Chapter Nine
DarkMoss was woken by the sun peering into the woven bramble den. She lifted her head and seen a new nest next to Blazefire's. A fluffy white lump laid in it. Sootpaw. Wait no, she's Sootnose now, DarkMoss thought. She stood up, only a few cats where in the den, including the new warriors. DarkMoss gave a quick stretch before walking out of the den. The bright light blinded DarkMoss for a moment. Once her eyes adjusted, she could see the the clearing was nearly empty. The kits were fighting near Blacktip's den. Willowbreeze, Ottertail, and Heatherlight were lounging near high rock.
"DarkMoss!" DarkMoss looked behind herself, Snowkit, Quailkit And Lillykit, Who was dragging behind them slowly.
"Oh, hi guys." DarkMoss watched as the kits jumped around in excitement.
"Lillykit, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just tired."
"If you want, you can go back to sleep, just let Mistyheart know that I'm watching these two."
"Okay." Lillykit walked towards the queen's den.
"Why was she so tired?" DarkMoss asked.
"She couldn't sleep last night, so she stayed up." Quailkit told her.
"Oh, ok." DarkMoss thought for a moment. "Imma' badger! You can't defeat me!" The kits squealed and lunged onto DarkMoss' back. DarkMoss stumbled at the weight of the kits. She tried to buck the kits off but it didn't work. One of the kits cuffed her ear, the other one way trying to keep their balance.
"Go away badger!" Snowkit squeaked before playfully biting behind her neck. Snowkit And Quailkit jumped off of DarkMoss' back. They bounded in front of DarkMoss. Snowkit reared up in front of DarkMoss first, quickly followed by Quailkit. They both threw blows at DarkMoss. She swiped a paw at Quailkit, trying not to knock him over. He got his balance again and teamed up with Snowkit, they both lunged at DarkMoss.
DarkMoss pretended to fall, landing hard on her back. Quailkit And Snowkit jumped on DarkMoss' slightly lighter brown belly fur. She pretended to struggle to get back up.
DarkMoss walked into camp carrying a squirrel and vole. She was on a later hunting patrol with Rootclaw, Emberstream and Coontail. It was definitely more of an odd hunt, everyone stayed quite unless a cat caught something or was telling a plan. DarkMoss lightly nosed through the prey pile, finding a plump vole. She grabbed it and went under high rock.
DarkMoss padded over to Ashstar's den. She stoped at the side and looked up. The same stone den was where she made her announcements.
"Ashstar? Can I came in?" DarkMoss stumbled a little.
"Of corse." Ashstar thought for a few moments before responding. DarkMoss crept in, ducking under the low hanging entrance. She sat down and tucked her tail around her paws neatly.
"What do you need?" Ashstar asked.
"Tonight is when I'm meeting the rouges."
"Okay, do you want me to send someone else?"
"No, that's not why I'm here. I was wondering if they seem worthy enough to be BirchClan warriors if I can just take them strait to camp." DarkMoss shuffled her paw on the stone floor.
"Only if you think they're good enough. I trust your judgment, DarkMoss."
"Thanks Ashstar. Do you need me for anything else?"
"No, your good to go." Ashstar stretched and followed DarkMoss out of the den. DarkMoss looked up at the colorful sky. The sun was setting, causing an array of colors to take over the normal light blue sky. She let out a sigh, then walked out of camp. She turned left and headed toward the lake.
DarkMoss padded up to the creek, her heart pounding. She sniffed the air. No sign of them yet. She sat down and groomed her fur while she waited.
"Hello?" DarkMoss quickly lifted her head up, she must have dozed off. Fox stood on the other side of the creek. "Can I come over there, it'll be easier to talk."
"I guess. Where's your friend at?" DarkMoss tone was still a bit stern.
"Thistle come on!" A light grey tabby tom came out from behind a bush. He had gorgeous blue eyes. He jumped over the creek with ease.
"I'm Thistle."
"DarkMoss, why do you want to join my clan?" DarkMoss asked the two toms.
"We're both rouges, as you know, and we've heard a lot about clan life. It seems like it'll suit us well." Fox replied. I didn't know you have two different eye colors. DarkMoss looked a bit closer at fox's face, one eye was green, the other was brown.
"How do I know you aren't spies?" DarkMoss looked both cats in the eye. Fox looked frantically at Thistle, who kept a straight face.
"We're not. And we're not from that group of rouges from the other side of the gorge." Thistle told DarkMoss, Fox followed with a quick 'yeah.' DarkMoss quickly looked at Fox as soon as she realized that she was starring into Thistle's eyes. She let out a quick shiver, the sun was completely down, so it got chilly, quick.
"Let's head to your camp. It's getting late, your cold and we can let your leader decide if we can stay or not." Thistle resorted after a minute. DarkMoss agreed and lead the toms to camp. She stayed alert, waiting for one of the toms to try and attack her.
The three cats were nearly at camp. DarkMoss couldn't stop hoping that Ashstar would let the two stay, or at least Thistle. They both seemed nice, especially Fox.
"Are we nearly there?" Thistle asked.
"Just about."
"What's clan life like, well more detailed than what I've heard." He asked.
"If Ashstar, my leader, let's you stay, I'll show you around. Sound good?" DarkMoss replied.
"Of course." DarkMoss lead the cats into camp, Emberstream and Tuffwhisker were watching over camp as they slept.
"Why are you bringing rouges into our camp?" Emberstream asked.
"None of your business." DarkMoss kept walking. She lead the cat to Ashstar's den. Ashstar told DarkMoss to go to her nest, and that she'll talk to the rouges.
She lingered into her nest, careful not to wake all of the sleeping cats next to her. She walked in a circle for a moment before laying down.she tucked her nose under her tail.
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