Making friends and influencing people (10)
To be honest... It was quiet an easy day at the playground base. The boys were doing some maintenance work, while the ladies were doing shooting practise on targets. One with a normal gun, one with fireballs, and another one was supervising. After two of them were done, the lady who supervised them, agent May, pressed a button, and the targets came back into their direction. Skye had been shooting pretty well.
"I imagined they were all Ward."
"Imagine they're all targets," May replied.
"She's right! "Sanchez grinned. She was quiet happy with herself too. Her target, what had been a by spells and incantations protected fighting dummy, was completely destroyed.
"Don't get cocky. This is step one," May explained to Skye. "It's all about control-"
"-Open your mind, and your body," Skye replied. It was like May's number one rule, and she couldn't here the sentence anymore for days.
"In the field, you need to maintain in control, whatever the situation. Hostages, a bomb is about to go off."
"So, you're saying what I just did is just puny and sad."
May grabbed Skye her wrist, and checked the little heartbeat monitor on her wrist.
"Sixty-one beats per minute. Consistent the hole time. Not that puny."
She smailed, and took a sniper rifal from the wall.
"Speaking about puny-"
"Yeah, I want you to get used to this," May continued. "It's a sniper rifal."
Hunter and Mack came through their practice space, with stuff on a little wheeled trolley.
"Pardon me," Hunter interrupted. "Just one quick question. You went to SHIELD academy, right?"
"You didn't," May said before Skye could give an answer. "And if you did, you would have known better then shooting us."
"He didn't shoot me," Sanchez grinned. "But he tried, though."
"Apology number four-hundred and seventy, I am very sorry agent May-"
"Don't be sorry," May replied. "Just wait."
"Ooh... We just have a little measure... So, did you-?" Mack asked Skye. Skye made a face.
"Go to the academy? Yeah, no."
Hunter sighed. Sanchez grinned.
"I didn't go to the academy either, and look how awesome I am right now."
"Well eh, have fun with the inventory," Mack told Hunter. "And remember, Koenig likes his-"
"Stuff, stuff, and stuff," Sanchez murmled. Mack didn't know how fast he had to leave Hunter with them.
A quick view of something very interesting appeared in front of her eyes, and she decided to leave Hunter, May, and Skye, to go to the hangar, where Coulson could arrive any minute.
When Simmons got back into her appartment, it was the sound that alarmed he something was off. She took a little gun, out of her handbag, and went slowly into the direction of her kitchen. She took a deep breath, and pointed the gun to a spot right in front of her when she came around the corner.
The only ones she saw were Coulson, and a little girl from three, four years old with brown hair, brown eyes, and the cutest smile she'd ever seen.
"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" Coulson asked. He leaned against the kitchendresser, his arms folded. The little girl walked to the refridgerator, opened the door, and Coulson took some things out.
"Seracha? Beer? That's all? What kind of diet is that?"
"I like it," the little girl laughed. Simmons smiled.
"I also have tea," she said. "And if my diet is such a concern, then perhaps deathdrops shouldn't involve fastfood."
"Woah, we visited that protocol," Coulson answered.
"We picked up some groceries," the little girl giggled. Three on one that was Nyla, transformed into a little child.
"We got steak, fingerling potatoes, cale, organic. It's basic, but I do good, basic."
"WE. We do good, basic, smart-ass," the little girl grinned. Yep, that was definitely Nyla.
"Nyla, we're inside. You can lose the four year old appearance."
"What about a twelve year old?" She asked.
"Sounds wonderfull."
In less then a second, the little girl had become a twelve year old girl with brown hair until her shoulders, with exactly the same eyes.
"While Sanchez makes the table ready, and while I cook, you can debrief," Coulson said.
"Do you remember Donnie Gill?" Simmons asked.
"From the academy?"
"The smart half from the moron twins from the academy?"
A long, long story followed, and while Simmons explained everything during dinner, Sanchez decided to look some things up about Donnie in the wires. He would fit perfectly in her plans for the near future. And it would make his future only better.
"Gill was struck by lightning, while holding the device that created the storm. Perhaps, the electrical serge affected his system with a freezing aget?"
Simmons started an entire talk with Coulson about the operation, her position, and her cover, but Sanchez decided to ignore it. Too boring. Information about Gill, that would be much more interesting.
"A song of fire and ice..."
It took her a few seconds before she realised both Coulson and Simmons were looking at her.
"Eh... Forget that. But Coulson is right, Simmons. Tell selective truths. Being a completely other person, like me, that would be to risky."
Simmons said nothing for a while.
"So... How is everyone?"
"Fitz is okay. He's hanging in there."
"You think they're trying to recruit Donnie Gill as a scientist?" Simmons asked.
"That would be best case scenario."
Simmons closed the door, after letting Coulson and Sanchez out, but when she got back to her livingroom... There was Sanchez again. Sanchez "Like she knew her" Sanchez.
"Girl, we need to have a serious talk."
"But... I thought..."
She looked from the door to Sanchez, and back to the door.
"Well, the man doesn't need to know everything there is to know. Hear's the thing. I've heard you've been pretty mad at me for a while, because I didn't get Fitz his ass and yours from the bottom of the ocean. I had my reasons for that. And now, after all the bottom of the ocean crap, I hear you left him at the base with nothing more then lies?"
"I didn't leave him for-"
"For what, the damage to his brain? I know. I know exactly how you're feeling on the inside, Jemma. But think about the situation. He needed his best friend to support him, to get his mind back to normal. He needed someone who could help him. And what is it you did? 'Oh, look at me, I am Jemma Simmons and I can't deal with my best friend who has been changed by an accident at the bottom of the ocean, so I am going on a undercover operation to avoid him.'"
"That is not true!!" Jemma yelled.
"Oh hell it is!" Sanchez yelled back.
"Since when do you know what the best is for him?!" Jemma said. "What do you know about emotions? Having to deal with the fact that you can die any second, and with the point that your best friend just told you that he loves you?"
Sanchez sighed.
"Oh Jemma. You're so blind sometimes. For your emotions, for change, and you are blind for those who ar trying to help you.You will have a hard time in the future, I can guarantee you. But don't you dare to try insulting people like me. I might need to kill you if something like that happends."
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