Heavy is the head (6)
The first thing Lance Hunter realised when he woke up in the car, was that Sanchez and Hartley were gone, and that Idaho was dead. And he... He was stuck.
In the distance, he could hear a motor approaching. He grabbed his gun from his pocket, and kept it ready. When May kneeled down next to the car, he sighed in relief.
"Sanchez and Hartley are gone. Idaho's dead. Creel's on foot, but he won't be for long."
"Any idea where Sanchez and Hartley went?"
"No. They just vanished. When we get back, someone really needs to explain to me-"
"We'll get to that," May replied quickly. "We have to get you out of here."
"There's no use, it's jammed," Hunter said. "Don't worry about me, there's no time."
"Soldiers are comming-"
"Creel has the damn thing that affected Hartley her arm. You need to get him. Go!"
May gave him a laser, and ran back to her motorcycle.
"Good luck."
He started to cut the door open with the laser, but when he finally got out, he was already surrounded by armed soldiers.
"Hands on your head!!!" One yelled.
"On your knees!"
He groaned in pain because of the crash, and went on his knees, just as the soldier had asked. He could taste blood on his lips. Well, this situation couldn't be more worse.
"What the hell was Sanchez thinking?"
"I don't know, but it went bad, Coulson. Really bad. But according to Hunter, they had vanished out of the car."
Coulson was in his office, following May her status. He had no idea were Sanchez and Hartley were. But he hoped Sanchez would take care of her.
"So Hartley might still be alive," Coulson said.
"I don't know. You know how much Sanchez hates he damn thing."
"One agent down, one captured, and two who have vanished. This shouldn't have happend," Coulson responded.
Something on screen started to beep.
"Got a hit. 911 just picked up a stolen vehicle call on the road, older model, red-white pick-up."
"That's got to be Creel."
"May, you're approaching a civilian area without back-up, do not engage. Do you copy?"
At the same moment, Sanchez came into his office, as quiet as possible, because she didn't want to disturb him.
"Do you copy?!" Coulson asked again.
The only sound they could hear,was the sound of car brakes, and tooting cars.
"May, that doesn't sound covert!"
"I've got him, closing in!" She yelled.
"Do you want me to help her?" Sanchez asked.
"Not now. May, no, drop back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage."
"He's not looking. I have a shot."
"We can't just let him go, Coulson!"
"He is not working alone, and I wanna know to who he answers to. Drop back in the surveillance mode, now. That's an order, agent May!"
"Yes sir!" May replied. Both Coulson and Sanchez could hear she wasn't very pleased with this decision.
Coulson turned the coms of, and looked at Sanchez.
"Please tell me she is alive and you saved her."
"She is not dead. But she is also not alive."
"Don't start telling me you turned her into a zombie."
"I did not. But Idaho is dead, if that helps."
"Shut up. But if Hunter gets back here, and he hasn't talked, you can be sure he's going to ask you a lot of questions."
The Phone in Coulson's office rang, and someone on the otherside of the line told Coulson Skye and Tripp had arrived. Coulson went of in the direction of the hangar, while Sanchez went into the direction of the lab, and surprisingly, she heard saxophone music. When she turned her head around the corner, she could find Fitz, playing an old jazz song, while Hector the holo monkey was watching.
The jazz song was a familiar one. Sanchez had heard it often in the seventies and eighties, and in those movies where a guy sits in a bar on his own, drinking liquor until he's drunk.
It wasn't a very happy song.
"I'm happy that you're playing. I'm concerned about the song of your choice."
Fitz put the sax down, and sighed. Hector the monkey made a few monkey sounds.
"I'm grateful fo the sax. It helps me..."
He was looking for the word.
"I love to hear that. But that still leaves us with your song of choice, Fitz."
He sighed, and there was a lot she could hear through it. A lot.
"You don't need to say anything. May I?"
She touched his head, and then, she understood. He was grateful, because Mack acted normal to him, and because she did too, unfortunately as the only one from the old group. And of course, there was the cloaking. He had been working on it for months, and he wanted it so badly, but the others had taken the technology from the Quin jet. And that did hurt.
"Oh Fitz..."
"Don't 'Oh Fitz' me. Just... Don't."
Oh yeah. Like his problems weren't big enough, there was also Jemma Simmons. He had freaking decleared his love for her at the bottom of the ocean, and what's the girl her answer? Leaving him, just when he needs her the most.
She had to put on her list that she would have a good word with her.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
She had been running around for almost an hour, she was sure of it. She had no idea from where she was, or if she was still on earth. She didn't know.
She remembered nothing after the carcrash. Only thing she knew right now was that her hand turned out normal again, that she had woken up in a enormous garden, and that there was simply no exit.
She had crossed trees, trees, bushes, flowers, flowers, more flowers, a little stream of water, and a unicorn.
A damn unicorn. What the hell was this place?
"Ah, someone new, I see. Finally."
She'd sat down on a huge rock near a little stream of water, for... A few minutes, she guessed? Whoever was talking to her right now... He could better be someone good. She would probably kick his butt if he turned out to be someone bad.
"Whoever you are... Show yourself. I'm not in the mood for games."
"Ah... Not even for a game with magic?"
She thought to hear a small accent while he spoke... Chinese from origin, maybe?
"No. I want to know where the hell we are."
"Ah... Someone who knows what she wants. The mastress will like that."
At the other side of the little stream, a man appeared. She had guessed it right. He was asian, most likey chinese.
"The name is Chan Ho Yin. Welcome in the gardens of fate."
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