Chapter five
"Come on DarkMoss!" Sootpaw ran into the warriors den. It had been quite a few days since she hurt her leg. DarkMoss slowly got up. The morning sun had barely came up, shining a faint light over the clearing.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." DarkMoss had promised that she'll take Sootpaw on a hunting patrol. "Is Blazefire awake?" DarkMoss asked.
"Yeah, he's by the entrance." Sootpaw replied.
"Should I ask Coontail to see where we're hunting today?" Coontail was Blazefire's brother and the clan's deputy.
"I think Blazefire already asked." The two cats walked toward the entrance. Blazefire was sitting their, twitching his tail slightly.
"Finally your here." Blazefire said sternly.
"Where are we hunting?" DarkMoss asked Blazefire.
"By the waterfall. But we'll also be hunting along the way"
"Alright, Let's go. Come on, Sootkit." DarkMoss joked with Sootpaw.
"Alright, Darkkit. Let's go."
"Are you guys going to fight the entire time?" Blazefire jumped in. The three cats walked out of camp, and turned behind it to head to the waterfall.
"Probably." DarkMoss sarcastically replied. Blazefire looked down and lightly shook his head.
"Quit being so serious. It's not just kits that can fun you know." DarkMoss told Blazefire.
"I think you go beyond the line."
"Oh shut up. You'll be doing the same before sunhigh." DarkMoss said.
"Sure." He replied vaguely.
"I smell a rabbit." Sootpaw butted in. DarkMoss and Blazefire sniffed the air. A trail went off into the bushes next to them.
"Good call. I never smelled it." DarkMoss replied to Sootpaw.
"Sootpaw, go around the rabbit. DarkMoss and I will stay here. You need to chase the rabbit to us, but if you can catch it. I know your fast enough." Blazefire directed.
"Okay!" Sootpaw bounded off quietly in the undergrowth.
DarkMoss walked away from Blazefire for a second. She crouched down and pricked her ears. Moments past, a russell of leaves broke the silence. After locating were the rabbit was, DarkMoss quickly fixed her stance. Sootpaw lunged at the rabbit, but just a whisker length behind it. DarkMoss and Blazefire immediately cased after the rabbit. DarkMoss ran as fast as she could, he shoulder starting to sting a bit. The rabbit was only about a fox length away from the racing cats. The rabbit quickly turned. DarkMoss turned nearly with it, Blazefire was turned a second late, nearly running into DarkMoss. She debated on looking back to see where Sootpaw was but she decided not to. Blazefire caught up to DarkMoss. DarkMoss looked behind, Sootpaw was catching up quick.
Sootpaw pent her ears down and screwed up her eyes. She lunged and tripped the rabbit. DarkMoss tried to stop, but slipped on some dew covered moss. She got her bearing and looked behind her. Blazefire has just killed the rabbit. Sootpaw was getting up from the ground, she shook out her pelt when she got up.
"Well That was an interesting hunt." DarkMoss stated, she sat down and licked her paw to drag over her head.
"Come on, Let's bury this and continue on." Blazefire commented. They buried the rabbit quickly.
"It's been awhile since I've been to the water fall. I forgot how pretty it is." DarkMoss looked down the gorge. The water fell down it, it hit a rock then fell into a small pool. Although she didn't know for sure, DarkMoss was pretty sure this is were the medicine cats go at half moon.
"I've never been here." Sootpaw stated.
"Yes you have." Blazefire told her.
"No I haven't."
"You caught your first piece of prey here." Blazefire argued.
"And it's not even sunhigh." DarkMoss added in.
"Really." Blazefire glared at DarkMoss.
"Yep." She replied.
"Can we split up?" Sootpaw asked.
"Sure, Sootpaw you'll hunt with me, DarkMoss I'm pretty sure you can hunt by yourself." Blazefire directed.
"I want to hunt with DarkMoss!" She playfully squeaked like a kit.
"She can hunt with me." DarkMoss defended Sootpaw.
"Alright, Just don't scare the prey away with your laughter." Blazefire told them.
"Okay." DarkMoss sounded like a kit that didn't get exactly what it wanted.
"Come on DarkMoss! I know a good spot!" Sootpaw bounded off a few fox lengths.
"I thought you haven't been here." Blazefire called out to Sootpaw.
"Well I've been here now!" The white apprentice replied.
DarkMoss and Sootpaw walked off into the denser part of the BirchClan forest. DarkMoss opened her mouth to try any prey near by. DarkMoss Had a eerie feeling that she was being watched.
"Sootpaw?" DarkMoss started. "Do you have the feeling that someone is watching you?" She asked.
"No. Why?"
"Oh, it must just be me then." DarkMoss told her. They padded on, the eerie brick in her fur stayed but, Small talk made the short walk shorter.
They shortly arrived at a small clearing surrounded by berry bushes. It wasn't long before a vole wondered into the mossy clearing. DarkMoss glanced at Sootpaw, who was crouching on the other side. She looked at the vole determinedly, only loosing her crouch to get a okay from DarkMoss. She repositioned her stance before leaping onto the brown rodent's back, snapping it when she landed.
"Next time try to be as quite as possible, but everything else was good." DarkMoss instructed. She heard a faint 'yeah Sootpaw!' Followed by a faint chuckle of laughter. DarkMoss stood taller, looking around for a cat. She heard a loud crack followed by a quick 'uh oh.'
"Help!" A wail came as something came crashing down from a tree.
"Aquaspear!" DarkMoss heard Brambletail yell, she was up in a tree above Sootpaw. Aquaspear landed heavily on the ground.
"Ugh." Aquaspear said as she rolled herself to her feet.
"What were you doing up there?" DarkMoss asked. "You nearly squashed Sootpaw."
"We where stalking you!" Brambletail ran up behind Aquaspear.
"We weren't supposed to tell them you mouse-brain." Aquaspear shook her fur out.
"Well now we can't hunt here." DarkMoss pointed out.
"Then let's go somewhere else." Brambletail replied. Sootpaw buried her vole then caught up with the rest of the new hunting patrol.
"DarkMoss, isn't Blazefire Sootpaw's mentor?" Brambletail asked.
"Yeah, we spilt up and Sootpaw wanted to hunt with me." DarkMoss answered. They found a larger clearing and hid in the bushes surrounding it. Large oak trees scattered around it. Before long the four cats had caught a few squirrels, two more voles and a thrush. They met up with Blazefire at the water fall.
"I'll be back guys, I'm going to get that vole that Sootpaw caught earlier." DarkMoss dropped the prey she was carrying and bounded into the woods.
"Well she's gone." DarkMoss heard Blazefire tell the others.
"Yep!" DarkMoss called behind her.
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