Chapter 25
"I'm going to get you DarkMoss!" Hollowkit declared. The orange tabby tom ran up to DarkMoss, batting at her muzzle. DarkMoss stood up, Whitekit and Sapkit was on her back. DarkMoss started to prance around camp, trying to throw them off. One of the kits fell of her back and bit her tail.
"I got you!" Whitekit mumbled through DarkMoss' tail. DarkMoss saw a smooth stone in front of her. She lunged up at it, hitting it with her paw so it skidded across the clearing. Sapkit jumped off her back, chasing after the stone.
"Look it's a mouse!" Whitekit and Hollowkit chases after their Littermate's call. The clearing was packed with snow, making the stone go The the entrance on the other side of camp. DarkMoss shook out her ruffed fur before padding over to the kits. The stone came back at DarkMoss, kits where following behind it. DarkMoss hit the stone again, sending into the leader's den. Whitkit, Sapkit and Hollowkit changed directions. They slid on the slick surface, their claws unsheathed trying to get some grip. Ashstar stretched outside of her den, watching as the stone slid into her den. The three kits stoped what they was doing as Ashstar walked into her den. The red and white tom stopped and looked at DarkMoss, almost seeming like he was planning an attack.
"Don't even think about it Whitekit." DarkMoss told him. She gave a small smile as the kit watched a stone slid out from underneath his paws. Sapkit and Hollowkit ran into each other, immediately tackling the other kit. After a quick moment of deciding, Whitekit joined in.
"Evening patrols will be DarkMoss, Aquaspear and Snowpaw, Shrubberry, Thistle And Adderclaw, you will go to the willow tree to the two-leg bridge, Adderclaw is in charge. Brambletail, Robinwing, Harefoot, Firelight will take the second patrol, Firelight is in charge. Hunting patrols will be lead by Sageheart, Windborrow and Sorrelleaf. They will pick who will go with them." Sapwisker called out. DarkMoss shooed Finchwing's kits away and joined her patrol.
DarkMoss followed a patrol out of camp, the snow starting to melt a bit. It was a day later from when DarkMoss fell into the creek, and was finally aloud to leave camp. Snowpaw had matured quite a bit since she was a kit. She's nearly a warrior now. DarkMoss thought, Snowpaw stood just as tall as Aquaspear. Only if Lillypaw could be here. DarkMoss had another wave of grief flood through her. A rainbow on the lake reflected the darkening sky. By the time they would make it back the moon would be a quarter of the way in the sky. A faint scent of fox trailed next to them. Based on the little chatter, DarkMoss let her mind wonder.
"Adderclaw, I smell fox over here. It's fresh too."
"I thought I smelled fox. Can you and Brambletail track it, meet us back at camp before dusk if you can." The red tabby tom replied. DarkMoss played the scene over in her head. It had been nearly three seasons since DarkMoss had wrenched her shoulder. The patrol pasted by the lake, going over to great oak. DarkMoss looked off into the thinking forest beyond their territory.
"Now how can a fox climb a tree?" DarkMoss gave a silent laugh at Brambletail's odd response. She had looked around confused when the fox trail had somehow disappeared. Sootnose was just an apprentice at that time.
"Now, crouch. Good, now creep up slowly." DarkMoss watched her apprentice stalk up to a mouse. She was about a tail-length away from it when she stoped. She lightly wigged her haunches, holding her tail slightly above the ground. Lillypaw kept a good position, then leapt. She reached down and bit behind it's neck. Proudly, Lillypaw looked back at DarkMoss, the limp mouse hanging in her mouth.
"Good job, Lillypaw!" DarkMoss praised her apprentice, it was her first piece that she caught. DarkMoss noticed Lillypaw's glaze drifted from DarkMoss to something behind her, then back to DarkMoss. Something seemed to crush her shoulder, pinning her to the ground. She struggled to look behind her. A glimpse of grey fur was all she got. Almost immediately knowing who it was, DarkMoss twisted in the dirt, getting her paws under Patch's belly.
"DarkMoss. DarrrrrkMoss!" Aquaspear brought DarkMoss out of her thoughts. "DarkMoss! DarkMoss? DarrrrrrrrrrrkMossssssss!"
"What!" DarkMoss jokingly snapped at the dark Blueish-grey she-cat.
"Hi!" Aquaspear ran up to the rest of the patrol, which was ahead of the two she-cats. DarkMoss bolted to her.
"You mouse brain!" DarkMoss called to her friend.
"No I'm not!"
"DarkMoss, Aquaspear, quit acting like kits please." DarkMoss halted at Adderclaw's demand.
"Aww, But we where having fun!" Aquaspear demanded.
"Fun doesn't keep predators out of our territory." DarkMoss was surprised at Adderclaw's stern tone.
"No rouge doesn't walk into BirchClan's territory without some cat knowing." DarkMoss defended.
"Yet six murders can happen and know one knows who dose it." DarkMoss looked at Thistle. He quickly looked away. DarkMoss gave a slight sigh in response.
"I'm sure whatever their plan or deal was is over with. It's been a little over a quarter moon since Branchwalker had died." DarkMoss told him. The sky started to darken, they was about half way to the ravine.
"Take it easy Adderclaw." Shrubberry padded up to the reddish-brown tom.
"I smell a squirrel." Snowpaw answered instead of Adderclaw.
"Well go catch it then." Aquaspear told her apprentice. Snowpaw slowly crept up to an oak tree, the rest of the patrol stood still, trying not to scare the grey squirrel further up the tree. Snowpaw started to climb up the tree, quieter than any cat DarkMoss has ever heard. Without the squirrel even knowing, Snowpaw managed to make her way onto the same branch as the squirrel. DarkMoss watched as the white apprentice crouched down, as if she was hunting a mouse on the ground. Snowpaw darted forward, grabbing the squirrel before it realized there was a cat stalking it. She quickly killed it with a swift bite to the neck.
"What are you doing on BirchClan territory?" Adderclaw hissed at the red and cream tom.
"Adderclaw, he's fine. It's just Sunfish." Thistle stood between the raging tom and Sunfish.
Sunfish was sitting towards BirchClan's end of the two-leg bridge.
"Nutmeg's gone, and Birch is threatening to kill her kits. Can you take them?" Sunfish said a bit scared. Thistle looked at Adderclaw, his eyes gleaming with plead.
"I'll ask Ashstar if we can take them in, Thistle and DarkMoss, go get them." Shrubberry answered before Adderclaw.
"Thank you, Shrubberry." Thistle told him before running into the rouge's territory, DarkMoss right on his tail.
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