Part 5
Mark toppled back to the floor in surprise. He hit the floor with a loud 'thud' that startled everyone awake! Dark didn't even look fazed as he scanned the room. Matt had been laying the closest to the scene, and stared from Mark to Dark in turn. A look of confusion on his face as he asked Mark. "What's going on"? Before the others got a chance to notice that there was suddenly two Mark's, Dark turned his cold merciless black eyes on Matt. Pressing a single finger to his lips, Dark gestured for Matt to stay silent with an unsettling smile. Seconds later the flickering lights burst into a spray of sparks, sending the room into complete darkness! For a moment everyone was silent, then Ken broke the silence calling out softly. "Everyone alright"? Ryan and Felix anxiously sounded off... while Mark stayed paralyzed to the floor. He couldn't see an inch in front of his face! Could Dark? Was he still in the room? Dark had been standing before him... sliding his foot across the floor, Mark tried to see if his foot would touch something solid... like Dark's foot. While Mark's foot crept slowly out across the floor, Ryan called out hopefully. "Mark? Matt? Are you here"? Mark couldn't bring himself to answer until he knew if Dark was still there.
Just a few more inches and he'd know. Mark held his breath and scooted his foot quickly the last few inches. Nothing. Mark didn't get to savor the relief as a bloodcurdlingly scream pierced the silence! Matt! He sounded so far away! Mark heard everyone jump to their feet as panic was setting in. Felix yanked out his phone trying to use the light it gave off to see. Ken and Ryan followed suit and spotted Mark on the floor. Ken quickly pulled Mark to his feet, and together they slipped out calling for Matt. Matt never responded. Mark wasn't comfortable wandering around the house. Together or not, they didn't have as much knowledge about this place as Dark did. He couldn't share that with the others though. He still wasn't even sure Dark was real! Matt had seen him... Mark stopped and thought about that. Matt had seen Dark! Didn't that mean he was real? Ken stopped the guys at the top of the stairs, his voice taking on low defeat, when he told them. "We should collect some candles and move to the room with the fireplace". Ryan was the first one to yell back in disbelief. "And leave Matt?! We need to keep looking for him"! Ken turned to face Ryan. Mark could tell that he didn't want to say it... but everyone was thinking it. So, Mark told them all gently. "If he hasn't answered by now, chances are he's not going too. The longer we stay out in the open, the more people we risk loosing". Ryan stormed up to Mark, bitterly snapping back. "We didn't do that when YOU were taken! We're not doing that to him"!
Ken sighed heavily, telling Ryan as comforting as he could. "We don't even know were to start looking for him". Ryan huffed with disgust, telling them all bitterly. "I can't believe you people. I'll do it myself"! Ryan shoved past Ken and started to descend the stairs, when a voice sounding like Mark's spoke aloud from behind Mark. "Let me save you the trouble, Ryan"! Everyone turned panning their phones to light up Mark. Mark flinched from the blinding light against the darkness. Only to be grabbed around the neck by a strong arm from behind. Pinned back against Dark's chest, Mark watched Dark raise a large cocked revolver! He aimed it right at Ryan and without any second thoughts... pulled the trigger! Everyone cringed and tried to take cover, but Ryan caught the bullet in the shoulder! Ryan fell back, tumbling down the stairs loudly. As Dark shoved Mark to the floor roughly, stepping over him casually and calling out to a bolting Ken and Felix. "What's wrong, guys? Don't you want to play a real game"? Felix dashed into a room down the hall screaming out. "JESUS, MARK! WHAT THE FUCK"! Dark watched Ken dash into a separate room, and smiled to himself. Mark felt a broken banister rail laying by his hand and picked up. Dark had his back to him. He'd surprise him! Standing up silently, Mark swung the metal banister railing at Dark's head!
The banister collided with Dark and snapped in two like it was made of wood! At first Mark wasn't sure he had hit him. He was standing too still. Then Dark turned and Mark gasped. Dark's solid black eyes now had flaming red irises! Mark slowly started to back away, but Dark lunged for him! Grabbing the front Mark's shirt, Dark shoved him back against the wall! Pointing the revolver up against the underside of Mark's jaw, Dark's deep voice growled out. "Watch yourself! There are worse things than death"! Dark kept his eyes trained on Mark, lowering the revolver slowly. Softly Mark asked Dark. "What do you want"? Dark released Mark, smiling to show off his extending sharp fangs as he answered. "To drink & bathe in the blood of my enemies". Mark swallowed his next question. He didn't have to ask it. He already knew the answer. Dark's enemies were anyone that wasn't himself!
Dark backed away from Mark, heading for the stairs. Mark could hear Ryan groaning with pain at the bottom and couldn't think of a single thing to do that would help save him. As Dark started down the steps he called out over his shoulder to Mark casually. "Pain is only temporary, Mark. It lets you know you're alive". Mark moved toward the top of the stairs as Dark was absorbed into the pitch black shadows below. For the moment the only sound was Mark's own heavy breathing and Ryan's soft groans. He couldn't hear Dark traveling down the stairs. He was like a ghost. Mark cringed as he heard Ryan shout out from somewhere in the darkness. "Mark? MARK"?! Every fiber of Mark wanted to rush in and save Ryan... but what could he do? He was powerless against Dark! Sinking to his knees, Mark clutched his chest filled with agony as he whispered aloud. "I'm sorry, Ryan". The sound of something snapping was followed by Ryan's painful scream! Tears brimmed Mark's eyes, just as Dark's laughter filled the surrounding darkness. To Be Continued...
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