OK." I look way and say " what time is it any way." He say" 9:30am." I said "OK I'll get start on breakfast." Marcus smile while hugging me. I scream " ouch." I grab my shoulder, it hurt really bad. Marcus look at me and say "sorry I did not mean to hurt your shoulder." I look at him with pain look in my face and smile, say" it OK, any way late get you some thing to eat."
Me and Marcus walk in to the kitchen, to find breakfast already made." I look at Marcus and say" did you cook this." Marcus look at me with the straightest face and say" yap."
I look at him and say "OK, if you could cook all this time, then way wake me up to cook you breakfast?". He look at me and say because I like your cooking batter." I start to laugh and say" OK brother. I'll try to get up early for now on. " Marcus smile at me and say "yah." We sat down and ate breakfast when I hear a knocking on the door. I got up to answer the door, but when I got there and open the door no one was there. I close it, thought to myself " will hell. Why did they leave before I got to the door." I close the door and walk over to the kitchen" Marcus look at me and say " who was at the door?" I look at him and say" I don't know! When I got there, they where gone." Marcus look at me and say" oh OK." Then he got up form the table. I then say" I'm going watch some more markiplier horror game." Marcus laugh at me and say" really, will I got to get ready for work, oh and before I forget make sure you tack care of that shoulder of yours."
I look at it then turn to the bath room will say" yah, OK I'll go and clean my hurt shoulder."
I start walk look for my key to my car, but seem to not able to find then when I hear screaming form the bathroom. I start that way.
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