Chpt 9: Forest
Your Prov:
I woke up with Dark next to me.I'm so glad. He's actually really sweet. Someone I talk to with no words. He's one of those people I like having in my life. I shook his shoulder.
"Morning Dark"
"Morning lov-(y/n). Ready to go to the forest?"
"The forest? Oh yah. I almost forgot."Wait I don't have anything to wear.
"Dark. Can you give me another outfit?"
"Sure."*snap*He handed me a normal grey t-shirt , dark blue skinny jeans , and a loose jacket.
"Oh."*snap*He gave me boots that reached my knees.
"Thanks Dark. For ever thing. You've been the kindest guy here"I whispered.
"Even as nice as Mark."He smiled. I gave him a quick peck on the lips. He blushed. I walked out to the bathroom down stairs while Dark dressed on the roof.
^3^Time Skip^3^
As soon as I finished changing , I walked back up to the roof. No signs of Dark anywhere.
"Down here." I looked over the ledge.
"Jump down I'll catch you."
"Dark you're crazy. I'm walking down the stairs. I started to walk off.
"Come on (y/n) It's not far. Plus you can trust me."
"Fine."I sat on the ledge.Deep breath. I pushed myself off. Air blew my hair as I fell. I saw a blurry of different shades of green. I closed my eyes. Then I felt two hands holding my waist. I opened my eyes.I let out a heavy sigh.
"See? I told you I would catch you."Dark bragged as he put me down.I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah , Yeah." I punched his shoulder.We both laughed.
"I could've walked down."
"My way is better."
"Shall we?"
"We shall." There was a pathway leading to the forest. Dark keep telling me to hurry because there was something he wanted to show me.
"Alright. Calm down.
"I'm Darkiplier. I don't do calm."
I frowned and shook my head. The path was paved with pebbles. Moss gripping to the tree for dear life. Dark ran up ahead.
"Dark. Wait up!!"
"Come on!" His voice faint from where he was standing. He turn back around and keep running. I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore. I put my hands on my thighs. A dark blue butterfly passed in front of me and swirled around my head. I stood up straight. It flew to a rose nearby. I don't know why but I want to follow it. I looked back where Dark was and back at the butterfly. I really want to follow it. I'm gonna. The butterfly flew straight dodging a few trees and over a fallen tree one. I pushed the leaves and jumped over the log. I followed for a good while.I saw where the butterfly was going. There was a giant waterfall with all types of exotic flowers. Some of them in the water even glowed. It was breathtaking. I stood back a bit. It was a lot to take in. Suddenly a hand covered my mouth and other pulled me back. I yelled a muffled scream. I turn to see my attacker. No one. I looked around. Nothing but trees. Confused I stood up. As I turn back to the waterfall I'm nose to to nose with my attacker.
"Woah.Ok. Back the fuck up."
He grinned.
"You left me to die (y/n).You never came back that night."
"What are you talk-..Mark?"
He was all bloody with cut all over him. Blood poured out of his eyes. Burn marks as well
"I had to get away from Dark chasing me."He stepped closer.
"You wouldn't have come back anyway. You don't love me. Or would kiss me." He got real close to me. His breath hit my neck."
"One kiss. And I know for sure."
"Mark wouldn't test how much I love him. "
"Actually I would. You never said I love you."
"I have."
"Once. I tell you everyday."
"Now I can I get my kiss?"
"I'm not asking. I'm telling you. Kiss me"He dug his nails in my shoulder. I pulled his arm off and ran away.
"GET BACK HERE!!"I ran faster.
"Look behind you (y/n)"His lips touching my ear.
"Look behind you (y/n)" He insisted.
Don't look back.
Don't look back.
"You're not real"
Don't look back.
Don't look back.
Every tree I looked at at he was there staring. I kept running. I saw he was just standing behind me.
Suddenly the floor fell under me. I fell on my back on a giant pile of leaves. He crouched over the hole.
"All I wanted was kiss (y/n)."
He disappeared into thin air.
"DARK!! DARK!! WHERE ARE YOU!!"I screamed. I kept screaming. I didn't stop until I heard footsteps.
"(y/n)? Where are you?"
"Down here."He stood over the hole.
"How'd you get down there?"
"Doesn't matter how. Just help me out of here." Dark dropped some rope down and pulled me up. I wiped myself off.
"(y/n) Is this where you were you the entire time?"I spent three hours looking for you after I didn't see you behind me."
"No. I followed a butterfly towards a waterfull. Then someone attacked me. They started chasing me until I sunk into this hole."
"Who?"His voiced laced with anger , his eyes glowed bright red.
"I can't tell you."
"Because of what?"
"Because you wouldn't believe me."
"Tell me. I will. I promise."
"It was Mark."
"It was the Mark I saw laying on the steps the night you kidnapped me.He kept telling I let him die that night. It was my fault. I could've saved him. That I didn't love him enough to go back to save him. Then he asked me for a kiss. I refused. He dug his nails in my shoulder. He chased me until I fell."
"Wow.. I believe you. Don't worry."
"Yeah. This forest did the same to me. Except it was someone I killed."
"But I didn't kill anyone."
"Yeah I know. Your conscious just feels guilty you couldn't do anything."
"Let's head back."
"Yeah. I'm starving. "
Dark's Prov:
I saw what really happened. As soon as I noticed (y/n) was gone I looked for her. I found her five minutes later following a butterfly. I didn't interrupt because I didn't want the butterfly to fly away. She pushed the leaves away and saw the waterfall I was going to show her. She stepped back and fell. She screamed. She looked around , as if she was expecting someone to be there. She stood and headed back to the waterfall and stopped. "Woah.Ok Back the fuck up." She was staring at a rock. She kept talking. She was rambling excuses that she couldn't save the it aka.The rock.
Then she denied it. She scraped her shoulder on a branch and started running. Until she fell in the hole. But I won't tell her.
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