chapter 1
Me and my brother is sitting at the computer, watching our favorite YouTube markiplier and Jacksepticeye.
I look over to Marcus and say" late watch some horror game play thou." Marcus look at me and say" but Phoenix, you watch all of markiplier and Jacksepticeye horror game play thou all ready." I start to laugh and say" I know but it fun to watch them scream." He look at me like I'm my crazy, and say" OK I guess, witch one did you what to watch?" I smile evil and say" all of them." He look at me and said" why did i even bother asking you." I said with a smile" because you was hoping I wound name of a video in stud of say all of them." He look at the computer and say "yah, yah, I know I was. OK will start with markiplier video."
I start the videos up. I look at my brother thinking to my self," why the fuck do you always get to watch what you what to watch."
Few minutes latter
I was watch my brother smile and laugh at mark scream his head off.
I thought to myself" that why I late him get way this. I like see him happy."
5 hour later
I hide under my blanket, when Mark scream at the camera.
I look over to him and ask him" are you OK?" Marcus look at me and say" I'm going to have nightmares because of you. Are you happy now?"
I look back at the computer and say" I'm sorry, but you know I love horror games." Marcus look at the computer and say" I'm going to bed brother, not stay up all night." I look at hem and say " OK, but I'm not going make any promises." Marcus just shuck his head will walking to his room. I look back at the computer and sign to my self saying," why can't he understands me, will I need get some cookies." I got up and went to the kitchen, to see if I can find some cookies that should be right on the conder. I walk over to the cookies jar to find it empty. I sign then say to myself" I guess I'll just have to cook me some chocolate chip cookies." I walk over to the fridge and open it, look around and saw the cookies dough. I smile there you are. I put the cookies dough on the sheet then put the sheet in the oven. Then wait 30 min.
30 min later
I got the cookie out of the oven then but then on a plate and walk to the computer. I look at the clock on my computer and say" it only 11 pm." Then I start up the horror game play thou will eating my fresh cookies.
4 hour later
I start to fall asleep will watch markiplier play some game. When my computer start to glitch out. I open one eye when I saw the screen fussy out then scream 'Help me'.
I jumped up saying " what the fuck." Then I hear Marcus scream " go to bed Phoenix."
I look at the screen and say to my self "maybe I imagine it, it is 3 am in the morning." I laughed it off and went to bed
I yell down the hallway at my brother who woke me up, " go to bed Phoenix."
Then I turn and lay down on bed, when back to sleep.
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