Heyo Guys , real quick I wanted to talk give a litle background information on Mazia and InsAsezi. (Their my OC's)
So Mazia was inspired by Markiplier. You know how people ship their names with Markiplier?(ex:Jessiplier)Well I thought that had been done a thousand times so when I wanted to ship my name with Mark I came up with Mazi.Mark+Dezi=Mazi.But the way I came Mazia is when one day me and my mom were coming home from the store and as we were parking in the driveway my mom pointed out one of the kids that lives by my house and said ,"That's Mazia , right" and I said no it's Mariah and I made a character based on the name.I wanted to make her to have punk style so InsAsezi could be the opposite.
So my inspiration for InsAsezi. You guys know Darkiplier and Antisepticeye? (Obviously why do I ask?¿) Well I always wanted my demonic side of me (I've been called demonic on many occasions. Don't ask) I sorta twitch my eye when I'm pissed as well sooooo the only word I could think of was insane. So Insane+Dezi=InsAsezi.But I wanted her to look sweet on the outside but when you get under her skin she's more powerful than Dark and Anti combined
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